posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 12:55 PM
Nukes and not having them amounts to the same thing as the government wanting to keep the citizenry from having firearms,it's just a control
If a country wants nukes,and a country that already has them objects to their getting nukes,why do you figure that may be????.
Because the country wants nukes to keep the ones that have nukes from pushing them around,and the country doing the pushing has an interest in the
weaker country not being able to tell the powerful one to # off,more than likely cheap labor,cheap raw materials,the weaker country may just want to
be able to write a constitution that the richer country doesn't want to see written for fear of having to pay a realistic and fair price for the
goods it buys or steals from the weaker country.
It's never really about weapons as much as being about equality in the world,nukes are just scare weapons,when you hear about a country that is more
powerful than a weaker country,the weaker country not possessing nuclear weapons,using force and threatening using nukes against the weaker
country,you know the stuff is about to hit the fan,like it is right now..........
The countries that want nukes just don't want to be pushed around and taken advantage of any more,the media always makes it out to be something
else,the media lies,the cattle believe the lies..
Stop supporting the use of force,disarm the governments,then I'll cut my gun in half.