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Concentration Camps

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posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 08:21 PM
Hello everyone
this is my first post, I just found this site today, and I'm very impressed. I'm interested in these concentration camps coming up all over the US. I'v been reading that they have been poping up at an advanced rate meaing maybe a dead line? I have a site that give directions to some in southern california, I'm in Northern CA, and would like to go find one this weekend. Anyone got any info on any in my area? Or any info on what there for, or anything?

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 09:09 PM
U.S. House of Representatives

By Don [email protected]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: GUN CONGROL: [Fwd: Emergency Alert: Wednesday 05/17/00]

Date: Tue, 23 May 00 16:45:43 -0800
From: Autymn D. C.
CC: "Christopher Ruby"

>Fact is, there's been a common thread of corroborating information on this
>subject over the years that reinforces the credibility of this
>post. Neophytes to this list or conspiracy lists in general may have to
>hang out for awhile to see the common threads that weave a tapestry of
>common sense. Those who lack discernment via pattern recognition
>capabilities may never "get it" and only get frustrated with the occasional
>disinformation on these lists.

Subject: Fwd: AMERICAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS 1100 |||||||||||| x
Sent: 30/5/1999 18.21

From: Byron T Weeks

From: "Charmaine Ferreira - Apocalypse Project"
From: [email protected]


Here is the camps info. 3-7-99

Note - If any of you can get to these locations and take some photos, we
would appreciate seeing them and will add them to this story. Suggest you
use caution and take a zoom lens along. Thanks to Don for this

Concentration Camp Locations in Southern California
By Don [email protected] 3-7-99

For all you disbeliever's and gun control idiots who think the government
knows best, I've compiled a short list of camps you can visit. These
camps have armed guards, surveillance systems, and many fences with the barbed
wire pointing IN. If you voted for gun-control, then you probably deserve
a place in one of these things, as you've sold not only you and your own
children down the road, but me and mine as well. Thanks a lot.

1. PEARBLOSSOM, CALIFORNIA: Located at the intersection of Ave 116 and
the Pearblossom Highway, this is a full-service facility, complete with gas
chambers, moat, machine gun towers, and roving armed patrols. Visit at
your own risk. If you do decide to see this one, you will be descended upon by
some very mean fellows, who will get your ID and license, then monitor

2. FILMORE, CALIFORNIA: Located on highway 126, this at first glance
looks like an orange grove and is located on the north side of the highway. It
sports guard centers, three--count em--three sets of fences, all pointing
in, and some very nasty armed men who tell you to "mind your own
business." This camp is huge.

3. SANTA PAULA, CALIFORNIA: This is a holding camp, designed as a
stock-yard type of facility for those rounded up in the early sweeps.

4. VALENCIA, CALIFORNIA: This is one of the largest camps ever
constructed and measures some two miles by three miles, using the reservoir at
the intersection of the 5 and 405 freeways as a cover. New buildings, armed
guards, new roads, and many hundreds of buildings for housing the damned.

5. GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA: Right behind Brand Park, take the 5 interstate
to Western Ave, then head north up the hill till you arrive at the park.
Then take the road -- by foot -- by the doctor's house on the northwestern
part of the park. Proceed up the hill to you reach the reservoir, which is in
fact, a holding facility. When we were there last, there were five armed
guards with M16s walking around.


Commentary on the Concentration Camps By Don [email protected] 3-7-99

Dear friends,

Recently, I sent out to the various news media an extremely small list of
Concentration Camps recently built by your United States Government. As
ithappens, very few journalists acted upon the information and shared it
with listeners/viewers/readers. Of course, once the information was made
public, I've now become slandered, attacked, and called all sorts of
names and the like. How interesting it is that when we bring truth to our
world, the messenger is killed, even if symbolically.

Many of us in the media have been aware of these hideous camps since
their inception. It only takes a look at the history of this century to know
what will happen in them once they are populated. The heart shudders at such
knowledge but ignoring it won't make it go away. The only answer is to
get the information out there in the world and make our elected government

I've personally visited these camps and have taken pictures. They are REAL.
They are manned. They have moats, motion sensors, inner berms to hide the
main complexes, guards at the gates, electric gates, processing centers,
and of course, high fences with razor wire and barbed pointing inward -
not outward - but inward to KEEP PEOPLE IN.

The larger facilities are called golf courses or water treatment plants.
When was the last time you saw a golf course (Portland, Oregon) with armed
guards carrying M16s? Why do the larger facilities have smokestacks? Ever
see a crematorium? The smaller facilities are usually holding facilities,
obviously designed for the short-term roundups prior to the hapless souls
being shipped off to their final destination somewhere else.

You have to know that it was never my intention to uncover this information
to frighten anyone nor to get publicity, as so many claim. As my readers
are well aware, I stumbled upon this stuff in research for a new book. I
have a family and want to see them grow up and they want to have a father
that is alive, not dead. Reporting this type of information has made me
very unpopular with the government and I've been warned many times by the
FBI to 'mind my own business.' Unlike many of my contemporaries, I've
chosen to research these camp claims for myself.

I HAD to see them with my own eyes. They do exist. But the real question
that needs to be asked - and asked fast - is why.

Why are they being built? Who are they for? Why does the government deny
their existence? A friend of mine and I discovered 32 camps in just one
county in Colorado alone. You can drive right up to them. However, the
Department of Corrections in Colorado, the Marshall's Office, the County
Sheriffs office, and the Federal agencies in Colorado all claim there is
nothing at these sites except the lonesome prairie. That's just a flat
out lie.

Because of the staggering amount of mail I've received on this, my friends
in the media - what few there are who have the guts to print the truth -
have allowed me to answer a myriad amount of questions regarding the camps.
No one - not a single person - has reported this information on the evening
news nor in their newspapers. Most of these questions are from the Internet
by people who have read the research material and it is their questions
that are being answered.

Q: Why such a short list?

A: This was a good question and I've given the reason much thought. We've
uncovered over 700 hundred camps so far. We have pictures to prove their
existence. The answer is: We wanted to get as much of a complete listing
as we possibly could before going public. The reason for that is obvious:
you can't research very much when you are in jail on trumped-up charges
or dead, can you? The other part of the answer is that we are still
observing the construction going on there. For the most part we are very
much watched when we visit them; we are stopped by armed men who ask to
see ID. This on public roads. Making a circus of these sites will only
get innocent people killed. Know this; if you visit these camps you will
end up under government surveillance, and these folks are not very kind.
Also, most, if not all the construction on these facilities happens at
night. Why?

Q: Where are these camps located?

A: They seem to be popping up everywhere. For example, in January of 1999,
there were no camps in Fillmore California, now there are two (March 1999.)
They seem to ring around population centers for the most part, with many
short-term 'holding facilities' buried in the hills and dales around the
inner cities. There are over 53 camps in Southern California.

Q: How do you determine if they are a concentration camp?

A: This one is easy. Have you ever seen a prison up close? They do have
certain features that are unmistakable from other types of things like
schools or churches. Here are the determining factors. It has to have:

1. Barbed wire or razor wire fences that point inward. Look at most
security fences. The top portion points out to keep trespassers out, right?
Prisons, labor camps and the like all have their fence tops pointing in so
that the inmates are greatly hampered in climbing them.

2. Some type of guard facility that is defendable and wired with microwave

3. Armed guards parading around in golf-pro shirts or Department of Water
clothing. I wasn't aware that our utilities were arming their employees
with MP5s and M16s. Even the smallest facility we found had five, count
em, five armed guards in tactical gear.

4. Tactical berms to hide the main complexes from the road. These also
have moats, not yet filled with water, that surround the inner complex.
The camp in Pearblossom is an excellent example of a full-service camp.
The people go in, but they don't come out.

Q: What was all that nonsense anyway about gun control?

A: My research into concentration camps revealed that prior to each
country's use of such things, they first disarmed their people with
gun-control propaganda. Personally, I'm all for gun control, as long
as it applies to true gun control - and that means disarming -
not militarizing - the police, the criminals, and the dictators the
world over. Have you ever seen someone gut shot? It's horrible.
However, when you find them rounding up you and your loved ones
(separating the parents from the children) you'll soon realize the
only factor preventing a repeat performance of The Holocaust is
firearms. The founding fathers of America knew what they were
talking about and had some pretty good insight when they created the
constitution. It is a well-known fact that the CIA created HCI (Handgun
Control Inc) and that it is a well- funded creature of the CIA. Why does
the CIA want America's citizens disarmed? That's the real question. You
can't have a dictatorship or Martial Law if the voters are armed, can you?

Q: Mr. Bradley, I think you are full of it.

A: That may be so, but if I am wrong, why is the government going to such
lengths to hide them in orange groves and other 'first-glance' disguises?
Why are they tapping my phones, following me around, and then following
the people I talk to? Why are those men and women in the media who are
publicizing my research being called by people who are trying to
discredit me as some kind of nut case?

Q: Are you scared?

A: Sure. Everyday of my life. But not for my own existence. Quite frankly,
after spending two years exposing Remote Viewing for the mind-control
sham that it is, I haven't been in good graces with the alphabet-soup

I fear that this knowledge may be too little, too late. Quite frankly, if
we don't get some public awareness on this issue and soon, we might all
be having some firsthand experience with camps. When they come for you in
Martial Law, they round up journalists who are independent, lawyers,
history professors, constitutionalists, minorities, and anyone who won't
surrender their firearms. As well, they also have been compiling, since
1994, lists of people buying food, weapons, clothing, etc., Again, the
right question is, why the lists? Why the camps? Why so many? Why moats
and electric fences? Why turnstiles that are color-coded for processing?
Why are there angry white (I don't know why, but so far the guards we
have run into have all been white males in their late twenties to early
thirties) guards carrying automatic weapons and telephoto cameras?

Q: When will you supply us with the complete list of camps?

Q: Well, I'm not sure if it will ever be complete. We've been to places
where there were only two camps (El Canon City, Colorado, February 1998,
for example) and went back five months later and there were seven camps.
The camps in Colorado, by the way, are huge in every sense of the word.
These, it seems apparent, are final destination or full-service camps.
Also, I am only one man. It takes a lot of time and money (both ever on
short supply) to research these things and I usually do it when traveling
on other business. Plus, having a machine gun shoved in your face tends
to ruin your day. The camps around Utah and Arizona are the spookiest
ones we've photographed. These are very clearly camps for the undead.
All the full-service camps have rail spurs and landing strips adjacent
to them.

Q: What are the purposes of these camps?

A: Read history, what of it in print they haven't managed to dispose of
by now. Camps hold people. They aren't prisons in the normal sense of the
word. A prison has a hospital, a gym, food facilities, recreation yards,
and cells for the inmates. Camps are like stockyards for humans. Very
little shelter and a great deal of death.

Q: What do you think the government's reaction will be to this report of

A: What it has always been: plausible deniability, a phrase and action
created by the covert agencies of this country. First, deny the existence.
Then, if that fails, explain it away with a limited hangout (short for
another lie, but this time with a small miter of truth.)

Q: When were these camps built?

A: By all indications, and since we've started looking at these things in
early 1998, it appears most of the larger facilities were started around
1995 and are still being modified. The smaller holding type facilities are
being rapidly built RIGHT NOW.

Q: How can I find one in my area?

A: It's rather easy, but you have to have two things: one, a mind that
isn't sleeping or daydreaming. Two, a watchful eye. That's how we did it.
We just started paying attention to our surroundings. The government counts
on most folks not even really knowing what is around in their own

Also, start looking at the fringes of your city, as this seems to be where
they like to place them. Look first for the fences pointing in that's the
most noticeable feature about the camps that you usually can see from the
road. Near Trinidad, Colorado, many of the outlying residents watched the
construction happen and were warned off by armed men without badges when
they tried to approach the builders. Most, if not all building, is done
at night.

Q: Why were they built?

A: That's the question, isn't it?

Q: Isn't there some other explanation for them, like a new kind of cheap

A: Really? Would you want to be in a prison with no shelter, hospital, nor
any other kind of formal living arrangements and exposed to the elements?

Listen, I wish these things didn't exist. I get sick every time I find
another one. I didn't create them, you know. The messenger isn't to blame
for the message.

Q: When do you think they will start populating these camps?

A: I don't know. But by all indications, they are being built up at a
rather startling rate. That indicates a time-line of sorts. A deadline
has been set and they are trying to get in place and readiness for

297 documents found - 0.0896 seconds search time


American Concentration Camps

Tales of American "Concentration Camps" Perpetuate Slander By:
Richard Estrada, Associate Editor Dallas Morning News - Sept. 26, 1996

CHEMTRAILS - Did An Airline Mechanic Stumble
Upon The Truth? 5-17-00

American Patriot Friends Network
Contrails (Chemtrails)


"In the beginning of a change, The Patriot is a scarce man,
brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however,
the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
-- Mark Twain

Big Brother - Conspiracies and Extremism

Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14, 1998


May 22, 2000

Learn From History: Don't Pass PNTR for China

By Rep. Duncan Hunter

It is often said that those who don't learn from history are
destined to repeat it. Congress should refuse to honor the
Clinton administration's pledge of permanent normalized trade
relations for China or risk repeating the deadly mistakes that
helped lead to World War II.

Lessons From World War II

Imperial Japan declared war on China in 1937. Regargless of this
aggressive behavior, the United States was the single largest
exporter of oil, iron ore (including scrap metal) and bauxite to
Japan, despite reports that those materials were being used to
build and modernize Japan's military.

In July 1941, finally recognizing the potential threat of Japan as
an aggressor, the United States froze Japan's assets and
embargoed oil shipments. Unfortunately, the damage was done.
Throughout the Pacific theater, our soldiers lost their lives at
the hand of a military built with American steel and aided by
American natural resources.

Meanwhile, Europe was following a policy of appeasement in
their relations with Germany. They believed that liberalized trade
would stimulate the German economy; Adolf Hitler would feel
secure; Germany would shift from armaments manufacturing to
consumer goods for export; and ultimately, Nazi Germany would
become a "normal" country.

The United States followed Europe's example and Americans
became the largest foreign holders of German government bonds
during the 1930s. U.S. capital helped build the Nazi war machine
that would take the lives of so many American soldiers.

Lessons From the Cold War

President Ronald Reagan's model for winning the Cold War
without military action was derived from lessons learned during
World War II. Reagan imposed unilateral sanctions and opposed
the West supplying dual-use equipment to the Soviet Union.

Reagan's more realistic trade policy helped bring an end to the
Soviet threat. It is this model that we should follow when
building a trading relationship with an aggressive foreign power,
not the failed policies that lead to World War II.

Today's Threat

China has begun an aggressive modernization plan for its
military, funded in part by a $592 billion trade surplus earned in
the 1990s alone. China's 2000 defense budget is a 13 percent
increase over 1999 expenditures, a trend of growing defense
funding that has spanned nearly a decade.

Meanwhile, U.S. defense spending has decreased dramatically.
In addition, People's Liberation Army companies not only earn
hard currency for military modernization programs through their
interaction with U.S. companies, they also play a crucial role in
espionage and proliferation activities on behalf of the Communist
Chinese government.

China, flush with U.S. dollars from a combination of Western
direct investment and huge trade surpluses, has partnered with
the cash-strapped Russians to purchase modern air superiority
fighters and long-range attack aircraft. The Chinese have also
acquired two Sovremenny-class destroyers armed with SS-N-22
"Sunburn" anti-ship missiles - a weapon designed specifically to
attack U.S. aircraft carrier groups.

In contrast, China is also developing new weapons of mass
destruction, including new land-mobile intercontinental ballistic
missiles armed with multiple-independently targetable warheads,
technology it acquired through illegal means from the United
States. China is also selling a wide variety of ballistic
missile-related goods and technology to rogue countries,
including Iran, Pakistan and Libya.

All agree that trade with China is making it strong. The U.S.
business community, often held hostage by the Communist
Chinese government to move technology and manufacturing
facilities to China in order to gain market access, is using its
significant influence to push through this legislation. Its mistake
is believing that a strong China is a friendly China.

Business lobbyists often claim that if the United States fails to
provide China with PNTR, U.S. businesses will loose access to
the Chinese market. However, the business community is more
attracted to China as a low-cost manufacturing base with
cheap labor and a lax regulatory regime than a market for U.S.

While China sends 39 percent of all its global exports to the
United States; we send only 1.9 percent of our global exports
to China. The idea that China will forfeit our consumer-rich U.S.
market in retaliation to a "no" vote on PNTR is extremely

Proponents of PNTR argue that a strategy of appeasement will
bring China into the global economy where it will act more
responsibly, switch production efforts away from military
modernization and focus on consumer goods. This is precisely
the theory employed by most of pre-World War II Europe in its
relations with Nazi Germany.

If we continue funding the Chinese military buildup through
trade and direct investment it will be to our detriment, and we
will pay with the lives of our men and women in uniform across
the globe.

Despite claims that China is ready to take its place in the world
economy, the facts cannot be denied. Over the last year, China
has issued several aggressive statements, including one by the
Chinese Defense minister that war with the United States is

These blatant threats, in combination with China's aggressive
arming of trigger-happy third world countries, demonstrate that
Communist China is not our "strategic partner."

Congress must not abandon our primary constitutional function:
to provide for our national defense. Some people deride those
who oppose PNTR as "protectionists." We should cheerfully
accept that label. After all, the young men and women of the
U.S. armed forces are certainly worth protecting, and it is they
who will bear the brunt of a heavily armed China.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) is chairman of the Armed
Services subcommittee on military procurement.
Gulag Amerika

Mario's Cyberspace Station
The Global News Portal

U.S. Concentration camps

U.S. Concentration camps nice photos for the future

"Fair Trade not Free Trade"


"If a President of the United States ever lied to the
American people he should resign."
- Bill Clinton, in 1974 while running for the U.S. House

"Everyone will be punished"

President Clinton,
The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation
of Title-50 War and National Defense subsection 783.

LINCOLN said "Study the Constitution!"
"Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislatures,
and enforced in courts of justice."

America Media Columnists (500) Listed By Names

Archive of past articles
American Concentration Camps

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 08:43 AM
wow...that definately answers one of my questions....I was wondering how much info a person can enter in one posting....

on the other hand....that's a butt-load of'll take a while for me to get through it all and then ask any questions....that is, if I can get motivated to start...

not bad stuff though....

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 08:51 AM
Do some searching on the web there is much more info on camps on the web these recent days.

Do not rule out another purpose for the camps as brief internment centres for people fleeing disasters. Some propose that upcoming earth changes will lead to major population dispersement.

The subject of gas chambers is obviously much different, and only means one thing. Extermination of certain people that would be deemed undesireable. These people would have various characteristics.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 09:06 AM
It's bunk.

You don't have to actually leave your house to research this. There's plenty of satellite photos on the web from various companies. Here's one:

Go to 100 Main for Filmore CA, and set that as your address. Follow Telegraph road (the highway) to the east and west. Zoom in and out as you like (and you can, as I did with one in Washington) even take your computer and go LOOK to confirm that these are honest photos (or at least reasonably recent photos.)

You'll come to the same conclusion I did: it's bunk.

The 'facilities' in Dallas that they said were prisons were a women's prison (it's full and operational) and a water plant (which has security around it because nobody wants nutjobs running in and dumping stuff in the water or wrecking water processing plants.)

Lots of groves and crops around Filmore. Looks like a nice place. Don't see any prison facilities, though.

Here's what a maximum security prison looks like from the air:
You can also spend your time looking up other maximum security units and see what they look like from the air.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 10:00 AM
you might want to contact your congress-person......because... they are busy voting to fund,
all throughout the US of A....

the UN & NWO & New American Century are supporting this project-porgram...

these (unlawful sponsered) camps (thinly disguised madrassahs) may indeed serve as 'concentration centers' after being erected, having served the purpose of training Muslim Youths....

and by the way....'emergency re-location centers'.??..yeah, maybe for the low rent riff-raff, like me, -->>but the survival mode, underground urban centres, for the continuation of government group...go to Va,Co,WV,MT...[the regional hubs...]among others...

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 10:05 AM

if it is true then earth changes involve a pole shift which could entail floods, ice age, major earthquakes, typhoons and all kinds of storms, and volcanic eruptions.

if it happened there would be major population shifts for obvious reasons and a degree on anarchy as a result of all this calamity.

thus the camps for the most part,

but they are also to round up NWO agitators and to exterminate certain categorized people.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 11:09 AM
I can account for at least 1 location that is invalid. I used to live in Glendale, and used to hike along the very path this person describes. I even hiked down to that area. There is NOTHING there but a reservoir, and I have NEVER seen armed guards there. People hike in that area all the time, and I would think that armed guards would draw a lot more attention than that. I don't know about the other locations, but I can say for sure there is nothing going on there.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 11:23 AM
Thanks for the site Byrd that site rocks. Is that the best one out there?

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 03:57 PM
I'm also new here and just found this site.
The concentration camps are seeming more and more real as the information I read over the internet seems even more real and obvius.
Here's another site about the camps, if's a very long page and may take some time to load if you have dial-up, but it's worth it:

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 07:26 PM
Ok, question is......

Who would be exterminated in these camps, other than dissenters?

NEO mentions this quite a bit. What people bearing what characteristics would be targeted for extermination? Other than political enemies, what else would die there?

Rcae? Body type? Intelligence? Who would be killed?

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 07:59 PM
Could very well be furnaces for a steam heating plant,if they are creamatoriums,they may be there in the event that there is some sort of disease outbreak,to dispose of contaminated bodies?,livestock?,burn guns?,heck,the whole camp could be for that,just in case there were some massive outbreak of a very virulent disease,I would not doubt that those in power have an idea of what it might be.....
Or it could all be for just general troublemakers,like me.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
Could very well be furnaces for a steam heating plant,if they are creamatoriums,they may be there in the event that there is some sort of disease outbreak,to dispose of contaminated bodies?,livestock?,burn guns?,heck,the whole camp could be for that,just in case there were some massive outbreak of a very virulent disease,I would not doubt that those in power have an idea of what it might be.....
Or it could all be for just general troublemakers,like me.

i think you're onto something with the disease theory. add "planned" to that disease scenario, factor in dead microbiologists, and depopulation agendas and, uh, ....hey i lost my concentration, ...maybe a camp would help me.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 12:23 AM
Who are the usual suspects?

who is feeling a bit paranoid these days?

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 03:21 AM
One group of people who might have to be cautious would be telepaths. People with ESP could be considered a problem to a government.
I don't think that concentration camps would be based on race these days. (At least I HOPE NOT!)
I HOPE NOTHING ever happens. Concentration camps for ANY REASON is not a good idea. It is cruel & inhumane treatment.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 03:51 AM
The guv is scared of everyone. They are nothing more than 140 yr old looking drugged out egos. Watch CSPAN sometime and you'll know what I mean. These people are freakin scary to look at. But more importantly they are more paranoid than the whole ATS community. If it keeps going you could get locked up for looking at one wrong, they do seem that fragile in the head. Our leaders are the most evil corrupt beings walking the planet and we are scared they are going to lock us in camps. H3ll no, F#ck That! Those camps are for overaged and overpaid politicians that don't know when to quit biting the hand that feeds it. There's only one body of people capable of taking them out and derailing their plans to live forever as bitter old men/women. That would be the U.S. armed forces. But guess what, they are spread out over 100 countries and are dying at a rate of 3-6 per day in Iraq alone. I'm seeing a trend here.

The truth of the matter it seems is that noone nowhere is going to stand up to stupid children that run the world. It's the 8th grader picking on the 3rd grader syndrome. They are scared lil kids that will defend their false ego to the point of killing millions of people. Of course, they won't do it themselves. They'll just use propaganda to get the poor people to go out and kill other poor people.

Good Job Humans!

Thinking about being sold out by my own race just warms the cackles of my heart.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 08:08 AM
The ones doing the accusing are the ones most guilty of the crimes or tendencies they accuse us of,like this sheeple thing,where they say we don't do it for ourselves so they have to take on the burden,the truth is that the citizenry is the burden bearer and the government is the parasite that benefits from the effort of the masses.
Those who do the least,who really produce nothing,are the ones who are given high esteem.
-Doctors cannot save your life in the end.
-Lawyers don't suggest that you learn how to
defend yourself because there would be no profit for them then.
-Cops just feed the system money that is siphoned away from the citizenry by making what were once rights into priveledges.
>>None of these things occur without first taking control of the legal system,once an entity has control of that it can do whatever it pleases,just make laws that make it legal to do whatever they please.
>I have said this many times,look in the opposite direction from the direction those in power distract you into looking,the world has been turned upside down and inside out,the truth is hidden in plain sight.
All you have to do is open your eyes and learn how to fix the wrongs that you see,the government is the one who pushes people to armed conflict,it is in our nature,but then we are an intelligent species,emotions make us do irrational things without giving them the thought,we are pushed past rational thought by intention,chaos feeds the system.
You can see it and smell it and feel it,but not if you don't realise it is there.
Just look around,with a little thought we will all realise that the chaos is caused by our being influenced to judge one another down here,picking on each other for things that are beyond our control to change,or some things that are..........The thing that always remains the same is the greedy bastards in charge,we will remain distracted from looking in their direction,they are the "Bad Guys",not us.
I think that I forgot to mention concentration camps in this post........................

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
Do not rule out another purpose for the camps as brief internment centres for people fleeing disasters. Some propose that upcoming earth changes will lead to major population dispersement.

The subject of gas chambers is obviously much different, and only means one thing. Extermination of certain people that would be deemed undesireable. These people would have various characteristics.

Some of them could be relocation camps in the event of some chem/bio or dirty bomb attack. They would quarentine certain aread involved in the disaster and haul the people to the camps under the guise of quarentine. My view, however, is it is even far more sinister than that.

Some are probably also there for political disidents, homosexuals, illegals, christians, muslims, gun-owners and any other group the psycho in chief deems too subsersive.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:26 PM
I personally think these concentration camps will be a Holding facility for the Christians/Jews, but I may be wrong.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:31 PM
Sumthin' like that! We should all be very afraid.

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