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Veri Chip talk on UK Radio

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posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 07:51 PM
This was on Radio in the UK just before Xmas 2005, late at night. The speaker was a talking about a Dr Richard Sealing (My spelling) from New York, USA, who is a big researcher and exponent of veri chip use on humans.

He basically came out to talk about research and use of Veri chip technology on the general population of the west,how it will be implanted into people with memory loss, chronic illness, and those the Goverments deem neccessary to chip. This was the scariest part; Its been approved by the Federal drug administration in the USA for use on the general population after a long trial at the Harvard Texas medical centre, and in conjunction with the Mexican Attorney Generals office, they have authorised production and use as a citizen I.D scheme.
Not only do they have the cost fixed at $200 per person, but here in europe there is a club in Roterdam where the clients have been chipped in a test study, and they use the Veri chip as a form of electronic money and entry scheme! They actually have these chips to be part of the clubs "Exclusive" clientel!

If any one has any other details let me know, but i for one am not having a veri chip in the back of my hand or on the side of my forehead!
(Mark of the Beast any one?!)

This post is a while after the radio show because my pc died a while before xmas....

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:18 PM
My dog's chipped, and I don't see anyone talking about conspiracies there.

PS Is the Greebo thing a reference to Terry Pratchett?


posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:25 PM
Im sure PTerry is in on to something! Oh my cats chipped too. Looking at something on discovery the other night (I know some of thier stuff is old) but they had some kind of payment system based on fingerprint ID as an alternative to cash - wonder where that went?

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:29 PM
I mean, if you use a debit or credit card in the UK, you're 'chipped' already, ain't you?

If I was being logical, I'd say that a chip in my hand would stop my cards getting stolen.

If I was being irrational, a bit of my hindbrain starts banging on about 'Mark of the Beast' etc. - that's what you get for being a lapsed Cathoic. Damn those Jesuits!


posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:34 PM
I use Amex - no chip and pin as yet. But we all carry some marks - I am going to the states very soon (yes I have been there many times) and now have the choice of a chip passport or filling in loads of forms - so I guess I will go for the chip - but its in my passport not me and when im home its in a safe place not on my person.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Silk
I use Amex - no chip and pin as yet. But we all carry some marks - I am going to the states very soon (yes I have been there many times) and now have the choice of a chip passport or filling in loads of forms - so I guess I will go for the chip - but its in my passport not me and when im home its in a safe place not on my person.

Signature: We Serve the One? *That's* a Babylon 5 reference.

So far this link has exposed my embarrasingly geeky reading and viewing habits.

Oh the shame.


posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:51 PM
you are the first person to EVER recognise that - ok we geeks need to be kept in dark rooms and fed flat food

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Silk
you are the first person to EVER recognise that - ok we geeks need to be kept in dark rooms and fed flat food

And you want to know the *really* sad thing?

I've just posted a thread about whether or not 'Battlestar Galactica' is linked to Mormon Prophesy.

I really need to get out more.


posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:54 PM
U2U me - its nice to meet a kindred spirit

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by MadGreebo
use of Veri chip technology on the general population of the west,how it will be implanted into people with memory loss, chronic illness, and those the Goverments deem neccessary to chip...Its been approved by the Federal drug administration in the USA for use on the general population...and in conjunction with the Mexican Attorney Generals office, they have authorised production and use as a citizen I.D scheme.

So what is the next deadly pandemic that will require everyone to 'prove' their vaccinated, "safe to be in public" status?

Sorry, you can't enter this Government building, airport, shopping mall, school, etc. (you may be a "walking disease bomb") unless you are scanned as "safe".

We live in a Global Village, we can't stop people moving around but we can't let diseased people spread death.

Anyone who refuses to be vaccinated is likely to be a "virus bomber", I don't want them shopping at my green grocers.

You couldn't possibly employ unvacccinated/unchipped people to serve or make anything, "safe" and "responsible" could come in contact with.

Chip everyone who is vaccinated so we know who is safe to have dealings with.....

Well it sounds an awfull lot like "The Mark of The Beast" to me, but the above, are just some of the many arguments already being made by those who deny the NWO or Biblical Prophecy, and worse still, by many 'Christians' who believe biometric/chip, scannable I.D., for "health and safety" reasons, is a good idea.

Is this also the beginning of the great "falling away"?

How many 'Christians' will give up their job, child's school, freedom to travel, ability to sell or buy food etc. instead of their faith? Put that way, how many who keep their faith, would escape being delared insane?

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 11:19 PM
Nanny Ogg forever!

Veri Chip. Im not sure people understand what it is, as they keep saying about credit card chips ect. RFID devices respond and transmit information when challenged by a reader device, and will contain ALL of your details.
Credit card chips store your PIN number. Criminals can all ready obtain card swipes, whats to say they cannot get RFID readers?

All im trying to say is that phones cards ect can be left at home if you want some peace and privacy. Veri chip will be in you. till its removed at your death or buried with you, and if you say no, well them thats a powerful tool to use against you by the soon would it go from voluntary to mandatory and have criminal offences for the un chipped, and how soon after would they start to with draw money production and have all credit on tne chips only?

Sorry people but im in the never ever camp on this one. No chips in me bar the potatoe variety.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by MadGreebo
Nanny Ogg forever! soon would it go from voluntary to mandatory and have criminal offences for the un chipped, and how soon after would they start to with draw money production and have all credit on tne chips only?

Sorry people but im in the never ever camp on this one. No chips in me bar the potatoe variety.

Good to hear a fellow Pratchett reader won't accept chipping.

There are more than a few countries that have or allow "policies" for permanant I.D. already.

It does seem like we're not far off letting the lie of 'global terror' and 'disease terror', make most beg for what they not long ago said they would never accept.

I used to wonder what would happen to make loved ones, parents and children, turn each other into the 'Government', as prophesised in the Bible along with the 'Mark'... untill I studied disease and vaccination.

Imagine if "they" "find" a "new" disease that is as bad as smallpox, but, can lay dormant as long as AIDS. Wouldn't the whole world be screaming for mandetory testing, vaccinating and the scannable proof of (chipping), for everyone, and 'dobbing in' relatives they are scared of being 'infected' by.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:24 AM
I'll never accept chipping..

I actually came across this RFID forum targeted towards youth and there were posts like 'oh man your so lucky you got chipped!'..or 'I'll be getting my soon..but my stupid parents are giving me problems'

though they have SOME benefits..most of the uses seem to be for lazy people who don't want to carry a wallet, open doors for themself, keep track of pets/even children..etc..stupid to me

I hope enough of mankind is aware enough to realize the negatives this carries...I'll never accept it!

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by TaupeDragon

Originally posted by Silk
you are the first person to EVER recognise that - ok we geeks need to be kept in dark rooms and fed flat food

And you want to know the *really* sad thing?

I've just posted a thread about whether or not 'Battlestar Galactica' is linked to Mormon Prophesy.

I really need to get out more.


Dont feel bad I did a thread suggesting Cobra from the G.I.Joe cartoon was an Nwo organization and that the show was used to desesitze youths to the idea of perpetual war on terror and the Nwo.

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