Personally, i see this information as forward looking, 'over the horizon' , open source intelligence data....
but, of course, thats why i'm a conspiracy theory, guy...
There is a linkage...(syncronicity)...between all these different------> 'perspectives'
for example; the Islamic/Muslim...'black wind' with the appearance of " al Mahdi", during a 'special Ramadan'- (which may be this one; 25 oct-27
nov, 2003)
for example; the Hopi traditions/elders fortelling of a time when the 'Gourd of Ashes' fall over the USA...
(can this equate with the Muslim- Black Wind??)
i've never seen this web site as source, ever used:::
(perhaps because it is Matriarchal in nature ??)
then moving past the the current 'christian apocalypse' vendor:
the threads are really too long, complex, to present in a 'reader digest' type of your interested in Future Trends,,,follow the
but make your own conclusions & preparations....
NOTE that my own avatar has donned a protective gear....which will be worn until 9 november (another 9-11 sequence date)....
which also corresponds to a 'general middle' of the current Ramadan...when 2 different eclipses (darkenings) take place (special/different,
?time of black wind?....End-times?..Qiyamah->last day ?!
ya'll take care now....
[Edited on 3-10-2003 by riffraffalunas]