posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 02:22 PM
And I wonder how many of those who died by getting stabbed with a knife would have lived if they could have defended themselves with a firearm????.
Gun Control isn't about controlling guns,it's about controlling people,controlling them by making them rely on the government "hired guns" or
cops,and the military,just think how easy it would be to control people if they knew that their opinion would cost them protection by the police or
government forces?.
It's all a lie,people NEED to have the ability to defend themselves,and now just to add fuel to the fire,there are laws being written to make it
harder for one to claim self defense.
If the governments actually had their way,we would have to register edged weapons,that's probably not that far off,there are a lot of changes going
on here in the US which make it obvious that this is coming too,but of course,the sleeping sheeple masses don't have a clue that there is anything
Outlaw Guns and only Outlaws will Have Guns..........
Really though,in the end it will be about people who know that they will do something that will make you want to kill them eventually,that would be
those pesky politicians,you KNOW they will do something that will erk the # outa ya someday,unless of course you actually listen to your peers,parents
etc., and just accept things because "you can't fight city hall".
It's legal to kill animals,because secretly there is this resentment for them,because they are free,and we know deep down inside we are slaves.
[Edited on 2-10-2003 by uNBaLaNCeD]