by the time you read this, the thread might already be gone, but:
ill post the important parts, (so not responses of "OMGLOL")
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My experience with the Black eyed kids Anonymous 11/15/07(Thu)23:22 No.341395
I'm posting here in the hopes of perhaps seeing if others have had similar experiences to what I've been going through for the last 2 months I'd
say. I'd ultimately like to get some answers to this serious issue that I've been suffering from, and eventually find a solution to this problem.
As I had said before about 2 months ago this extremely horrific paranormal event began to occur. It was about 11 pm, shortly after every one had gone
to bed and I was about to go to bed my self. I heard a very soft light knocking at my front door, at the time I thought nothing of it as I had just
assumed it was one of my friends coming by to say hello or something (A lot of my friends are night owls).
As I began to walk closer to the door I suddenly got this feeling of dread, as though I shouldn't be going towards the door and most definitely
should not open. Despite this how ever I pressed on, and slowly unlocked the door, twisted the handle and pulled the door back towards me.
As I began to open the door my heart raced even more so, and I began to shake. Upon opening the door to my surprise before me stood two very young
boys dressed in rather plain clothing. At first nothing about them stood out, how ever I could not control this overwhelming feeling of freight that
had come over me.
>> Anonymous 11/15/07(Thu)23:23 No.341397
Both of them had their heads down, and looked rather sad and very lost. I attempted to speak, but barely got out the words "Yes?". One of them, I'm
not sure which as they both had their heads down murmured "we may come in?". At first I was unsure of what they said, perhaps because I was too
scared to even think, so I replied "I'm...sorry w-what was t-that?".
That's when the one on the left brought his head up and looked directly at me. That's when I saw it, his eyes were pitch black. It was so noticeable
because I have a very bright porch light, and can see very well on it.
When I saw those eyes I didn't know what to do, I just stared. I stood there my jaw dropped scared dead still unable to move at all. That's when he
said it again, in very clear audible English "May we come in...please?". The please at the end sounded so angry and frustrated, it was as if setting
off a nuclear explosion during the dead silence. I swear their eyes were so horrifying, seeing absolutely nothing there but pure blackness. It was as
though I was looking into the depths of infinity. They locked onto me and just stared at me, reaching out at me..
I didn't know what to do, and I quickly slammed the door and moved very quickly down into the basement where there are very few windows. Through out
the rest of that night I swore I heard them moving along the house to where I was, asking begging to be let in.
>> Anonymous 11/15/07(Thu)23:23 No.341398
After that event it didn't happen again until a month later, and from there it began happening on what seemed to be a almost every other day basis.
Every night they are here they ask the same question, and every time I feel the same sense of dread. I don't always answer the door, most of the time
I try to ignore it and block out the sounds of their knocking and cries to be let in.
After doing some research on them I've discovered that they are commonly known as "Black eyed kids". There seems to be little information on them
as far as I can tell, and I was wondering if any one else has had similar experiences with them? I've tried every thing from taking pictures to
trying to record the sounds of their voices. Nothing turns up on the pictures, and only the knocking can be heard.
Please /x/. I need help. Can any one help me..?
(more in later posts, wont fit)