posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 03:23 PM
I dont wear fur because, like magestica, it looks tacky.
I wear leather however. I have no problems with leather. Cows are animals we raise to eat. After we get dont killing them, we use up pretty much the
whole animal. Thus, why waste its skin? I like leather. leather is nice!
But animal fur, I prefer to leave fur on critters, cuz the fur looks better on them, and feels nicer when its concnetd to a warm blooded creature. to
kill an animal just for his skin and waste the rest of his body is pretty lame. Unless you plan on eating the rest of that seal and polar bear, its
stupid to take his skin. Let him keep it.
Fur looked cool on barbarians and ancient people, but looks very cheap and tasteless on modern people.
Besides, i hold no objections to leather because cows are big stupid prey beasts meant to be eaten, and they are far from endangered, they are