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posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 08:59 AM
anybody remember that song by the clash? They fortold it too!

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 09:17 AM
Of foretelling the future,in a comforting,enjoyable way,so we don't look too close ourselves at the possibilities while simultaneously being alerted to them,a kind of conditioning against reacting to the obvious.
They have their place,they are compensated well for spewing their views by the allowance the kids get from their parents.
If you need to be paid for telling the truth,is it really the truth?,is that how Janis and Jimmy got so depressed that they o.d'd?,did they?,or were they in a position to tell the truth to enough people who would actually hear them that they had to be eliminated?.
Funny how they seem to die at the height of their careers frequently,hmmmmm?.
JFK?,Lincoln?,MLK?,who else?.
The truth is a very dangerous thing to those who build their entire life on lies.

[Edited on 7-10-2003 by uNBaLaNCeD]

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 09:22 AM
they will probably say ohh these chips are to protect you and your familiy from terrorists...

or get a chip put in your child incase a peedophile kidnaps them...

why the hell would chips or id cards make a difference stopping terrorists.. id cards can be faked.. and you could always implant somebody elses chip...

its total bull#... if they think im having an id card or a chip they got another thing coming....

ive practically got one allready with driving licience...

why the hell would i want a dna tag or retinal tag on the id card...

that would be going too far...

[Edited on 7-10-2003 by The Blade Runner]

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 09:36 AM
So what if they know where you are....not like they cant figure that out now, like your address, where you work, your IP address, yadda yadda yadda...If your not doing anything stupid, you shouldnt have anything to worry about...

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 09:51 AM
thats a pitifull excuse...

its not about doing anything right or wrong...

lets just say you were mr big man in power do you think knowing what your employees eat for food.. tv habits internet habbits bookreading habits..

allmost when they go for a #...

do you think thats right?

what have 99% of deccent people done to deserve so much observation?

they are scared of us rebeling.. why should they be scared of us rebeling...

because they are bull#ting us...lies lies lies

and they get away with more and more everyday...

goverment safty is an illusion.. you protect yourself and your own you think if a professional hitman came and killed you and your familiy he would get caught... i highly doubt it...

where is your safety you sacrificed your freedom for....we are born free.. we dont earn freedom...its all goverment spun bull#... they have got us under so much control is unbeliveable..

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 10:11 AM
It's becoming a lost concept!.
It's about making a fool of yourself if that's what you want to do,while doing no one else any harm,and not having to answer to anyone unless you do them harm.
So I would say that allowing yourself to be monitored 24/7 would be giving up your liberties,wouldn't you?,how far does this have to go before stupid sheeples see the danger in it?.
Just keep thinking inside the box like those who control you want you to,see if maybe your last thought before you die isn't a wish that you weren't in a box.
A Prison,where you have consequences for stepping over a line that didn't exist until someone painted it to charge you money if you crossed it.
Some people will never understand?!?!?!?!?.
I really had a funny conversation once,it turned out the guy was a cop,we were talking about this very same thing,he said "If you ain't breaking the law you got nothin to worry about",I said,it seems to me that type of surveillance used to be illegal,and I would defy anyone who would make me live under a microscope like some kind of slave.
He called backup,some fat guy in sweats with a gun strapped to his ass,luckily I was just leaving,no more came of it.
Since when is it illegal to express your opinion?.
You ignorant ones are your own worst enemy.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 10:19 AM
Hell yeah guys....that kinda scares me though. Because if it is the end of times, the rapture won't take place untill the tribulation. Which means me and alot of other christains are due for some persecution. I don't like that at all, and there will probably be some world wide religion created and the governments will call the christains extreamists....just like they do to the muslims right now!!

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 10:34 AM
i dont think it has anything to do with any major relligion bob, its just rich men playing god...because the more power they get the more corrupt they become...

we are coming to the point where we wont be able to stand up against the opression and the bollocks...

its becoming like 1984 with these wars against invisble enemys.. and all this spying crap...

what next the thought police...

"ohh he is a dangerous man.. a potensial terrorist.. sure he hasnt commited an offence yet but he is anti bush so lets lock him up..."

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 10:35 AM
i am completely sick of it... i feel like going to live in the woods ...

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 10:38 AM

well now you are going into uncharted territory here arn't you,

I mean what do they really want anyways?

are they not now in control, do they not now have a lot of power, do they not now have a lot of wealth?

so what the frock do they want now?

what do satanists want and for who do they offer it?

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 10:43 AM
im just saying what next.. locking people up because they potensially might be a terrorist or something...?

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 04:04 PM
They want to monitor your every movement,that's becoming obvious,but while y'all are thinkin about that,they pass laws that make what was once a petty crime a terrorist act.......with very vague definitions of the scope of these laws they can lock you away like those guys in Guantanamo Bay,no message to your family,no lawyer,no witnesses called,just for having "suspected associations with known or suspected people who have suspected affiliations with suspected terrorists,ists,ists,ists" No #!,read those things,The PATRIOT Act and the VICTORY Act,this is how they ARE being used,and if a whole buttload of sheeples don't wake up,they will watch their loved ones,relatives,and friends who are awake and aware disappear,and it'll be perfectly legal.
DATSFUKTUP!!!,but I fear the potential of this happening gets stronger on a daily basis.
Peace,if you can find any........

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 04:36 PM
Chippitty doo dah,Chippitty day...
My oh my let's all get chipped right away...
Chippitty doo dah,Chippitty day...
Snatch all them pesky liberties away.
I just feel all warm inside knowing that my government thinks that I am important enough to be monitored 24/7,of course it's for my protection,isn't it?.

[Edited on 7-10-2003 by uNBaLaNCeD]

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 10:34 AM
"Eventually there will be people arested for being a potential terrorist" hell yeah...just like minority report. We are living in a police state allready man. It's going to come down to the wire because the people playing at medical god are going to have control of what we buy and whatnot.....

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 11:01 AM
...pedophiles yes, and other vile human beeings. Reason peeps will buy these devices are that they're terrified of something happening to their children. Having children of my own I can very well sympathise with them, especially after some of the awful stories one reads about from time to time.

I don't really see a future where we all are forced to where these control implants, and I don't think it's we should take off for the hills just yet.

Coz we won't allow this to happen, right?

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 05:49 PM
How many more will be terrified enought to allow themselves to be chipped,or their children?.
Do you really think that children should be chipped?,next heinous crime happens and the first thing they will find is a childs hand on a fencepost with the chip in it but no kid,every single thing that happens does not happen for no reason,it will get worse because it has to in order for the agenda to be fulfilled.
The government really loves to get those pedophile stories out there to scare the sheeple masses,they never even stop to think that they neglect their kids to chase material gain,to give their kids everything ,to perpetuate the lie,people don't need as much as they WANT,kids don't decide how hard their patrents have to work,stop wasting time on material garbage,kill your TV,stay home with your kid.
And accept the fact that you really have no control over anything,chipping wont' change that anyway,the freaks will get them regardless,like a camera in a liquor store recording the death of the store clerk,murdered by a guy in a ski mask that never gets solved.
Fact is that pedophilia has been with us forever,and it is no worse than it has ever been,the thing that has changed is instantaneous coverage of anything negative by the media and that parents don't have time to be with their kids,and whose fault is that you ask?,you probably never did and probably never will cuz it sounds like you swallowed the bait and it's securely hooked into your gut.
Kids are supposed to be taught by their parents,once again the butt of the problem is the lack of morals and responsibility,schools don't teach em what they need.
I could go on,but it is probably wasted time.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:02 AM
Well, your name seems to fit you well. You are fast to jump on conclusions about a person you don't know one single bit about. I merely stated that I can sympathise with the fear parents may feel for the safety of their children. I didn't say though that inserting a chip into your child is something good, but rather a desperate measure sprung out of fear. That's how I see it, comprende? I wouldn't ever insert a chip into any of my children, and I really don't have a reason to do so. You can be as paranoid and unbalanced as you like, but please don't ascribe me opinions I don't have.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 05:00 AM
Slowly they take away our liberties, but the mindless sheep are too busy watching the newest reality show to notice. It is only for our own good, right.

What's next after we all get GPS chips? I know, how about we all get implanted with remote control tranquilizers or better yet, cyanide capsules. That way if there is some killer on the loose shooting up a school, the police can hit the switch and incapacitate the perp. Don't worry, you have nothing to fear about having this in your arm if you do nothing wrong, it is for your own protection.

Gotta go, I think Joe Schmo is on...

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