posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 02:24 PM
Well Blade Runer, given Colonels current frame of mind, I wouldn't be surprised to see him come and shout that,
More smells I remembered that are nice are:
Good marijuana, blueberrys, skin (some people have a lovely natural scent), Marlboro smoke (reminds
me of cheese for some reason
), the smell of my upper lip (don't ask, it's like a mannerism, I just can't help it), hot drinking chocolate on
a cold morning (smells all the better if your really cold and tired), Marmite, fresh paint, fresh mint, the smell of a cat thats been indoors for
awhile, hmm can't thik of anymore at the moment.
I have noticed as well that each persons house has an individual smell. I think that this has something to do with our Prehistoric ancestors, who used
scents to identify each others tribes. It's an idea, anyway.
Smells I can't stand include: Matchboxes (especially used) and the smell of a rock or stone that has been scratched, it gives off a foul eggy stench