posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:27 PM
According to islam, any depiction of muhammad is blasphemous. Since these are pictures of muhammed, the muslims now have an excuse for their
This shows a fundamental difference between Christianity, Judaism, islam, and other religions. When religions other than islam feel offended, they
protest in a peaceful manner, such as calling a TV network and saying they will boycott the advertisers of a certain program – The Book of Daniel is
a recent example. Another is the picture of Mary done in the wonderful media of feces painting. Protests for sure, but peaceful.
In islam when you are offended, you somehow have the DUTY to perform violence against all infidels.
Of course, no one says anything about the fact that possession of a Bible in Saudi Arabia is an arrestable offense. Or that during desert storm
military Chaplains could not wear their branch insignia. And, no one mentions the television, school text books, and other media that depicted the
Jews as blood drinking murders, and basically the spawn of the devil.
So Reyna4fitness, islam is offended because it needs an excuse, that some will agree with, in order to continue their reign of violence and terror.
One more point. It is now politically incorrect to condem the violent behavior of islam. But you can do a bit of Christian bashing if you want,
especially if you are discussing Catholics.
Here is a link to a site that shows images of muhammed through the ages.
muhammed through the ages