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So...Jews DO control Hollywood and the media?!

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posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by zerotolerance
WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Calm down, there soldier.

Read about posting outside sources here:

What you have done is called plagiarism. You didn't even post a link to it!

Plus ATS has rules against huge quotes. Maybe you should read over the guidelines about posting here again. (And there's nothing about Jews in there!)

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by zerotolerance

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
"Jews" that supposedly run the World - are they preventing you from practicing whatever Religion you choose - or none at all (are they forcing you to Practice Judaism)?

No, but I find myself being exposed to more and more Jewishness on the tube nowadays then ever before. It doesn't interest me and the majority of viewers are not Jews, so why do the other 97% of this country have to be fed it?

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
Are you being personally Discriminated against?

I have yet to apply at a job working for a Jew. I've dealt with 100's of them in business where I work.
But I never do freelance business with Jews on my own (I'm a graphic designer) too much trouble...I've lived and learned.
Ever get taken to the cleaners???????

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
Do they not allow you to read certain books or express yourself?

You're not allowed to say anything negative about Jews or the ADL will be down your throat.
Ever see a rabbi made to look like an idiot on a TV show? NO, didn't think so. Ever see a priest or the Catholic Church made to look like idiots in the media........ya, all the time. Hmmmm, why's that?

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
When you say "Jews" don't you really just mean "Business Men". Don't fall into the Racism trap - you are just Deluding yourself!

Okay maybe I wasn't clear....Jewish Businessmen!
Don't pull out the race card! This is free speech and this is how I feel and see things. If you cannot relate that's fine. We've both walked in different shoes. I'm tired of being the white man told to keep his trap shut.

Dude, I'm just an observer. I'm not saying they "run the world", just the media in the U.S.
Is this fair? I don't think it is. They work like a family when they get into power (it's called nepotism) and they hire mainly only "family". Go into any Jew run company and almost everyone working for them (or at least in a position of power) is a Jew. Why not any other race? Because personally I think the Jews are just as racist as everyone else, but they guard it with the whole notion of "Anti-Semitism". You can't say anything about them (literally) without being labeled Anti-Semite. I'm sure my posts are labeled Anti-Semitic by any Jew reading them, but I could care less, because it's time the "average, ordinary, white guy" stopped bowing down to all the other races and being a politically correct door mat to be walked on. If something bothers you about another race then let them know...this whole "tolerance" thing is BS! Tolerance today in this culture means putting up with crap you shouldn't have to deal with at all.

Hmmmmm, when people are faced with the ugly realities of their own people they lash back, refute and call racist. Sometimes the truth hurts, even though it's the truth. We all know stereotypes are bad to label, but we also all know stereotypes are very often true whether we like it or not. I'm sure other races have lots of mud to sling at the white man...and with good reason. Just look at George Bush. Biggest white a-hole around right now. He makes me embarrassed to be a "whitey-boy". But I live with it....

ah well.

I normally keep pretty quite on these forums. I'm pretty sure that none of you regocnize my username. Most of the time I just observe, rather then speak my mind because most of the time there are many people who share my opinion on things who can articulate it much better then I can. That being said, I havn't read all of the posts in this thread so if I'm repeating stuff that somebody else already said I'm sorry, but I can't help myself on this one.

my people run the media? Really? So what your saying is, that if I go out to L.A. after I finish college (I'm currently a freshmen) then all I have to put on my resume is that I'm a jew, and they'll hire me imediately because of some massive conspiriacy regardless of my qualifications? How was I unaware of this, did I not get some memo? Are you really serious?...There are a lot of us in the media because that's just the way history played out based on the oppertunities that we were presented with based on how our status in this country evolved. Not because of some big crazy Zionist Conspiracy.
And buddy....listen....when we call someone a goyim, we don't mean sub-human. Usually we use it to describe sterotypical white people. You really shouldn't take that much offense, because MOST of the time, none is meant.
And are we clannish? of course we are. Like you said, we only make up 3% of the population, it's kind of hard not to be.
And I agree that reverse racism is a really annoying double standard, and to descriminate a group of people based on a generalization is wrong, no matter what color your skin is, but maybe once "you white people" are enslaved for 400 years and maybe after six million of "your people" get wiped off the face of the earth; maybe then will you stop being told to keep your trap shut. "you white people" have been opening your traps, about other races for the entire history of this country. So stop pretending like "you've all" been so restrained for so long, because you havn't been.
I'm not saying you can't express your opinions, you just need to stop looking at yourself as such a victim. There are some jews out there who are very judgemental of non jews, and I hate that, so your right there; it does happen, but we aren't all like that. infact, most of us aren't.
If you've had bad experiences with Jews in the past who've treated you unfairly, then I'm sorry about that. it's a shame, really. But you can't judge every single jewish person as being horrible and evil just because of your bad experiences. It's just ignorant. That's why people get so pissed off at posts like yours, because you're being so narrow minded.
And all this stuff your saying about being exposed to jewishness on your'e just sounding stupid, you're not trying to be exposed to anything, the aim isn't to be 'force fed' jewish ideals. If you havn't noticed, there are a LOT of different minorities being put into the forefront of entertainment nowadays, and it's not to try and make other people think like "them" it's to make characters more interesting, and have more depth. It's to make programs more interesting by showing people things that they may not have seen before, and to make certain situations more realistic. Example: Most tv shows take place in Big Cities. In most big cities there are a lot of minorities. That's just how things are. TV shows are just portraying reality in the same way that Billy Wilder (a film director, who yes, was jewish) had only white people working at the main character's insurance company in his 1960 film "The Apartment". He wasn't trying to make some political message, it's just that in most white collar working enviornments back then, most if not all of the workers were white. He was portraying reality in the way that it was back then; and that's all that writers are doing now, there's nothing more to it then that. If you don't like it, then don't watch tv, it's not that big of a deal.
I know that you're just going to come back and pick apart my post peice by peice, and that's okay. You're going to turn my words around on me and make it seem like I'm "just another jew hiding behind anti-semitism". But I'm not going to call you an anti-semite, because I've been dealing with those people all my life. You're not an anti-semite, and you're not really even a rascist when it comes down to it. Youre just somebody whose pissed off at the world, and has happend to pick jews as your scapegoat. Some people pick aliens, some people pick Demons and the devil, some people pick the government. You picked jews. It's just a thing that people do when they have trouble dealing with reality.
Anyway, I've voiced my opinion.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 05:05 PM
Why cannot simple questions be answered with a yes or no? There is no harm in that is there?

Myself I would like to see divestiture of ownership of the media from its present state because the current situation does not serve the entire population sufficiently.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
The 50s and 60s were a more peaceful time in America?

Yep! For me!
Maybe not for you...
...but that's not my problem.
In fact, my old neighborhood was beautiful in the 1960's, but little by little the blacks moved in, and so did the crime of every sort, so we got smart and moved out. Now, 30-some years later, it's a stinking sh*thole. Beaten up. Trash everywhere. But it wasn't always that way.

Originally posted by truthseeka
For who? For the blacks who were lynched, killed, bombed, etc., just for being black? For they who couldn't walk down the street at night alone without fear of dying?

If you were unfortunate enough to be black and living in the American South, I can see that happening, yeah, back in the 1950's-1960's. Yeah, you're right on that. And I agree that's messed up. But nobody on my street would ever harrass a black guy strolling through. Ever. That isn't the kind of people that live in my area. Actually, the response would be "worry" more than "hostility". Now, take a white man and drop him off in any inner city project/ghetto alone at night and I'll bet you a million dollars his chances of emerging from that unscathed are wayyyyyyyyy less than your black man in a white neighborhood. Way less. And I know every white guy on this board can back me on that. In my city alone there have been 40 murders in the first 50 days of this year so far and they've all been black. I read the blotter every week. It would amaze you.....and they never report it on the news.

Originally posted by truthseeka
Are they rioting here in the US?

You lost me, or I lost you. I was implying an example, i.e. the "races" around the globe in general.

[edit on 2-3-2006 by zerotolerance]

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 05:50 PM
Ah, good old fashioned bigotry in all its glorious technicolor. Just about everyone took a hit.

How many of those people with Jewish sounding names are actually Jewish? Or if they were born Jew, do they practise? Quite frankly, it's much todo about nothing. If Israel was soooo damned influential, why oh why is Palistine still such a problem? A lot of those Jewish sounding names despise Israel, and all that it stands for.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 06:23 PM

You had lots of good points. And I didn't mean to piss you off. I'm a decent guy. My brother-in-law is Jewish. My nieces are Jewish. My best friend/work-out partner is a Russian Jew. I have lots of Jewish people in my life. As I said I worked in an exclusively Jewish neighborhood (for 17 years). In response:

• I believe that if you were to walk into a Jewish owned/operated place of employment, with the same exact credentials as a gentile (emphasis on "same exact"), and if they knew you were Jewish, they would hire you over the gentile. Without a doubt.

• I believed the Jews landed in the media because they actually liked it. Everyone knows the media controls - no matter who runs it. No, I do not think there's a Zionist Agenda. I am not as whacked as you think I am.

• Yes, I know goyim isn't a deragatory word, de facto. It's how you use the word that makes it deragatory. I've heard it used both ways.

• My brother-in-law refuses to live in a non-Jewish neighborhood. My city here has large sectors that are mainly Jewish. When the Italians, Irish, Polish, Germans came here around the turn of the century, at first they stayed in their clans together, but over the years they have assimilated, and at this point we just call ourselves Americans. We don't divide off into separate neighborhoods. Why do you think the Jews still prefer to live in clumps here in the U.S.? Curious...

• You said, ""you white people" have been opening your traps, about other races for the entire history of this country." Well, that might be because we were the ones that came into this place (unfortunately for the American Indians), made it civilized to live in (thank you George Washington and the rest of our forefathers)), and basically set up shop. We made this place what it is....and as a 42 year-old white man I can tell you that this country has gone down the tubes since we opened the door to the newest wave of third world immigrants. Too many cooks in the kitchen.....and the soup sucks.

• I'm not judging every single person of one entire race......I believe I was targeting businessmen in the media. Maybe I spouted a little bit....I'm sorry.

• The stuff on TV - well, Louis, you know what really bothered me this past year? That whole media thing with Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays. Since I was a little boy; hell, since probably my great grandparents, it was Merry Christmas. TV specials were all Merry Christmas at that time of year. Ask anyone that grew up in the late 1960's, early 1970's. It was always Merry Christmas. And if you were a non-Christian, Christmas and all it's hype was a non-issue. It's changed. America's sense of innocence with God has died. Religion is scorned and made fun of now. There's just no respect anymore. Anyway, they did a couple polls on the Xmas vs. Happy thing and it turned out 86 percent of the American public favored Merry Christmas, yet, Merry Christmas was removed from everything this year. Why? Who controls this...the media. It's so f*cking weird. It like, what is happening? I truly believe this country will come to a horrible end when we fully push God out of the picture. And I'm not a religious fanatic, but this I believe.

Originally posted by LouisCedar
You're not an anti-semite, and you're not really even a rascist when it comes down to it. Youre just somebody whose pissed off at the world, and has happend to pick jews as your scapegoat. Some people pick aliens, some people pick Demons and the devil, some people pick the government. You picked jews. It's just a thing that people do when they have trouble dealing with reality.

You nailed it on the head. I'm having a bad day, and many things have not gone my way of late. I do not hate Jews at all. I've had conversation like this with my Jewish workout buddy. But I sincerely believe they have monopolized the media and call the shots (because they own it).

Lastly, I don't believe people pick on Jews when having trouble with reality.
They pick on them when they make lousy koogle.


[edit on 2-3-2006 by zerotolerance]

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Calm down, there soldier.


I wasn't aware it was plagiarized at all (it's all over the place now on the net)
I had read it months back on a Google news group (in a thread just like this) and went digging for it. It was posted without any legal acknowledgements.

I was impressed that someone had dug up that much dirt. I don't think it's a conspiracy. I just think it is what it is.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by zerotolerance

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Calm down, there soldier.


I wasn't aware it was plagiarized at all (it's all over the place now on the net)
I had read it months back on a Google news group (in a thread just like this) and went digging for it. It was posted without any legal acknowledgements.

I was impressed that someone had dug up that much dirt. I don't think it's a conspiracy. I just think it is what it is.

I think what he was trying to say is that YOU are committing plagiarism. If you copy something from a web site you are supposed to leave a link to that site.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by zerotolerance

Ever see a rabbi made to look like an idiot on a TV show? NO, didn't think so.

Ever see South Park?
Carlos Mencia Show?
Billy Crystal?
The Simpsons?
Rabbi Hyman Krustofski (Krusty the Clown's father)

LOL...heeyy.,,...Krusty the clown 's father is aman of honor...he will not be made a fool !

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 08:16 PM

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Yea, but it's totally OK for you to talk about how evil all Muslims are? Everytime I see you on a Muslim-oriented thread I see you spewing your racist hatred against all Muslims. I don't think you're the one to give a lecture on racism.

Such as ??? please quote my "racist" comments against Muslems ?? and please do not take things out of contest when you quote me. And than we will see if its racist or truth

I can't find any "racist" comments, since muslims are not a race. But I can find plenty of instances of bigoted and prejudiced remarks, which are similiar but ever so slightly different. Here are some gems:

Originally posted by BaastetNoir - Original Post


Islam may be a Religion of PIECES, as in people blown to Pieces but not a religion of Peace. Islam condones and accepts the fact that abrother or a father can murder their own sister/daughter if she looses her virginity,... the Peace i feel from that is amamzing.


The point is...These people CONDONE and ACCEPT behedings, bombings, stonings ... all sorts of peacefull stuff, and thats why they will NEVER protest against terrorism..They BELIEVE IN IT.

Quite a generalization there. If that's not bigoted, maybe the following is:

Originally posted by BaastetNoir - Original Post


Originally posted by FlyersFan

Last week, Bal Thackeray said anyone wanting
to avoid violence on Valentine's Day should not celebrate it.

THIS quote says it all, doesn't it?
Do things my way or I'll destroy your property and/or kill you.
Yeah .... really peaceful, huh?

And thats why they are called Terrorists ... and obvioulsy it more than terrorims ...its genetic...its engraved in thier mind set. sorry .. call me whatver you want, but it ... as it is ....!


I call that bigoted. The best part was that FlyersFan was talking about a hindu, not a muslim. I guess it don't matter, any name that you're not familiar with that sounds like durka-durka is a muslim name

And then we have this one:

Originally posted by BaastetNoir - Original Post

Originally posted by iman

I am a Muslim and the problem is I don’t know who the real terrorists are? Who are they if you can please tell me clearly?

So typical, why don't you just say that you advocate and agree with what they are doing... you know VERY well who the real terrorists are ...and you know very well what they want... so why play word games?

In this case the TERRORIST are MUSLEMS !... Other cases are not beeing discuss in this thread, so why use them to attemp a change of subject ?


Yet more generalizations. Instead of answering the poor man's question you attack him. I could probably find more cases. My favourite thread to mine for bigoted comments have to be this thread. All the closet bigots who in front of their peers would defend jews and blacks came out of the woodwork to show their true faces.

Maybe that's why they defend jews or blacks so fervently. Maybe it's to balance out the hatred and prejudice they have in them or perhaps even to cover it up in front of their peers, since the society they live in does not condone anymore prejudice against blacks and jews.

They need a new outlet. And now, thanks to stupid Arabs, they've found the outlet in over a billion souls on this planet.

Nice going. :shk:

I don't know. People are strange animals. Anyway, carry on with your discussion. Topic is "So...Jews DO control Hollywood and the media?!". Discuss.

[edit - formatting error]

[edit on 3-3-2006 by Beachcoma]

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 08:41 AM

reading your posts reminds me of that old commercial from the mormon church (I think) where the little boy and his grandfather are fishing and the kid says "grandpa, jimmy called me prejudiced" grandpa says "who's jimmy?"

the boy's response was "jimmy's my jewish friend"

I know you were pointing out all the jews in your life to emphasize that you are not an anti-semite and that you don't hate jews but the way you put that all out there just made me think of that so perhaps it is raising the ire of others in the same manner (not me, by they way)

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by zerotolerance

You had lots of good points. And I didn't mean to piss you off. I'm a decent guy. My brother-in-law is Jewish. My nieces are Jewish. My best friend/work-out partner is a Russian Jew. I have lots of Jewish people in my life. As I said I worked in an exclusively Jewish neighborhood (for 17 years). In response:

• I believe that if you were to walk into a Jewish owned/operated place of employment, with the same exact credentials as a gentile (emphasis on "same exact"), and if they knew you were Jewish, they would hire you over the gentile. Without a doubt.

• I believed the Jews landed in the media because they actually liked it. Everyone knows the media controls - no matter who runs it. No, I do not think there's a Zionist Agenda. I am not as whacked as you think I am.

• Yes, I know goyim isn't a deragatory word, de facto. It's how you use the word that makes it deragatory. I've heard it used both ways.

• My brother-in-law refuses to live in a non-Jewish neighborhood. My city here has large sectors that are mainly Jewish. When the Italians, Irish, Polish, Germans came here around the turn of the century, at first they stayed in their clans together, but over the years they have assimilated, and at this point we just call ourselves Americans. We don't divide off into separate neighborhoods. Why do you think the Jews still prefer to live in clumps here in the U.S.? Curious...

• You said, ""you white people" have been opening your traps, about other races for the entire history of this country." Well, that might be because we were the ones that came into this place (unfortunately for the American Indians), made it civilized to live in (thank you George Washington and the rest of our forefathers)), and basically set up shop. We made this place what it is....and as a 42 year-old white man I can tell you that this country has gone down the tubes since we opened the door to the newest wave of third world immigrants. Too many cooks in the kitchen.....and the soup sucks.

• I'm not judging every single person of one entire race......I believe I was targeting businessmen in the media. Maybe I spouted a little bit....I'm sorry.

• The stuff on TV - well, Louis, you know what really bothered me this past year? That whole media thing with Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays. Since I was a little boy; hell, since probably my great grandparents, it was Merry Christmas. TV specials were all Merry Christmas at that time of year. Ask anyone that grew up in the late 1960's, early 1970's. It was always Merry Christmas. And if you were a non-Christian, Christmas and all it's hype was a non-issue. It's changed. America's sense of innocence with God has died. Religion is scorned and made fun of now. There's just no respect anymore. Anyway, they did a couple polls on the Xmas vs. Happy thing and it turned out 86 percent of the American public favored Merry Christmas, yet, Merry Christmas was removed from everything this year. Why? Who controls this...the media. It's so f*cking weird. It like, what is happening? I truly believe this country will come to a horrible end when we fully push God out of the picture. And I'm not a religious fanatic, but this I believe.

Originally posted by LouisCedar
You're not an anti-semite, and you're not really even a rascist when it comes down to it. Youre just somebody whose pissed off at the world, and has happend to pick jews as your scapegoat. Some people pick aliens, some people pick Demons and the devil, some people pick the government. You picked jews. It's just a thing that people do when they have trouble dealing with reality.

You nailed it on the head. I'm having a bad day, and many things have not gone my way of late. I do not hate Jews at all. I've had conversation like this with my Jewish workout buddy. But I sincerely believe they have monopolized the media and call the shots (because they own it).

Lastly, I don't believe people pick on Jews when having trouble with reality.
They pick on them when they make lousy koogle.


[edit on 2-3-2006 by zerotolerance]

Hey man, no harm, no foul. Really the only reason I lashed into you is because I too was having a horrible day (in fact a horrible month, There aren't any words to describe how badly february sucked for me). I wasn't actually pissed off at you. Anyway, I don't really have much more to say on this topic. I guess I owe you a little apology lol.

Oh, and the merry christmas thing, I agree with you there. I don't like that no one can say it anymore. I'm not offended by it, so I really don't see why people think that we would be.... I don't celebrate christmas, but it's one of my favorite holidays none the less.

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 08:58 PM
Beachcoma, thanks for that post. It was very enligthening.

I'm glad zerotolerance and BaasteNoir posted on here. When you go around and everything's cool on the surface, you forget how people really feel about others.

Zerotolerance say's he's not racist/bigoted, but he says the #1 thing that racist/bigoted people say: I have friends who are blank, so I'm not racist/bigoted.

The guy says I'm lying that black people never had to walk around in fear for their lives. Guess he never heard about Emmitt Till, Bombingham, and all that "strange fruit" that hung from the trees. He also says that Jews are basically greedy bastards who worship money. I swear, this guy is a real-life Cartman.

And of course, it's the white man getting screwed in America. Right. Like Chris Rock said, if white people are losing, then who's winning?

All the heroes in movies are black now? Aw, come on. Denzel had to be a crook before he won an Oscar. I haven't seen a black James Bond yet. Look at the comic book craze that has taken over movies. Blade is the only black one (unless you consider the Spawn movie a hit); did you miss how well Spidey is doing? (Spidey is da man!

And, Tavis Smiley making fun of white people? (I'm pretty sure you brought this up) Man, get real. Black people ought to have the right to make fun of white people in comedy today. Oh, I bet you miss those great cartoons from back in the day. Ya know, the ones where we all had big frickin lips, tap danced, ate watermelon, and got hit by a broom by Mammy in her house slave garb. Or, how about that funny blackface stuff? Or, what about that gem of a movie, Birth of a Nation, which even the prez at the time said was 100% true.

Please. I can see you frothing, just wishing you could spout epithets like 'n-word', kike, wetback, etc. Foaming at the mouth, ready to get those damn US minorities.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 05:58 AM
I am seeing alot of frothing going on here on both sides of this issue. Why don't we all just take a deep breath (that's it...breeaath), and get back to the issue of whether or not Jews control Hollywood.

Doubtful. Are there alot of Jews in Hollywierd? Yeah. So what? I hear alot of acusations, but not alot of proof. Y'know, that stuff that validates your supposition.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by seagull
Are there alot of Jews in Hollywierd? Yeah. So what? I hear alot of acusations, but not alot of proof. Y'know, that stuff that validates your supposition.

overheard on Bill Maher last night. (talking about Brokeback Mtn)

there are a lot of gays in the arts.
there are a lot of jews too.
so? there are a lot of catholics in gov't.

I think the idea that jews control anything, other than the state of israel, is a friggin joke. threads like this one are started with the intent to enrage, inflame and incite.

Allow me to say this. If jews control hollywood, y'all should be thanking them (us) for putting out such great entertainment. Then you should go to Washington DC and remove all the catholics who seem to be screwing up the country by using their faith as the rationale for their insanity. What Bush and company are doing to the country (and the world) by abusing the bible is becoming frighteningly similar to what Osama Bin Hiding and his henchmen have done with the Koran.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur

Originally posted by seagull
Are there alot of Jews in Hollywierd? Yeah. So what? I hear alot of acusations, but not alot of proof. Y'know, that stuff that validates your supposition.

overheard on Bill Maher last night. (talking about Brokeback Mtn)

there are a lot of gays in the arts.
there are a lot of jews too.
so? there are a lot of catholics in gov't.

I think the idea that jews control anything, other than the state of israel, is a friggin joke. threads like this one are started with the intent to enrage, inflame and incite.

Allow me to say this. If jews control hollywood, y'all should be thanking them (us) for putting out such great entertainment. Then you should go to Washington DC and remove all the catholics who seem to be screwing up the country by using their faith as the rationale for their insanity. What Bush and company are doing to the country (and the world) by abusing the bible is becoming frighteningly similar to what Osama Bin Hiding and his henchmen have done with the Koran.


This thread was not started as a way to inflame Jews. I started it because I saw a TV show where JEWS IN HOLLYWOOD were saying that Jews control Hollywood and the media. If this was such a joke, why did they explain why they control it? Is it also a joke that Jews are the chosen ones? Is it also a joke that Jews value a good education?

If this were Nazis saying this, you might have a point. However, since they were JEWS saying this, why should I not create a thread about this? I've heard the rumors before, I've seen how the Palestinians are militants and the Israelis are soldiers, and I've seen lists of big players who own lots of media outlets who are Jews. That, with this, led me to make this thread, not a purpose to flame Jews.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 03:18 PM
Lets say for kicks and giggles that the question here was "Do Samoans control Hollywood and the Media?" .Samoans I'm sure make up a very small % of this populous. Would anyone raise this question when such a small % controlled so much?. Of course Jews control these industries. It's not the fact they're Jewish , it's about keeping power from being so centralized and guarded.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 02:40 PM

before you respond the below, PLEASE read the below

Firstly, let me say that I do NOT think "Jews" control the world. However, in regard to their small numbers in western civilisation, they do control a significant controversial percentage of media/government control in relation to their numbers.

Here I start a list. There is some really good information in the posts /forum/showpost.php?p=2544922&postcount=3]HERE, /forum/showpost.php?p=2545094&postcount=4]HERE, /forum/showthread.php?t=262231&highlight=MURDOCH]HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

In regard to this radical Zionist gentile Rudolf Murdoch states his case (amongest many others) that:

"It is very special," Murdoch said. "Our papers and television stations have always been great supporters of Israel and the Jewish cause."

BUT, you should read this:

Below is "Nicholas John Griffin, MA (Hons.), Cantab." on Jews (one of many statements he has made and are easily found and verified) but first I want to introduce you to a statement made by A.K. Chesterson in The New Unhappy Lords which is a MUST read:

"Whether or not One World is the secret final objective of Zionism, World Jewry is the most powerful single force on earth and it follows that all the major policies which have been ruthlessly pursued through the last several decades must have had the stamp of Jewish approval. Indeed, common sense applied to such facts as have come to light must lead to the conclusion that the policies, directed against the most cherished Gentile values, were incubated by adroit Jewish brains and fulfilled, or carried to the verge of fulfillment, by the dynamism of the Jewish spirit. At the same time, so many Gentiles are associated with the conspiracy, both directly and through the formation of fronts, there are so many Gentile agents and agencies, and so many Gentile governments which have acquiesced in the conspiracy by falling into line with policies inimical to their own national interests, that it would be ludicrous to offload upon Jewish shoulders responsibility for the destruction, or near destruction, of Christendom and the Western World. Nevertheless, it would be equally ludicrous to deny the Jewish part, especially where it is admitted… “Had we of the Gentile nations stood firm in defense of our own traditions and values, instead of cravenly capitulating, the Jews would have remained what they ought to be – a small sect living contentedly and at peace with their neighbors, exercising neither national nor international power and entertaining no inordinate ambitions. That, as I wrote at the outset, is how most of them actually do live. That a minority of them has been able to mount such a stupendous drive for world power is not their fault but ours alone, and it is we who must put things right – or perish. The way to put things right is not to engage in ‘hate campaigns’ (which in any event more often than not play into Jewish hands) but to make a determined stand for our own legitimate and distinctive interests."

And now"Nicholas John Griffin, MA (Hons.), Cantab." from "It's All A Zionist Scam."

3) "It's all a Zionist scam."

The disproportionate role of Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists among advisors and financiers to Bush and Blair, and in the mainstream media, is an oft-denied but simple fact. Therefore, goes this theory, anything Bush and Blair do is determined by conspiratorial Zionists, and anything the media tell us is a Zionist lie. Undoubtedly, sometimes, there is some truth in this, but also much folly. Those who automatically blame "the Jews" for everything are blinded by their knee-jerking to a multitude of other factors, not least the age-old facts that "power corrupts" and that the monopolising aggression and greed which are the flip side of the short-term efficiency of capitalism know no borders or ethnic distinctions.

Those who claim to believe that no Jew ever does anything wrong, or that to criticise any Jew or group of Jews is a mortal sin against a group singled out by God or Hitler for special treatment and in consequence entitled ever-after to carry a globally valid ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card, are clearly in the grip either of PC self-censorship or the last misguided upholders of the late 19th century ‘Master Race’ fantasy.

But equally, those who believe that only Jews are capable of abusing great power for their selfish personal or group benefit are sadly lacking in any grasp of the realities of human nature. Give an elite - any elite - power, especially over decades or generations, and that elite will abuse that power, and scheme, cheat and kill to maintain and extend it.

Sometimes Gentile elites even find in individual Jews a useful cover for their own greed: In medieval Europe, and pre-revolutionary Russia for instance, assorted Kings and Princes and Nobles used Jews as money-lenders and tax-collectors, knowing that this would lead to popular anger against the exploitation which they sanctioned and grew fat upon would be deflected onto their Jewish functionaries.

This tendency to blame wicked shadowy groups of 'bad advisors' doesn't always require Jews - the same nonsense was spectacularly present in England at the time of the Peasants' Revolt - but it has always helped those 'on top' to stay there, and rendered the efforts of the 'common masses' (that's you and me, in case you still haven't realised) to secure justice and self-determination. Throughout history there have indeed been instances which have borne out Marx’s dictum that “anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools.”

Similarly, while a number of Jewish intellectuals and lobbyists – including the Frankfurt School and most of the leaders of the Civil Rights movement – have played a key role in providing the academic and ‘moral’ justification’ for the multi-racial assault on the survival of separate races and cultures, it is utterly wrong of anti-Semitic bigots to overlook the fact that the key practical motor for mass immigration is and always has been the greed of wealthy individuals, companies and corporations.

This was true in the days of Deep South slavery; when the British Empire carted indentured coolies all over the world; when the mill-owners of Lancashire and West Yorkshire placed adverts for workers in newspapers in Pakistan, and it is still true today in the food processing plants in small towns from mid-Wales and the Highlands of Scotland to the American mid-West.

It is perhaps no surprise that US-based ‘nationalists’, raised in a mental cocoon of free enterprise American Dream drivel are often unable to see that flaws in the very basis of their society are the root of the problem, but for nationalists in the European and radical British tradition to swallow the same pro-capitalist nonsense is frankly remarkable and shameful.

In modern times, the insistence of the naive and the bigoted that "the Jews" are to blame for everything that goes wrong in the world and their own lives allows those of us who do criticise genuine abuses of power and influence by some Jews (and, contrary to liberal mythology of the second half of the last century, they are not all blameless saints) to be painted by the media as crazy "anti-Semites".

The paranoid mentality that blamed "the Jews" for causing the Black Death by poisoning wells, and which now blames them for the soaring price of oil, only allows those who clipped coins or who promote the anti-white mind-rot of MTV to escape justified criticism by convincing ordinary people that those with genuine criticisms are as misguided as the paranoid cranks. If Professor Kevin MacDonald's writings are not evaluated sensibly and fairly, it is partly because his realm of study has been discredited by drivel about conspiracies by "Learned Elders" to use Underground tunnels to blow up our cities.

It is certainly true that most of the media went along with the absurd WMD justification for the invasion of Iraq. And it is equally true that assorted Zionists – particularly around President Bush - played a key role both in pushing for that invasion and in telling the lies that created a degree of public support for it. It seems that they thought that having the Yanks and Brits go in and obliterate Saddam was a good thing for Israel, and perhaps it was (though for "all-seeing masters of global manipulation" they seem to have got it spectacularly wrong; did it really benefit Israel to turn Iraq from a stable socialist tyranny basket case which used to give handouts to the families of a few Palestinian suicide bombers into a giant hands-on training centre for Islamic fanatics from all over the world?). But while this was clearly a key reason behind the decision of various Jewish media bosses to back the invasion, it does not automatically prove that it was the real, or the only, reason for it.

The strategic doctrine that the USA would use force to secure unrestricted access to oil supplies was first formulated by President Nixon, a man who, despite having some Jews - including Henry Kissinger -in his administration (hardly surprising, given their proven higher than average IQ) was also notorious for foul-mouthed anti-Semitic outbursts. In applying this doctrine, Bush and his people may well please various Zionists, but are also demonstrably operating in accordance with other agendas as well: The military-industrial complex; the fundamentalist ‘End Times’ Christians, and that of an American imperialism that was well-established and leading the Yanks to invade other countries long before the ancestors of Henry Kissinger and America’s Jewish media moguls were even allowed into the country.

And, of course, Bush is an oil man, and oil industry insiders, logically, should have a better grasp of the real situation than anybody else. But even if they accepted the Peak Oil thesis, the oil companies couldn’t possibly admit publicly that it is true, for their share value would collapse overnight. So Bush may well – rightly or wrongly – believe it. If he doesn’t believe in Peak Oil incidentally, it would be helpful if the sceptics would explain why he has recently announced huge programmes for the development of nuclear and alternative energy sources. These are going to be massively expensive and politically very costly, so why undertake them if Peak Oil is an unfounded fantasy designed merely to stampede the masses into backing a Zionist war?
Is it not more realistic to accept that, although America’s neo-cons have been driven by their ideology and ethno-centric obsession with the interests of Israel to push for the invasion of the Middle East, they only got their way because other sections of the US Establishment decided to go in so as to secure access to the oil that is the basis of the American way of life that Bush himself has described as ‘non-negotiable.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by AzurWhyte]

[edit on 5-3-2006 by AzurWhyte]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by truthseekaThat, with this, led me to make this thread, not a purpose to flame Jews.

but these threads always devolve into flaming.

allow me to ask you this. If I started a thread titled, Why can't catholics run the united states correctly?

do you not think I would get all kinds of flack?

by the way, this topic was covered a while back, when the show originally ran.

I'll leave the thread so that the thing can become what it is destined to be.

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