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Children are depressing

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posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 06:45 PM
Ask any parent, and they'll tell you kids can be depressing at times.
And now a new study shows that raising children is a lifelong challenge to the parent(s) mental health

"Parents have more to worry about than other people do—that's the bottom line," said Florida State University professor Robin Simon. "And that worry does not diminish over time.

The depressing results seem to be across the board in a study of 13,000 people. No type of parent reported less depression than non-parents, Simon said.

Some parents are more depressed than others, however. Parents of adult children, whether they live at home or not, and parents who do not have custody of their minor children have more symptoms of depression than those with young children all in the nest, regardless of whether they are biological children, step children or adopted.

Not to sure what to say about this one, I thought that this was sorta already obvious to the general populous.

Comments, Opinions?

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Ask any parent, and they'll tell you kids can be depressing at times.
And now a new study shows that raising children is a lifelong challenge to the parent(s) mental health

"Parents have more to worry about than other people do—that's the bottom line," said Florida State University professor Robin Simon. "And that worry does not diminish over time.

The depressing results seem to be across the board in a study of 13,000 people. No type of parent reported less depression than non-parents, Simon said.

Some parents are more depressed than others, however. Parents of adult children, whether they live at home or not, and parents who do not have custody of their minor children have more symptoms of depression than those with young children all in the nest, regardless of whether they are biological children, step children or adopted.

Not to sure what to say about this one, I thought that this was sorta already obvious to the general populous.

Comments, Opinions?

I've been seeing more and more of these "common sense" studies, things the general population already should know (but, I suppose we can't underestimate stupidity.
). I'm waiting for an article to come out that says "A new study shows, breathing air is good for you!" I wish I could get paid to do these studies.
In one sense I can understand why some common-sense things are being studied (so that we don't just assume, but actually have data to back up our assumptions, no matter how common sense they may be), but it still evokes a reaction in me, mainly shouting a big "DUHHH!!! I can't believe someone got paid to research this!!" to the TV.

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 09:45 PM
But he also said there's a sucker born every minute. And history has seemed to support that. If children are depressing, then so are our partners. And our friends, families, pets, gardens, and nature too for that matter.
It reminds me of the studies done to determine if pesticide is poisonous. It was my understanding that people who start families outlive loners by quite a margin, so it must be an attractive form of depression.
And, on a technical level, nothing 'depresses' us. That is our choice.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 01:06 AM
Of course "Kids are depressing," especially when your business is psychiatry or psychology, and you want people to have a nancebo or reverse placebo effect from your statements.

Yup anything and everything is a mental health problem, consider some of the new redefinitions of normal conditions of human existence such as "oppositional defiance disorder," yes kids tell authorities to "get lost," or "jump in the lake." I do not know anyone I grew up with who did not have what is now a mental illness. But everyone is mentally ill now in some definition, except of course those who do the defining. Strangely psychiatrists have a high suicide rate, but never mind that just sweep it under the rug!

Believe me kids are the greatest joy in the world, but shrinks are outright depressing!

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:12 AM
"Believe me kids are the greatest joy in the world" == SkipShipman

Thanks, SkipShipman, this topic was depressing until I got to that remark.

There is ALWAYS a good side. Many folks say kids are depressing and many
say the Future is depressing. I like those who say kids are our Future. So the
good side is that its our kids who make the future depressing ? Even better, they
will grow up as they become the future. Aint this a wonderful world.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei

"Parents have more to worry about than other people do—that's the bottom line," said Florida State University professor Robin Simon. "And that worry does not diminish over time......

Well, duh

Perhaps the "depressing" part is just "worrying" about your child's well-being, safety, future, etc.

I have to say life would be VERY depressing without children! They bring
so much fun and adventure to say the least!


posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by SkipShipman
Believe me kids are the greatest joy in the world,


Originally posted by SkipShipman
but shrinks are outright depressing!

Again, absolutely!

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:31 AM
What is depressing is that people might believe this BS.
Shirnks just looking for another way to justify, making people pill poppers and making the payment on their 7 series.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by b777pilot]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 05:01 PM
Not many things can make me laugh so much that I cry at 3am but last night my child had me in stitches, admittedly unintentionally!

I waited years for my child, THAT was depressing.
Now I havent enough minutes in the day to fit depression in!

Constant wittering can give me a headache so I ask my husband to please stop, lols.
Honestly, nothing brings more joy to my life than my child, even when he is severely testing my patience!! (usually through selective hearing).

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 07:49 PM
Kids are a blessing. By the bunch. Worrying about them is like worrying about the birds: it doesn't do you any good or them any good. Teach 'em what you know and let 'em go- they have this odd habit of surviving and hanging around and helping you and eventually reproducing anyway.

Depression is both a choice and a dietary problem. For those few folks with a systemic problem, medication can help. Choose Joy sounds trite, but it works for me, and since I decided to stop beating myself up for other people's benefit, I have more time to fish. Sweet.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 02:57 PM
I wouldn't say kids are "depressing" on their own. I have two of them btw - one is 3 and the other 2.

They can be SO MUCH FUN - laughing, chasing, tickling, hugging - its awesome.

Sometimes you want to kill 'em. Not REALLY kill 'em, but you know. They can be so stubborn and ornery and loud and crabby sometimes that you feel you are going crazy.

But then you peek in on them in the middle of the night and see how cute they are when they sleep, and you forget all the bad stuff.

Yes it is stressful raising kids, especially when you are trying to get a degree in chemistry and hunt for a job. But I get a rewarding feeling on the whole.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 07:40 PM
Sometimes, it makes me feel as if these wonderful "studies", supposedly done for our benefit, directly correlate with the sales of pharmaceuticals.

This particular gem, for example, seems to gently "push" parents into "accepting" their depression, and make them feel "okay" by it, because it isn't their fault they're depressed, now is it?

Heck no! Blame the kids! Hey, while we are at it, let's blame them for our anxiety, insomnia, obesity, and OCD, too.

I can blame the same things on my husband. Or MY parents.

I have three girls, ages 11, 10 and 8, and I like to believe that I am perfectly fine. No one has told me otherwise, anyway.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 12:25 PM
My experience has been just the opposite.

My life was dull and almost meaningless until we adopted my daughter.
Now every moment with her is a joy. Even those when she's giving me
a hard time about something. When I look at her I see life, goodness,
hope, love, sweetness, unspoiled innocence, the future, ....

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:54 PM
Take your crumb crunching little bastards and quit shoving them in eveyone else face. You had 'em, you deal with 'em, slack jawed mouth breathing douchebags. Quit having your little bastards kick my plane seat. Quit letting your little bastards run around like feral #ing creatures, because you think it's cute. For #ing chrissakes, you wanted them, you deal with them. It's not cute to inflict your little pieces of # on everyone else. Sorry, # you and your families too.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:19 PM
children are a responsibility and in todays society, most ppl get depressed when faced w/ responsibility. so, really they should have titled this "responsibility is depressing", IMHO.

My sons are most DEFINATELY a responsibility, especially when raising them on my own. but that doesn't depress me in the least. Since having them, I have learned so many valuable lessons to what life really is about; such as it's not all about 'me' 'me' 'me' nor is it all about 'you' 'you' 'you', and much more..... so my responsibility to raise healthy, kind, thoughtful, unspoiled children is a fair trade off for the true joy and meaning of life that i have been given in return through them. nothing depressing about that

[edit on 30-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:00 PM
Everyone reading this immediatly stop what you're doing and call your parents. Thank them for everything they had to do to get you to where you are at right now. Because let me tell you, raising children has to be one of the most stressful jobs in the world!

I'm a 24 year old male with two children ages 1 and 2. One way or another my life has developed in such a way that I, instead of my fiance, stay home with the kids. I have had my share of jobs but i can say without a doubt this is hands down the most demanding.

Just worrying about making sure they don't put small things into their mouths can drive you insane! You literally have to know where they are and what they are doing at all times. As you can imagine this is twice as difficult with two or more kids.

I'm at the point right now where I feel I have zero time to myself. I've noticed that within the last year alone I have become increasingly crass. Migraines are a daily occurance, and I'm talking the 'kiss the porcelain' type. My body is tired all the time and I hardly ever sleep for more than an hour or two at a time because the worrying doesn't ever cease.

With all this in mind I would say that while kids themselves aren't depressing, worrying about them can create depression. On a lighter note, teaching children and knowing you make a difference in their lives can be the most rewarding job.

Alrighty then, it's almost nap time so I got to make some lunch...

But don't forget to call your parents!

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:24 PM
Kids depressing.....nah....

Walking around any big box store and watching mothers with their kids; aren't they having a great time together?
Most of the mothers I see,
have a scowl and a furrowed brow, completely stressed by the situation.

Perhaps I'm selfish for never wanting children but I value my freedom much more than the alleged joys of parenthood.

More than a few of my friends that are parents, tell me they envy me,
Even though they appear the epitome of good parents.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:31 PM
children depressing,no way...i was depressed until i had children,they keep me on my toes....its difficult but that which is worth doing is only goal is to raise my kids to be respectful,responsible and in general,better than i am.but seeing as to how many people let their kids run around being little hoodlums i cant see why they would be stressed out,i guess if you cant handle the responsibility then keep your pants on

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Well, duh

Perhaps the "depressing" part is just "worrying" about your child's well-being, safety, future, etc.


There is an old - very old - folk saying (known in several variants, depending on the nation): "Small children, small worries; big children, big worries."

So... duh, indeed.

And I think it's high time these pathetic docs be told just THAT.

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