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What is it with sites like these?

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posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 10:46 AM
I mean... conspiracies, ufo's, aliens, ghosts, paranormalities, and so on. Abovetopsecret is full of it. Many other places on the net alike, but when I found this huge archive of otherworldly questionaires it just shoock my system.

Untill I spend a couple of days reading thru it... finding no thing new.
Still the same old subjects, the same old questions everyone has, the same old answers everyone is giving, slightly changing according to vague new scienctific theories. But no progression! Get what I mean?

There is no coming closer to a definition of truth. I don;t intend to mix in my own idea of truth, yet. I am just wondering if no-one else is wondering why we keep poundering upon the same subjects without getting any wiser about the questions they initially create?

Why I ask? what is the entertainment in going thru the same loopholes in thinking over and over again? Maybe you say: wtf is this dude talking? we are looking for the truth about everyting.... well tell me, why aren;t you finding the answers? All I see is the same loops of thought, repeated over and over.

Just a thought. Peace.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 10:53 AM
Got anything new to add?

Oh, and you don't have to participate if you don't like it, some of us like to discuss these things, and you will find there is a fair amount of healthy skepticism here as well.
If something is false, it deserves to be debunked.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Toadmund]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 10:59 AM
Speaking for myself only, I would say it affords me the opportunity to join in on a collective that shares some of my beliefs and concerns. I came to ATS because of my interest in Ufology. There is a wealth of information available and some very learned members to whom one can bounce off ideas and questions. Currently there is a very exciting debate regarding Project Serpo with some of the principal players taking an active part on the thread. Of course there are many other areas that one can dive into as well. There is a kind of warm and fuzzy feeling that comes along with knowing that others have the same, fears, questions and concerns as I do.
Maybe it is not so much finding the answers as it is having a place to look for them!

Just a thought!

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:00 AM
yeah, but don't u see we're debunking and goin over the same stuff over and over again... that's my point

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by phiniks
yeah, but don't u see we're debunking and goin over the same stuff over and over again... that's my point

I agree that the same arguments and opinions do get bounced around on a regular basis and it gets tedious and there are certain members who have a specific agenda. But we also discuss everything from A to Z. There are many topics that I have learned to stay away from and others that I truly enjoying discussing. I enjoy reading through the New Post and picking the topics that sound interesting and then reading what is being discussed. Many times I will pass and move on but there is always something that I find that interest me, such as this thread and I will throw in my $.02 worth. I guess it is human nature to seek out others for companionship if nothing else. Humans are not creatures of solitude.
One can seat in a room completely alone with no human contact and sign onto a board like ATS and instantly you are surrounded by friends.
Anyway, I for one enjoy the ride!


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by WHOFLUNGGUM
I guess it is human nature to seek out others for companionship if nothing else. Humans are not creatures of solitude.
One can seat in a room completely alone with no human contact and sign onto a board like ATS and instantly you are surrounded by friends.
Anyway, I for one enjoy the ride!


I agree we need companionship, but I think a board would be the worst place for that. It actually gives u a false sense of being surrounded by people. Giving isolation the opportunity to grow further. I agree, sometimes small miracles happen, when someone seeks help on boards as a last resort and meets someone else and there is mutual understanding about the problem. But in the end, nothing beats a real life friend.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:34 AM
Well, myself, I tire of certain posts that I previously posted in rigourously.

So I just keep refreshing untill I find something new, or a new angle.
And to know there are others that wonder like me does give a warm fuzzyness, people who can believe in possibilities of something more.

Many people come together and if there is some interesting thing going on in the news, or internet land, you'll find it here real quick. All these people reading different things or seeing interesting pictures that are new and interesting will be discussed here.
You can decide if you think "Yeah, right!" or "Hmmm?"

I like it.

(my most monotonous boring post ever!)

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:42 AM
Why do discussions continue on and on and on with no conclusion? Because there are no new facts that lets us conclude it. Then after a group of people have forgotten about it and moved on, new members join and ask the same questions, bringing the discussion back.

It's a combination of the two things and it will continue to happen until new information is brought out on the various subjects. Which may never happen in some cases.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by LoganCale
Why do discussions continue on and on and on with no conclusion? Because there are no new facts that lets us conclude it. Then after a group of people have forgotten about it and moved on, new members join and ask the same questions, bringing the discussion back.

It's a combination of the two things and it will continue to happen until new information is brought out on the various subjects. Which may never happen in some cases.

Exactly, so in essence the author of this post, being new here, complained about subjects being repeated, yet the author repeated a subject that has been discussed many times before he / she arrived.

So, in effect the author has become part of the "problem" they were complaining about.

The chicken or the egg? The chicken or the egg my friend?

- One Man Short

edit for a PS: Good post hit it right on the head!

[edit on 3-2-2006 by One Man Short of Manhood]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by phiniks
But in the end, nothing beats a real life friend.

True but that is assuming that the board is used not as a suppliment to human companionship but a replacement. Which for me is not the case.
I am married, have three sons and a grandson. I work in a lab environment with a team concept. So companionship is not the main reason I enjoy ATS.
I can see that there would be those that for whatever reason cannot enjoy the amount of human contact that I do, such as disabled or homebound, who may seek the net for companionship. In that case I could see it substituting for real friendship. For instance, my wife is gone to Ohio to visit her family and I am left alone for the weekend. Now I am lonely but not truly alone because I know she is not physically here with me but she is mentally with me. Now the same thing could apply to an individual that does not have any physical human contact but finds companionship through the net. By loggin onto ATS and joining in on a topic that they truly enjoy and conversing with members that they have come to know, they are
fullfilling their need for human contact if only mentally. So, that is about as good as I know how to explain it. Humans will seek thier own by whatever means they have. We live in a connected world, it is what it is!

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 11:57 AM
Why do people watch football?

They do the same basic thing over and over. One side always wins.
So we learn which team is the best this season, it will probably be a different team next year, and another the year after that. It never changes. Kick the ball, run with the ball, get pummeled because you have the ball.... it just repeats over and over and over with no real purpose. There is nothing new to learn from football once you know the rules. It requires very little thinking to watch a football game.

Yet there are millions who find football highly interesting and entertaining.

I would go out on a limb and say that not so many of those millions tend to hang out here!

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:00 PM
okay I get the point, and you're right I am not the only one wondering. But given this current situation, wouldn;t it be nice to develop all these questions into definit answers? personally I think there's alot of new input that would debunk maybe half of the subjects on these sites, if people would stop connecting the new info wrongly to old stuff, or in the first place be open to it. I'm just gonna wait and see what happens. I'm not telling what I know, cause I would just be another debunkee

ps: I am enjoying your all warm and fuzzyness

[edit on 3-2-2006 by phiniks]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:02 PM
There's actually lots of new and intersting stuff that pops up on this site, its just mixed in with the stuff that is very popular.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:20 PM
I actually thought it would be great if ATS had a wiki. We could have an article on each conspiracy and keep them up to date with all the new data and finally conclusions. No speculation, just the facts of each thing. Sort of a place to refer everyone to that has questions. Actual discussion on the things would take place here, of course.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:21 PM
Personally, I feel the more exposure the better chance for disclosure, if that makes any sense.?!

How many times, throughout history, have astronomers cast their gaze upon the heavens only to see the same stars, etc. UNTIL, low and behold, "that one wasn't there before?"

The more eyes, minds, viewpoints and/or opinions a particular subject is exposed to eventually provides for a better understanding by all, no?

Just my $.02

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:59 PM
good point, 12m8keall2c

and yes LoganCale, a wiki is something I;ve seen in other related forums, but then there's the fact that all of this material is global... a well, this is the most global forum I;ve yet seen, so maybe something will come out of it, if it isn't simply buried in all the other stuff.

posted on Feb, 4 2006 @ 01:19 AM
Actually, I've learned quite a bit at this site. Besides the entertainment value there have been a couple new things along with good answers.

Yes there's lots of BS, but that's half the fun of it.

Sit back relax and enjoy the ride while you can. Every once and awhile you might just find an idea that you haven't read or considered before.

Not to mention the fact that I can BS sitting in bed without having to drive to the bar and hear the same old stories from the same old drunks.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 07:19 PM
Ill tell you why. I think that its because the government is guarding it too closely. Look at 50 years ago when stuff on aliens was almost PUBLISHED. Were working on minimal info, here, from 30+ years ago, and the rest from then on out is just theories and stories. Now, people are being secretly removed from society from finding things out about the government. If it had been this way 50 years ago, we wouldn't even know that Area 51 existed. Basically, the info is just not getting to the public.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 08:35 AM
I hear you. For one there are still people that havent got the basics.
The other, the info will come to you at the moment you are ready.
(all things fit where they need to...until then, most people hang around here....unlikely it will go further than where it is currently at, but that is as it is)

Gods Peace


posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by phiniks

Originally posted by WHOFLUNGGUM
I guess it is human nature to seek out others for companionship if nothing else. Humans are not creatures of solitude.
One can seat in a room completely alone with no human contact and sign onto a board like ATS and instantly you are surrounded by friends.
Anyway, I for one enjoy the ride!


I agree we need companionship, but I think a board would be the worst place for that. It actually gives u a false sense of being surrounded by people. Giving isolation the opportunity to grow further. I agree, sometimes small miracles happen, when someone seeks help on boards as a last resort and meets someone else and there is mutual understanding about the problem. But in the end, nothing beats a real life friend.

I hardly ever post here, but I'm always lurking. The great thing about MessageBoards is; 1)Debating 2)Unlimited points of view 3)Reading new info(This sight has a huge amount). 4)It's addictive like TV. This site in particular is very interesting, if you're curious, like myself.
If you're coming here to solve the JFK conspiracy, you will just get confused. It is highly entertaing to hear the 6 million different theories on something like the JFK assasination, though.

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