posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:34 AM
when i first read the OP and went to click the pictures, i was hoping for something along the lines of the flying ships you see in the original super
mario bros, you know - with the cannons everwhere and fans all around it supporting it's massive and blatant military size hahaha
i was a little let down to see it looks basically ( to me ) like four blimps fused together.. maybe it would at least be a good mobile strategic
center to run operations from in the sky, or near the battle feild, or perhaps it would just be helpful in some circumstances to have a mobile
strategy center?
interesting though nonetheless that this would be kept under wraps? why? huge blimps? who cares, why the secrecy for that? the logical conspiracy
theorist in me screams - is there more to this than meets the eye?