posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 08:52 AM
Bush's wiretappings are illegal and he knows it. But does he really care about spying on us? He says, "It's to safeguard the United States from
another 'terror' attack." If it is to safeguard us from a "terrorist" attack, then why the hell haven't we had another on of U.S. soil? The time
will come where Bush will try to defend this and it will come out that Bush violated the Constitution, a document that he is sworn to PROTECT BY LAW!
This some how doesn't come as a surprise to me considering he let 9-11 occur so it would make him look like a "hero." This is part of his
systematic revision of our civil rights and the Constitution of the United States. If this doesn't pull the blinders off of Congress, then what will?
It shouldn't be long considering most of the Bush backed congressmen will loose their seat come November. People just won't seem to speak up and say
that this is illegal and it needs to be stopped. The reason why people won't speak up about this is because they have been blinded by a false sense
of security.
I noticed that back in 2000, when he first got "elected" that I knew somethings were about to go down. Little did I or any of us know that the NSA
would end up spying on us. Congress should take a look at everything that has happened during this so-called administration's tenure in office. The
thing is, since it is a Republican controlled Congress, the Democrats can't do crap about anything that goes on in this country! Why is it that when
something in D.C. happens, other than the occasional bomb threat, nothing is said about it in the media? It just blows my mind that due to the fact
that Bush is simply stated, a moron in chief's clothing, and that he's still sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I got to looking into what Bush
has "done" in the past, and it shocked me to see it. Everything from dui charges to insider trading to spying on Americans, that man has done it.
Why hasn't this whole adminstration been thrown back into SOCIETY yet? The unspeakable offense of spying on the American people should not go
un-challenged. Bush, Cheney, and that whole crowd need to be impeached, thrown out of office and locked up in prison.
10 questions to ask and answer.
Why wasn't Bush's action before, during, and after Katrina investigated by the Judiciary Committee?
Why was Martha Stewart found guilty of insider trading and Bush Jr. not even tried and convicted of insider trading?
What makes people think that they are safe under Bush, when in fact we are at our most vulnerable point?
How can Congress and the Department of Justice not even look into Bush's spying?
What makes Bush think that he, and he alone, be ruler over everyone and what everyone does and how we go about our business?
Why did it take seven minutes for Bush to react to the events of 9-11?
Where did Bush, supposedly, get all of those ballots in Ohio?
If Bush stole both the 2000 and 2004 elections, then why hasn't anyone looked into it?
Why don't the bandwagoning American patriots not even care that our rights are being taken away from right under our noses?
The very last question...........
What will it actually take for both Bush and Cheney to be impeached and removed, forcefully if it comes down to it, from office?
[edit on 2/7/2006 by gimmefootball400]