posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 02:54 PM
deltaboy - I tell you secret. The Pak ally is only that the curent Pak government are pro-ami. The people are mostly violently anti-ami. This
explain why they helped Taliban - a group of extremists, at some point of history labeled by the biggest terrorists on earth as "Freedom Fighters".
Now the question is only - HOW LONG the Parviz Muscharaf hold his power. Any second he lost it, the Pak arent US ally anymore. After the bombing and
killing innocents they are even more anti-ami that before and keep in mind, they have the nukes.
It is all great irony.
Izrael is trying to eradicate Palestine from map, have nukes, never admit it, never inspected Dimona with MAAE, yet hey - no problem!
Iran is nuclear wanna-be, it will took him years and years to get enought material to build bomb (even more, if he follow the US made blueprints for
bomb, as for the implosion type he need to breed Plutonium and this means operating reactor), CIA handling them the blueprints and then threating them
- so what choice that build a nuke they has got? Yet it took years and w/o all the pressure, the danger is like from "Iraq WMDs"... Yet hey - a
Pakistan, a country full of fanatics, violently anti-ami and in close relations with Taliban extremists - but few people in power realizing that is
better to pretend to be pro-ami, so they can have nukes and so on. Neverless, all that stand between extremists and extremists armed with nukes is
Parviz Muscharaf - but hey, not a probem!
Someone at the US overseas policy department need wake up call.