posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 10:01 AM
Originally posted by paperclip
It should also be noted that according to this statistic China hates us all equally
HAH! Good call. While holding an unfavourable view of someone does not support my case very well, the other statistics do. When nearly a majority of
an entire country support Laden or suicide attacks it implies that it isn't a small minority of muslims are causing all of the grief around the
world. We are fed 'but Islam is a peaceful religion' by our leaders, and their religious leaders; however, that appears to be rhetoric.
We could always trust their word, or we could note their actions/thoughts and take precautions. I know a lot of people distrust polls, but the pew
organization, much like the gallup uses strict mathematical methods to come up with very reliable results.
Your concerns are covered with (1) Random sampling, (2) Noted deviations, and (3) Simple, straight forward questions asked in the same manner.