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Pentagon to keep civilians under surveillance

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posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:05 AM

So now the Pentagon has to spy on us for national security...again! But hey, it's to stop Al-Qaeda.

Pentagon to keep civilians under surveillance

But, isn't it funny that anti-war protesters are a threat to national security? I mean, it's obvious that protesters are with al-Qaeda, right? If you have an effigy of Bush, it might have a nuke in it! Or, you might have anthrax if you have an anti-war poster.

Looks like they're getting you ready for it with the NSA thing, huh? Basting you real nice, getting you ready to accept what they're REALLY doing. But it's cool. It's not like we have the right to protest the govt spelled out in some kind of constitution or something, right?

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:02 PM

Nothing, eh? Well, here's more.

'Wash Post' Reveals: Surveillance Program Has Spied on Thousands, Few of Them Terrorists

So, again, tons of people being spied on with few, if any, terrorists found? If this is supposed to find Al-CIAda, it ain't doing a very good job, despite the bull our Liar in Chief tells you.

Now, if they want to start spying on thousands of Americans for more nefarious reasons, I'd say that this is a huge success.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:10 PM
I back domestic surveillance 100%

I have nothing to hide, so I don’t care if I am being listened too. And btw: If you don’t have anything to hide, odds are you aren’t being listened to in the first place.

In my experience, only people who something to hide mind people looking...

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
I back domestic surveillance 100%

I have nothing to hide, so I don’t care if I am being listened too. And btw: If you don’t have anything to hide, odds are you aren’t being listened to in the first place.

In my experience, only people who something to hide mind people looking...

Did you even READ the, no, did you even read the TITLE? It said that few terror links have been found, despite thousands being spied on.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but I don't give a damn if I have nothing to hide. Who the hell are they to listen to us like this? Maybe you like these crooks spying on you, but, sorry, that's not an element of a free society.

I bet you would have no problem if pigs pull you over everyday and search you and your car, because you have "nothing to hide." Or, how about if they come search your crib everyday? No, no, how about if they pull you over and give you a cavity search everyday? Oh, but it's cool, cuz you have "nothing to hide."

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:34 PM
I just made a statement Truth,I know I didnt offer some elightening insight on the content of the article, not need to criticize. And yes, thats my opinion.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:39 PM
its not as much they have nothing to hide, its that if true, they are being watched because they oppose government actions. i think that would be an all time high for the terrorists if they played an extremely pro bush group, then went and bombed him because they would have never seen it coming.

i dont care if im watched, hell i hope they watch, but when they are watching me and labeling me as a possible suspect for terror because i said "this war needs to end because its morally wrong" then yea ima get angry. but screw em i hope they are listening, i have a few choice words id like to say to them anyway.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:44 PM
Well, a lot of people do have something to hide, and no, I do not mean terror links, although, you never know. A scientist has a new discovery to hide, a company has a new merger to hide, an agent has a new contract to hide, and most of all.....a politician has new ideas to hide.

If I were any of these I would not feel at all comfortable with the idea of government spying into my phone calls. I wouldn't trust the adminstration with any of this information as I'm sure many of these crooks would jump at the chance of insider information or dirt/preparation on a political rival.

Power, money, control, it's a cynical view, yes, but this administration hasn't offered much of anything better. Bush & Co. always seem to be always on the tip of a major scandal. But, hey, he's Christian, so he must be telling the truth.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:47 PM
excellent point jamuhn, im sure the stock market could be played well with all this spy intel being at hand. you know how those politicians love money. simply put jamuhn you hit it dead on, perfect.

You have voted Jamuhn for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

[edit on 6-2-2006 by grimreaper797]

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:48 PM
People being spied on by the NSA

-Anyone named Abude Jilam Al-quabaradonagra

-Tony Danza

-All the Bin Ladens

-Cindy Sheehan

-Anderson Cooper (They want to know who the mole is, damnit)

-Every member on Above Top Secret

-Anybody who voted Libertarian

-Everybody who ever googled anything

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
People being spied on by the NSA

-Anyone named Abude Jilam Al-quabaradonagra

-Tony Danza

-All the Bin Ladens

-Cindy Sheehan

-Anderson Cooper (They want to know who the mole is, damnit)

-Every member on Above Top Secret

-Anybody who voted Libertarian

-Everybody who ever googled anything

What? ATS members? Even the ones who grovel with glee and lick the boots of these criminals? Them too? No way.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:00 PM
Oh, Also, I forgot about a everybody in the magic bullet infomercial, they're all being spied on by the pentagon aswell.

who would've thought a blender killed Kennedy.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
I back domestic surveillance 100%

I have nothing to hide, so I don’t care if I am being listened too. And btw: If you don’t have anything to hide, odds are you aren’t being listened to in the first place.

In my experience, only people who something to hide mind people looking...

Nothing to hide? Hhmmm, we'll see.

I can understand your willingness to be cooperative, even if the level of cooperation requested is considered by some to be excessive. Perhaps you are one of those who respects the designated authorities, who feels most at ease knowing his place and keeping to it, who lives by the creed "The nail that sticks out gets pounded firtst".

But you must realize that many do not.

Many believe that "The Authorities", the government, is solely empowered by those who designate it, also known as "We The People". In fact, we believe this so strongly that when we first sought to form this government, which we were to empower, we included that very phrase at the very begining of its founding document; its Birth Certificate, if you will.

We feel that our place is above the government, that is to say that the government was created and empowered to serve We The People; it is not our place to serve the Government we empowered.

Many of us live by a different creed; "Live Free or Die".

Even if that death is at the hands of a terrorist deluded by hate and twisted by theology.

Now, as to having nothing to hide.

I work for a government agency. As such I have access to the personal information of millions of my State's citizens. Some of this information could easily be used to steal or create a new identity, misroute or falsify financial data, even implicate an otherwise innocent individual in a felony offense.

Of course, if I were caught doing any of these things I would be fired, fined, and imprisoned for a long time.

If I were caught!

And what of those I had wronged before I was caught? What hell might their lives be reduced to?

Don't kid yourself, it could happen to you!

All it takes is some one with a crack in his/her moral amor, some one with a need stronger than his/her fear of the odds of getting caught, at least not right away, to make an innocent pay.

The methodologies employed by the gov't in its search for "possible terrorist communications" is tantamount to hooking all the fish in a lake to find one shark.

Yes, I know, there are very few, if any sharks native to freshwater lakes. The irony is fitting, I think, given the number of actual "Terrorists" the Gov't has claimed to have ID'd by its domestic spying campaign.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar
I work for a government agency. As such I have access to the personal information of millions of my State's citizens.

I dont think you realise how many people we get on this board claiming that. I'm sorry, and you probably dont care, but 90% of the senior members here dont believe anyone that says that. We've just heard it to many times, and most of this time, they've been debunked. If you have some proof, that'd be great. Im sure ats would be interested.

Have a good day.


posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:30 PM

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:37 PM
Here's a little piece of advice, if you think you have something to hide, the police already know. It would shock you to know that the police in your town know exactly who is dealing drugs, who buys it and who the middle man is. DHS could care less.

However, what if the information garnered helped to disrupt a kiddie porn ring? or international slavery? or a major drug ring supplying terrorists.

If you have nothing to hide, there is no reason to be scared. IF you are worried about something, talk in code or don't use a phone. I mean, if you are doing something illegal, what gives you the right to privacy?

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by ReginalBigsby

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Here's a little piece of advice, if you think you have something to hide, the police already know. It would shock you to know that the police in your town know exactly who is dealing drugs, who buys it and who the middle man is. DHS could care less.

However, what if the information garnered helped to disrupt a kiddie porn ring? or international slavery? or a major drug ring supplying terrorists.

If you have nothing to hide, there is no reason to be scared. IF you are worried about something, talk in code or don't use a phone. I mean, if you are doing something illegal, what gives you the right to privacy?

Hey, it's the tough guy again! Here to bust my chops?

Of course the police know who's dealing; half the time, it's them. And, they can't bust the dealers who pay their fee because they're abiding by the rules of the CIA and the govt, the biggest drug runners on the planet. And DHS could care less? Please see the forum I linked to; it refutes that lie right there.

That info would take down slavers?

Man, that's too funny. They know who's involved in the slave trade, particularly the sex slave trade. And guess what? Dyncorp, one of the companies involved, has lobbyists fighting to keep the Pentagon from stopping human trafficking! Drug rings? Again, they know who's dealing because THEY are the dealers!

I don't get you "have nothing to hide" people. Again, tough guy, you probably didn't read how almost ALL the people spied on were innocent. That again proves that the "nothing to hide" thing is a flat-out lie.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by theshadowknows

Originally posted by Bhadhidar
I work for a government agency. As such I have access to the personal information of millions of my State's citizens.

I dont think you realise how many people we get on this board claiming that. I'm sorry, and you probably dont care, but 90% of the senior members here dont believe anyone that says that. We've just heard it to many times, and most of this time, they've been debunked. If you have some proof, that'd be great. Im sure ats would be interested.

Have a good day.


If they wish, the Moderators of this Board may, at their leasure, check my bona fides.

I work for the California State Franchise Tax Board.

Which is a state Government agency.

And in my position, I do have access to millions of personal income tax reports for both individuals and corporations; in fact, I have access to said information for anyone who has ever filed a tax return for the State of California.

And despite the various laws and regulations, both State and Federal, put in place to guard against the unauthorized release and missuse of income tax and related financial/confidential information, I know for a fact that such data has been co-opted and abused by employees in the past.

The point I was making was not intended as self-aggrandizement.

Rather, that despite best intentions, despite even laws and prohibitions against it, even in the face of severe punishment for violation, confidential information, as could be amassed by programs such as are being discussed, if misused, can put innocent people at risk for turmoil and even ruin.

As our own agency has found, much to its embarassment, it only takes one "bad apple".

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:59 PM
Those who taunt are generally those who are most afraid of bieng proven wrong. You are choosing to make this personal and you shouldn't, as I am a person just as you who wants to discuss worldly issues in a civil manner.

In this country, there is something called innocent unitl proven guilty. If you are innocent, then you are free to go. However, if out of the 1000's of protestors they interviewed, if even one helped to disable a domestic or foriegn terror cell, it would be worth it.

If you have something to hide, get a good lawyer, if not, you have nothing to worry about. What is so hard about that to accept?

(I will ask one more time nicely to please stop the tough guy #, OK? You are bridging posts and carrying this out to long. )

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 04:04 PM
ummmmm......just can't help but wonder.....

what were our forefathers doing, what did they have in their homes, what did they have to hide, that they were so insistant that their right to not be search would be protected by the founding documents that formed out country??? if they had nothing to hide, why should they have cared, right??

couldnt' have been the slave trade, that was legal, so wasn't any kind of drug. even if they had a few wives, wouldn't have mattered. umm....just what were they up to????

It's amazing though, the powers that be have twisted things around so much, that if you try to defend the constitution, and the rights granted by it, well.....YOU MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE!!!

a desire to not see my country go down the tubes and our rights frittered away.......and the courage to speak up about the actions that seem to be doing just that.......
ya, maybe that should be something to it???

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