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Hate crime, terrorism; woman killed by knife attack

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posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 10:19 AM

A Palestinian man on Sunday went on a stabbing rampage on board a minibus during rush hour in Petah Tikva, killing one woman and wounding five others, in what police said was a politically motivated attack.

The terrorist, a student at Bir Zeit University since 2003, told police that he had arrived in Israel in order to kill Jews and quoted passages from the Koran during his investigation.

Yup, a definite problem, and it seems to be not just isolated and odd incidences. One might think there is a possibility that there is some sort of organized effort to see a group of people in that region as lower forms of life, or something.
The 22 year old kid can be glad that the norms and customs of his group aren't shared by the targeted group, as can be seen by the way he was handled:

The assailant, a 22-year-old Palestinian resident of Nablus, was reportedly overpowered by an angry crowd before police arrived on the scene.

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 10:33 AM
Are you trying to say that violence is "the norm" for Palestinians, while not for jews? I guess the jew who stole his army rifle and went on a killing spree had justification in your mind? Or how about the fact these jews are so uncivil they are even rioting against there own police instead of obeying their country?

My past here has taught me there is no point in trying to debate with certain people who may abuse their power, so i will leave it for people who backup your claims to post, i shall now leave your post which only use is to try to incite more hate and racism onto people already living in terrible conditions.

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 11:03 AM
Did I say that? The "norm" as in that every Arabian living that area conduct crimes against non-Arabs? I don't believe that was said.
Seems you want to make it appear that there is some sort of tit-for-tat situation going on over there. Would you like to go and look at it in such a light? It doesn't take a scholar of that region to realize the difference.
It also doesn't take a student of Islam to know what is taught, and how it effects the people.
By the way, I assume you are referring to the fact that the government of Israel is moving the "illegal" settlers from their homes. I suppose the difference is lost with you, that the settlers were not taught to behave in such a manner, by either the synagogues or the state, and that the government is not sitting idly by, but is moving in on the problem. The PA, now controlled by the Islamic Resistance Movement, can be said to be responsible for the actions that occur MUCH more than an Isrsaeli using a military rifle he stole.

Way to go, by the way. As you cannot discuss the topic in any form or fashion, you play the victim. There is no abuse of power, there is no intimidation, only a fella who runs and hides behind the same stale cover, and even throws the "racist" bomb behind him as he runs. Get new material as this crap is old. As far as the likes of you are concerned, the only staff member who should have an iopinion are the ones who agree with you. Another lovely view of the other side's opinion of freedom of speech.

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 11:30 AM
For what reason did this happen? Why were these people attacked, and would it take more than just one lone, crazed militant to do this?

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 03:29 PM
I think radical Islam has gotten too out of hand and in the name of "freedom of speech" a lot has been allowed to happen which shouldn't have happened. It doesn't matter if you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or whatever other religion you might practice, killing people because you think your religion tells you to do so is wrong.

I see a lot of people trying to claim that "it is happening in all religions", well you better check the facts because more than half of the wars and conflicts in the world have radical Muslims involved in them.

I see people claiming that president Bush is a criminal and even proclaim he is like hitler but the only recent cases which are similar to what Hitler did is what radical Muslims, Janjaweed, have been doing to Christians, black non-Muslims and even black Muslims alike, yet few in the world say anything about this or some try to blame the west for what has been happening with radical Islam.

Since 1983 radical Muslims have killed over 4.5 million people in south Africa alone in two jihads waged by the government of Sudan, and Islamic extremists want to spread this type of genocide all over the world.

Islamic extremism is a problem and i think it is about time something is done about it. We need stronger laws against this kind of behaviour and extremists should know that they can't hide behind "freedom of speech" to spread their hatred towards the west and their goal to "dominate the world by the sword once more."

[edit on 5-2-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 03:38 PM

Some 1,000 people tried to march to the offices of the United Nations and other aid groups in Fayzabad. Police fired shots into the air to disperse them, officials said. Nobody was hurt.

Take a look at the pictures, and look at the one that warns Europe of a 9/11? All this over a caricature? This is bordering on ridiculous. THey can disobey the laws of violence in their, yet Allah forbid a cartoon is drawn of their prophet. They are proving that they are hypocrites. What will happen if UN troops are killed in any of this?

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 03:44 PM
If there were stronger laws to prevent atrocities by extremist muslim or any other i don't feel it would change anything because what makes them extreme is that they will do anything to anyone to get their views and beliefs across and a little piece of paper saying 'you can't do it anymore' is gonna make more extreme.
The radical extremist idea needs to be irradicated via termination. Because the radical ideas have been imprinted into their heads it will forever remain. Trying to change their ideas will just make them more radical.
They will feel their ideology is being targeted and generation after generation their fight will continue.

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

Take a look at the pictures, and look at the one that warns Europe of a 9/11? All this over a caricature? This is bordering on ridiculous. THey can disobey the laws of violence in their, yet Allah forbid a cartoon is drawn of their prophet. They are proving that they are hypocrites. What will happen if UN troops are killed in any of this?

That is happening all over. On February 4th there was a demonstration against Islamic extremism in New York, and in other cities in the U.S. according to the UAC website, even though this did not make it to the news for some reason.

The following picture is the reaction from Islamic extremists in the U.S. to this rally.

Islamic extremism is way out of hand and they are using "freedom of speech" to spread their hatred of the west and try to lure more people to their cause to destroy the way of life of the west.

The above picture and other pictures of the demonstration can be found at the following link.

[edit on 5-2-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
I think radical Islam has gotten too out of hand and in the name of "freedom of speech" a lot has been allowed to happen which shouldn't have happened. It doesn't matter if you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or whatever other religion you might practice, killing people because you think your religion tells you to do so is wrong.

[edit on 5-2-2006 by Muaddib]

What a surprise you say that, Muaddib... especially when your President (and Commander in Chief) said to the press not long ago that "God" told him to attack Iraq in 2003.

Felled in your own trap, hey?

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by spearhead
The radical extremist idea needs to be irradicated via termination. Because the radical ideas have been imprinted into their heads it will forever remain. Trying to change their ideas will just make them more radical.
They will feel their ideology is being targeted and generation after generation their fight will continue.

The obvious spreaders of the Terrorist message are the Mullahs and so-called 'holy men' who sit in their Mosques day after day ruining the minds and future of the people they preach to. If someone were to target the so-called 'holy men' then you can be sure the other 'holy men' would STFU because of the fear of their own death.

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 04:35 PM
Know what, in the Bible it says to do harm to no one, and there's a part where, if you go into a town preaching the Gospel and no one will listen, shake the dust off your feet and move on. Nothing in there about forcing people to convert.

I understand that in Islam you kill the infidel.

No way that's the same God, BTW. God wouldn't tell one group to do something and tell the other group to do the opposite.

I don't hate Muslims BTW. I just don't like the religion.

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
What a surprise you say that, Muaddib... especially when your President (and Commander in Chief) said to the press not long ago that "God" told him to attack Iraq in 2003.

Felled in your own trap, hey?

Not really, first off the president has not called for the extermination of anyone if they decide not to submit to Christianity, second of all the attack on Iraq has to do with the regime of Iraq wanting to make terrorist attacks on the U.S. and aiding terrorists against the U.S. and the west in general.

The president did not "suddenly decide to attack a peaceful regime".....

Nice try to deviate this topic and on trying to change the facts....

[edit on 5-2-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 07:41 AM
I was in New York in Early December, and was involved in a verbal arguement with those guys. They were set up a block south of Times square. I asked why they were even attempting to push this agenda when that hatred took 3000 lives 40 blocks away. They got pretty upset and it got loud enough that people stopped, and then walked away. That is what is wrong with America. BTW, out of the 8 or 9 peopole that were there, most were college aged American kids with long beards.

These people are here to take the disillusioned youth and use them against us. The people of America are followers for the most part. Realize that I am not condemning Islam, I am condeming radical views twisted by religious ideology which is leading to death, riots and nothing progressive for the world.

Now, did he Bush say he will "Invade Iraq in the name of God!"? No, he is showing he is a religious man who felt that through his religion he was making the right choice. He did not say he spoke to the Cardinal, and he advised to invade.

Iraq was never a peaceful regime. Remember the 90's and all the air strikes ordered by Clinton? THis is not a Bush thing as many people try to state. Saddam was telling every neighboring country he possessed WMD's. It is not our fault he was lying to fend off his enemies, and we called his bluff. He could have let inspectors come but he played games. Iran is following the same road.

These people hate Americans, and all that we are polluting the world with through pop culture with 50 cent, Maxim and Starbucks. I have read that part of the reason the ideology of Al-qeada has not reached the US, is that most Muslims in the US are highly educated and/or working class people. They have the comforts that the mullahs warn of and do not want to risk the freedom they have for a violent mans ramblings.

Howeer, I caution America with it's youth and prison systems.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Amethyst
Know what, in the Bible it says to do harm to no one, and there's a part where, if you go into a town preaching the Gospel and no one will listen, shake the dust off your feet and move on. Nothing in there about forcing people to convert.

I understand that in Islam you kill the infidel.

No way that's the same God, BTW. God wouldn't tell one group to do something and tell the other group to do the opposite.

I don't hate Muslims BTW. I just don't like the religion.


I guess you missed the parts when the Israelites were told, by their god, to exterminate their enemies, even the children. Or when you kill gays if you find them sexing each other. There's plenty of other examples.

BTW, I think both religions are just as credible as each other (read: not credible
), so don't assume that I am attacking Christians and defending Muslims. Killing seems to be par to the course in both cases.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Originally posted by Echtelion
What a surprise you say that, Muaddib... especially when your President (and Commander in Chief) said to the press not long ago that "God" told him to attack Iraq in 2003.

Felled in your own trap, hey?

Not really, first off the president has not called for the extermination of anyone if they decide not to submit to Christianity, second of all the attack on Iraq has to do with the regime of Iraq wanting to make terrorist attacks on the U.S. and aiding terrorists against the U.S. and the west in general.

The president did not "suddenly decide to attack a peaceful regime".....

Nice try to deviate this topic and on trying to change the facts....

[edit on 5-2-2006 by Muaddib]

Do not try Muaddib. The US Army has killed tens of thousands civilians there. It's not only the regime of Saddam that was attacked, but the Iraqi population too... the massacres of Fallujah were made way after the regime of Saddam was dismantled and the war was "won". Even during the initial attack, people in their cars when gunned on the highways fer chissake! If the goal of this war was to destroy Saddam's grip on the country, then the US had NO other reasons to wage war on the country, even assuming that military presence was in a way necessary to avoid Saddam's return to power.

When you lauch a war by military means, you're automatically implying that you will kill people in the country that you're attacking. Bush used the argument that God "told" him to attack Iraq for justifiying the attack on one country and killing people there.

This is what you wrote in your earlier post:

It doesn't matter if you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or whatever other religion you might practice, killing people because you think your religion tells you to do so is wrong.

[edit on 6/2/06 by Echtelion]

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:29 PM

It was a Palestinian who stated that Bush said that God told him to invade.

Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'"

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
Do not try Muaddib. The US Army has killed tens of thousands civilians there. It's not only the regime of Saddam that was attacked, but the Iraqi population too... are the one that "shouldn't try"..... The U.S. is not exterminating a race, or a culture, but are going after those that want to spread more death and violence around the world and would rather see the west becoming Islamic or being destroyed.

You shouldn't try it...find out which have been the most violent conflicts in the world recently. i would have rather prefer that there was no need for war in Iraq to depose Saddam's regime and the terrorists that are there now. The U.S. and European nations are not trying to "exterminate anyone" but Islamic extremists are giving the world one of two choices, either convert to Islam or prepare to be exterminated, and it seems that the majority of Palestinians agree with this since they chose Hamas to represent them, unless there was corruption in the elections.

i have said it time and time again, not all Muslim people are like this, but Islamic extremism is dangerous, we have seen even some members showing the same ideas while others try to place the blame on the west on what Islamic extremists are doing and have been doing for longer than the U.S. has existed as a nation.

[edit on 6-2-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

i have said it time and time again, not all Muslim people are like this, but Islamic extremism is dangerous, we have seen even some members showing the same ideas while others try to place the blame on the west on what Islamic extremists are doing and have been doing for longer than the U.S. has existed as a nation.

[edit on 6-2-2006 by Muaddib]

So the War on Terror is a good startegy for shutting down "muslim extremism"? Open your eyes and look at what the news were in the past few years... Has international terrorism been twarted? NO. Has extremism in the Middle-east diminished of even disappeared? NO. It even grew bigger and more bloody in Iraq and Afghanistan, as thousands of soldiers have died from terror attacks and tens of pacific activists abducted and killed, and now the whole world is on the verge of a nuclear war involving at least Iran and Israel because of the US's recent foreign policy for Middle-East invasion and the Israeli government's commitment to rid the Middle-east of all the enemies of Israel. You even stated the election of the Hamas in Israel!

Don't you see that the US is ENCOURAGING its ennemies to fight against the western world? The War on Terror has a tremendously positive effect on muslim extremism! Through all possible methods of fighting muslim extremism in the world, war is by far the WORSE... but you know, I guess there are a lot of people in this government, and in other governments of the world as well, that are just too idiotic to see any better course of action than war.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 07:20 PM
Have anybody wonder why religion when mix with politics causes so much death in the world.

Since man kind has rely on religious and divine inspiration so many has die at the hands all kind of religious fanatics.

Very sad.

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