posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 08:16 AM
Originally posted by HS
Orbs and my sister, not uncommon!!
hey here's a foto i took on new year's eve. I have a digital cam and i saw a bunch of orbs in the previous fotos, so i told my sister to concentrate
on drawing spirits to here and this is what she got. . .
Question: Have you ever taken your camera apart and cleaned the dryed up moisture spots on the inside of your lense?
it's a brand new camera, i bought it on the 29th as a birthday gift to myself and i took the fotos on the 31st (new years eve). So i don't think
that i would have to clean it up that quickly. And if there were dried mosture spots on the lense, wouldn't the same spots show up in the same places
everytime? e.g. upper left corner every time i take a foto.
Also, you can clearly see that in 2 of the pix there were no orbs *and those aren't the ones where my sister took off her glasses to disprove that
light was reflecting off of her lenses and creating a flare, the orbs still showed up sans glasses*
So i'm not saying they're spirit orbs and that's all they could be. Buti don't think they're lens flares or moisture spots on the lens. But
thanks for the question. I always love to hear what people think about these pictures.