posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 05:13 PM
So we have heard about dimensions, and about our bodys in other dimensions, like your astral body being you in the astral plane, being your being, in
the astral plane. But still, this astral plane, is it another word for fourth or fifth dimension?
How many planes or dimensions do exist, with in each plane an equivalent body of ourselves?
Or are we at some planes the same? A same thing, the higher you go, the more we undiffer. So like becoming one with the highest, becoming one with
others who became one with the highest. The same, but different. One, but seperated.
Our third dimension, the world we see, with our physical eyes let's say, this third dimension is dense, material, substance, it's forms and
structures differ, once in a higher dimension, it's purely light, or what? a form of energy, of waves, vibration, but still material does vibrate, at
speeds... the atoms, but all living in higher and lower dimensions also. Higher and lower vibrations.
They say the brain functions at alpha, beta, delta and thetawaves, being from 0 - 25 Hz, this then being a very low wave, a low vibration? But with
our mind everything can be percieved, all can be seen, sensed, is it like then this 0 - 25Hz is like the wavecarrier, with other vibrations resonating
on it? Sounds electronical, but still..?
So our physical body, it can be seperated, or is seperated of our 'astral body' to take one. This astral body, does it host our physical body? Like
when this astral body is away, our physical body can't operate? Or are we just confused then, or relaxed? And when doing something after that,
getting it all together then?
I've heard before, that when getting ill, having warmer, vibrating then at a higher frequency let's say. And sometimes we suffer from 'dillusion'
then, visualize things, or might say hallucinate.. getting our lower body in more contact with this higher body.
But how many higher bodys? I read we have an emotional body, an astral body, a physical body, a mental body..
are these seperated, or all compact into 'us'. Can we change bodys, or do we sense others, can we let a body of mine and one of yours become one?
what are we exactly.
anyone further comments?
and another question, when someone says you, to you, at what do you think? Your physical body, your consciounce? your heart? Or an unseen thing, an
unjudgeable something which seems to be you, but what you have no theory for?