thanks for that info djarums, hadn't double checked that yet.
Phin, the collective dream theory is intriging, I see my dogs legs and paws twitching while they dream, if they dream in the same sense as people do I
don't know. They may have a direct happiness to motor coordination situation in the dream state. Visual images may not be a part of it, geeze another
part of the research.
Tor, even the V-shaped formation of geese flying seems to indicate some sort of animal telepathy between each other, other than the expected reaction
ability from sight and the feel of airflow. I've never heard or read about geese bumping into each other in flight like people do in the streets all
the time. I mean can you imagine people flapping their arms running in a V formation looking side to side making it very far?
I don't think
In the darkness of a still night I heard a formation of geese flying over at a pretty high altitude. When I looked up and saw them, they changed to
big bats nad shrieked like bats too. When they were out of sight they changed back to geese. hahaha. My friend even remarked something like... wow did
you hear that, that was really strange.
I have this ability to 'see' things with my eyes closed, like bat radar. I was seeing dark clouds float through the room, my mind or aura until
It was like someone turned out the lights or dimmed them for a while.
But I have to wonder if these geese who are on some kind of instinctual magnetic compass heading north, didn't actually interface when I saw them
with my eyes. It would seem that if it were a projection of my mind tro relate to the telepathy of the geese that my friend would not have noticed
Just looking at visions has froze them several times. And since these visions are projection of my mind to relate to energy clouds, I am sure that I
spot these clouds before they recognize my presence. Kinda like scaring a ghost in life is great isn't it?
A lot of times cloud energy moving up my leg in the visualization of a spider just disappeared as soon as I looked at it. That of course ending that
particular particle mass of fear moving up from the earth towards my brain on my skin. But what I have a question now about, is whether or not that
fear just hyperleaped to the mind through the eyes. It seems so, for when this negative or positve telepathic enrgy decides to connect to a person, I
have found no way to stop it.
But what is the point of this type of telepathy, some have said it is worthless. The thing is I don't think it is worthless if I know it is not
really me that is scared to death, it is just some unknown bunch of fear particles in my brain from someone else.
I'll have to give it up for all the positive incoming telepathic vibes I've been giving myself credit for lately. If nothing else, many of your
statements indicate someone is knock, knock, knocking on heavens door. maybe a common dream is in order, I'll have to think it through, visualize
it, then have it, and ask y'all if anyone here on paranormal forum had the same dream as anyone else and give you a few details and see if you can
fill in the that's imagination
or not.
Really though, I think for something like that to happen you guys are gonna have to start behaving more like animals.
keep on truckin
Honor Seed