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How would they stop 50,000 of us from just walking into Area 51... shoot us all? Let's go!!!

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posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by StalkerZERO
Well I still think the best way is an all out assault with armored units both on the ground and in the air. Their spec-ops are fine enough to deal with small units of enemy troops or large crowds of untrained civilians but they wouldn't stand a chance against a large,heavily armored, professional force.
What if some Army general says one morning "Ok dammit I've taken enough crap from those spooks over at area 51!!" and then sends the 101st after them. We'd all find out whats over at that base real quick like.

Then that general would lose.

Picture the bunker-building ability of the full force of the US govt.

I'd be willing to bet there are plenty of landmines and claymores laying around everywhere. And the buildings are what, 30 miles from the perimeter . . . or is it 50 miles by now, after the govt seized "freedom ridge?"

How many combat jets to you think they have there? I bet its at least a wing or squadron or whatever, and there are nearby military bases. I'd bet they also have some mortar companies, etc, handy, with all the local landmarks pre-ranged.

Didn't someone post on ATS pics they'd taken of assault helicopters they'd seen last summer at 51? With fighter support and ground units, any invading force would take serious casualties.

Gee, do you suppose that some of those buildings at groom lake might be . . . fake???? Bait to lure people like you into the wrong area of the base, just so, that when they have to bomb you into a greasy vapor, they don't have to worry about collateral damage.

I mean, hell. Fort Knox was built in the thirties, and it is still a serious bunker today. 101st could probably take it, but they'd take major casualties, since there ARE heavy artiliery units at Fort K., who HAVE pre-selected firing routines for the big guns: avenues of approach and all that.


posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 11:53 AM
Oh, hey....I'm sure there would probably be casualties your right. But with proper planning I don't see it being too much of problem to a professional, motivated force. They have artillery? Ok, well so would the portion of the army that would attack the base. Heck, if the general had any sense he could convince the opposing military base with arty to not launch an attack or at worse send in a special ops team to take control of the arty base. Landmines? They have ways of dealing with least enough to cut a path for the vehicles to get through. And as for the long as the assault force brings their own air support it should be a battle royale up in the sky....probably pretty to look at from a safe distance.

Lets say the president of the U.S. gets p.o'ed at the personnel at area 51 for some reason or there was an incident that got the area 51 staff into hot political trouble....they WOULD be in trouble. Especially if the people there decided to defend their teritory as if regular U.S. troops were the enemy.
I say area 51 would lose big time when it came time to roll up their sleeves and get into a REAL fight. That cloak and dagger swat team men in black intimidation crap would go straight out the window. In a real prolonged fight I say they would fold like a deck of cards.

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Originally posted by StalkerZERO
Well I still think the best way is an all out assault with armored units both on the ground and in the air. Their spec-ops are fine enough to deal with small units of enemy troops or large crowds of untrained civilians but they wouldn't stand a chance against a large,heavily armored, professional force.
What if some Army general says one morning "Ok dammit I've taken enough crap from those spooks over at area 51!!" and then sends the 101st after them. We'd all find out whats over at that base real quick like.

Then that general would lose.

Picture the bunker-building ability of the full force of the US govt.

I'd be willing to bet there are plenty of landmines and claymores laying around everywhere. And the buildings are what, 30 miles from the perimeter . . . or is it 50 miles by now, after the govt seized "freedom ridge?"

How many combat jets to you think they have there? I bet its at least a wing or squadron or whatever, and there are nearby military bases. I'd bet they also have some mortar companies, etc, handy, with all the local landmarks pre-ranged.

Didn't someone post on ATS pics they'd taken of assault helicopters they'd seen last summer at 51? With fighter support and ground units, any invading force would take serious casualties.

Gee, do you suppose that some of those buildings at groom lake might be . . . fake???? Bait to lure people like you into the wrong area of the base, just so, that when they have to bomb you into a greasy vapor, they don't have to worry about collateral damage.

I mean, hell. Fort Knox was built in the thirties, and it is still a serious bunker today. 101st could probably take it, but they'd take major casualties, since there ARE heavy artiliery units at Fort K., who HAVE pre-selected firing routines for the big guns: avenues of approach and all that.


[edit on 23-2-2006 by StalkerZERO]

[edit on 23-2-2006 by StalkerZERO]

[edit on 23-2-2006 by StalkerZERO]

[edit on 23-2-2006 by StalkerZERO]

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 05:17 PM
but if they were really serisouly planning to defend it they could hold an attacking force they would probally funnel the force into kill zones the attackers would suffer huge calliuties and many men would break rank run the soldiers morale would be crushed!! hell not to mention snipers on nearby hills and naplam if they really wanted to keep it a secret thermo nuclear devices could be fired 1000's of miles away and chemical wepons could be used it would be omaha all over again.

[edit on 23-2-2006 by radish]

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Or tell Michael Moore there is a ham sandwich waiting for him at the bottom of A51, watch that unstoppable mass tear through the A51 guards!

Me? I'd win the lottery, buy an army with full armor and the best weapons money could buy then take Bush at his ranch. WHy the ranch? Can't be anywhere nearly as guarded as the Whitehouse.

Then tell the government to invade Syria or I kill the Pres. Now why would I do this? Right now they are alrwady planning on invading Syria, but they need a reason. This way they don't have to stage another 9/11 but do it to save the preisdent.

Now with the government and military busy in iraq, Syria, and Afganistan I take my hired army to A51 and invade! Backed up by some tanks and helicopters could take it. Then fly the UFOs to D.C. and wipe out the government, all of them, and place myself as the King of America, pull troops out of the Middle East and invade Canada. With Alien technology on my side I wouldn't lose. Now that I have Canada I have a lot of oil so I say Bite Me to Middle East and stop buying their oil. They go nuts and kill each other since they can't kill American Troops anymore, and then make a deal with Israel before they take over the Middle East.

Now that I have those I move south and take Mexico, again more oil, then move into South America and more oil. Now that I hold most of the oil I take the world ransom, then nuke China and NK because they have nukes plus a billion people altogether who could make a nice army.

The world submits to me, I nuke the Vatican for the hell of it, literally, and now I have Satan supporting me as I use the UFO technology to take over the universe!

Wait, what was the topic again?

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 01:46 PM
First off Israel is surrounded on all sides by enemy nations that want to destroy her so shes in constant defense mode. So I don't know about what Israeli conquest your talking about.
But as for your other stuff it sounds interesting. Although the U.S. would never invade Syria at this point because they ate up all their political juice for invasions by takin saddam down......even though Syria should be invaded.
And as for your world conquest to get oil.....if ya take area 51 and start using their anti-grav ships and what not......
What need ya gonna have for oil then?

Originally posted by DevinS
Or tell Michael Moore there is a ham sandwich waiting for him at the bottom of A51, watch that unstoppable mass tear through the A51 guards!

Me? I'd win the lottery, buy an army with full armor and the best weapons money could buy then take Bush at his ranch. WHy the ranch? Can't be anywhere nearly as guarded as the Whitehouse.

Then tell the government to invade Syria or I kill the Pres. Now why would I do this? Right now they are alrwady planning on invading Syria, but they need a reason. This way they don't have to stage another 9/11 but do it to save the preisdent.

Now with the government and military busy in iraq, Syria, and Afganistan I take my hired army to A51 and invade! Backed up by some tanks and helicopters could take it. Then fly the UFOs to D.C. and wipe out the government, all of them, and place myself as the King of America, pull troops out of the Middle East and invade Canada. With Alien technology on my side I wouldn't lose. Now that I have Canada I have a lot of oil so I say Bite Me to Middle East and stop buying their oil. They go nuts and kill each other since they can't kill American Troops anymore, and then make a deal with Israel before they take over the Middle East.

Now that I have those I move south and take Mexico, again more oil, then move into South America and more oil. Now that I hold most of the oil I take the world ransom, then nuke China and NK because they have nukes plus a billion people altogether who could make a nice army.

The world submits to me, I nuke the Vatican for the hell of it, literally, and now I have Satan supporting me as I use the UFO technology to take over the universe!

Wait, what was the topic again?

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 01:11 PM
Lets say by some miricale you manage to get into the base without it being locked down. You manage to find out what goes on there and everything. what next, you wont just be aloud to walk out, the army will be waiting for you and the second you walked out you would be killed.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 01:56 PM
i'm pretty sure i propesed this exact same idea months ago in a thread called "a plan to infiltrate area 51"

only mine was more of a protest until they let us in


posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:22 PM
I see wat your saying but even if we did get past the gates there are blast doors , auto turrets and if there are aliens then there will probably be security adapted from alien technology

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:23 PM
I think you'd have a very hard time getting that many people and TV companys there, and most probably they would stop the prtest before you even got close. But then again, even if you managed to get there, i wouldnt put past the possability that american goverment would open fire on their own people.

[edit on 25-2-2006 by thomasmynm]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 07:18 PM
Or you could just stage a jog methane from some near by town and to the base at groom lake (which doesnt exsist, so says the government), so then we have around 1 million sweaty people in work out clothing running by the white jeep thats always parked near the entarence.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 06:05 AM
Plan is simple.
Find all the relative of the armed forces personnel.
Place laxatives in all of the bases staffs food on the day of the attack.
Storm the base with the relatives.
They will have the #s and wont shot at their own Parents or Wives.
Base taken

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Plan is simple.
Find all the relative of the armed forces personnel.
Place laxatives in all of the bases staffs food on the day of the attack.
Storm the base with the relatives.
They will have the #s and wont shot at their own Parents or Wives.
Base taken

Not bad! Not bad at all.

But the thing with the relatives. I dunno would be over my limit for ruthlessness. But ya know if certain people on this planet want to know whats going on over there at area 51 it would be easy for them to find out. Probably some corporate shmoes with enough money and connections could simply pick up a phone and find out. The raiding of the base idea is just for more common folk to be able to find out. At least thats what I think.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 07:25 AM
The thing is even if you managed to get in out and spread the word, who will believe you. You run outside and say "I was in Area 51, there are aliens and anti-gravity ships there, me and 50,000 people saw them!" I mean could'nt you just round up tons of people and SAY youve seen area 51? I think that will be more along the lines of what people are going to think. The only actual reason you may go in there is for self-closure. Either way, i think you should skip the "fight back" tactic altogether, you will always be out gunned and probably out numbered. You should just get full riot gear, and move in like a turtle holding the shields over you're heads.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 08:09 AM
You really want to know how to take area 51. First off, you make a cube(s), 20ft by 20ft. Now, you reinforce the cube(s) with steel, armor, kevlar the works. You put tank tracks so it can move. You cut slits in the sides for the weapons to fire out. You rig it up with parachutes, And maybe a turret cannon on top. You hire some cargo helicopters, to load the cube(s) on, or in. You then make sure the cube can take flak, missles, bombs, explosions. You then fly the helicopter just outside the main fence, you drop the cube(s). Now you have a heavly fortified cube(s). You then drive the cube(s) into the base. While the security is focused on the cube(s), you send in the media and the civilians to get photos. Simple as that.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 08:36 AM
Hmmm...while this idea sounds absolutely could work, but I don't think people would want to get shot. Heck I wouldn't do it to get shot either..

What you need to do is...develop a plan...much like in National Treasure, you have to plan* You can not just walk in with a bunch of people. that's just too absurd. What you can do is this..

*form a plan*

*build a small robotic machine to go in and take pictures of the place*

*secretly plant a camera on one of their vehicles*

*secretly hop in one of the vehicles and hide...*< I don't know....they could check..I guess you could do that.

*Find another underground cave entrance.*

*note* It is impossible to get inside Area 51, there is ONLY one idea! that will work...

REMOTE VIEWING. That's right, it's sort of like astral projection, what you need to do is get a bunch of paranormal people together. Close your eyes and imagine going there. You want to be in a relaxed phase before you do this. Then you all think about going there. Time it, after the time is over. Everyone writes down what they see. Make sure nobody else can see what they are writing down...then when everyone is finished, tell the results!!! It's as simple as that...and then you see what's going on. CASE CLOSED!

Then, when you get enough evidence, because you know armys use RV, so there ya go!!!! SOLVED! You can keep your evidence secret. That's the only way you will see Area 51. ALL areas...

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Harvestfreak
You really want to know how to take area 51. First off, you make a cube(s), 20ft by 20ft. Now, you reinforce the cube(s) with steel, armor, kevlar the works. You put tank tracks so it can move. You cut slits in the sides for the weapons to fire out. You rig it up with parachutes, And maybe a turret cannon on top. You hire some cargo helicopters, to load the cube(s) on, or in. You then make sure the cube can take flak, missles, bombs, explosions. You then fly the helicopter just outside the main fence, you drop the cube(s). Now you have a heavly fortified cube(s). You then drive the cube(s) into the base. While the security is focused on the cube(s), you send in the media and the civilians to get photos. Simple as that.

Oh I know! We could call those metal cube things with tracked bear with me em "tanks". Ya think it will catch on?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 01:15 PM
Right on! That is the power of the people, they can't stop all of us and they know it. Every revolution started the same way. The problem is always the same, most people are chickens and too scared.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
most people are chickens and too scared.

I would say people are uninformed and unorganized. - not scared.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 01:13 AM
Alright, first off any thing with violence started by the 50,000 is a big no no. After the events, no matter what happened we would want as many regular people on our side. I believe it would be hard to get the average person on our side knowing we attacked a US base, heck I wouldnt care if people were shot attacking them

I doubt the .gov would shoot anyone mostly because either way they win. Either way there is nothing at area 51 or, once they get wind of such an attempt, everything will be moved. You CANNOT get 50,000 people to do any type of actual staged event with out the gov knowing about it. All it would do if people were motivated to get all the way the gate I am sure the gov let news and a few people in, show them around "prove" there are no aliens and then jail those who organized the event. This would be counter productive if you ask me, period. You have a better chance working there then storming the place

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 06:48 AM
If you walk out there with a big Mob of people, they might use riot control techniquies! Either way, you're asking for trouble! If you start it, you'll be arrested and sent to prision!


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