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Foreign objects in the human body.

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posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 11:40 PM
Just a question in regard too alien techonology, With all abductions objects may be inserted in the body for many reason's. This brings me too the thought that does'nt the human body attempt too get rid of these objects that do not belong there. I know like ingrown hairs ect... its the same story inflamation of the area/ infection. Why does this not happen with alien objects inserted in your bodies. Is it constructed in a certain fassion that your body does not recognize it? Made of a material uknown too man? Biological properties maybe?

mod edit: title grammar

[edit on 29-1-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 11:53 PM
If the devices are real, and did not cause any irritation then I suppose it could be possible that they are constructed of materials that do not trigger an auto-immune response.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by BRCMontana
If the devices are real, and did not cause any irritation then I suppose it could be possible that they are constructed of materials that do not trigger an auto-immune response.

That is almost impossible. It would need to have a perfect surface, and i dont think that would be possible even with 1000 year in the future nano tech.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:57 AM
You guys are so damn retared, my dog have a ****** chip in his neck!
And that was put there by humans!
No magic there...

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 01:09 PM
For one, I don't think retarded should have been used in that context...
This si actually a pretty interesting thread, let me contribute.
I've flipped flopped between conservative, conspiracy theroist in my political affiliations so many thimes recently that my head is still spinning, but the one thing I've never wavered from is my beleif in the UFO phenomenon.
Although I've had night terros and dreams that I could not explain per se, I will say that I am not so sure I beleive in alien abduction. But it is not all out of the realm of possibility for an advanced technology to construct a device that wouldn't triger a body defense mechanism.
Intelligence agencies have implanted data storage chips underneath agents skins in the past, and like one posted before me, vets can now implant tracking chips in their own pets.
On a personal note, I've had a bump of some sort underneath my left triceps for years. Oddly enough I've discovered it not long after having a really disturbing night terror. Sometinh that makes me think. True it may be calsified fat deposits (I used to be 360 pounds!!!!!!!!) that simply won't go away. But its rounded, small about the size of a nickel yet it has no feeling to it whatsoever.
Just something I'd thought I'd throw out there.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 01:22 PM
When my femur was splintered in a really weird incident, the doctor figured the bone could never be set and decided instead to insert a long stainless steel rod from ankle to knee, supported by 4 large bolts. These have been there since April 91 and my body has not rejected them at fact, I hardly know it's there.

The implant will be with me for the rest of my life and I hope som-one will use this rod as a lampstand after I'm cremated.

So...foreign objects in the human body can be accepted quite easily.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 02:30 PM
I think masqua and others hit the nail right on the head. We have been implanting things in the human body with success for decades. Whether its an artificial hip/knee, screws and rods on broken bones, silicone implants in porn stars' breasts, pacemakers, etc. It's not that far fetched to believe these aliens who are allegedly capable of interplanetary and intergalaxy travel are also capable of inventing a chip that the human body will not reject.

If you look at the nanotechnology which we are developing today, and the kinds of things that we are programming the smallest of objects to do... just imagine what a race of beings who could be thousands of years ahead of us, technologically speaking, can make a pea-sized object do. If these implants and the aliens who insert them do exist, I bet the devices are capable of doing everything from tracking the human being to checking his heart rate and temperature. Hell, it might even record every word that comes out of his mouth or thought that pops into his head!

Not to wonder too far off topic here... but I recently saw a television program where a doctor invented a rice-sized camera. Basically, a patient swallows it just as they would a pill. They wear a vest which houses a tape recorder that receives the video signal from the rice-sized camera as it travels through the stomach and digestive system. This does away with the need to basically shove a camera and cable down the throat of a patient in what amounts to a terribly painful and uncomfortable procedure. Anyway, this camera reaches places that current technology and current procedures have never allowed us to reach. The camera is completely self-contained with its own batteries and transmitter, yet as I said it's the size of a grain of rice! Unfortunately, there is only one of them. So the patient has to "pass" it so that it can be re-used. Eventually we will see these types of "mini-robots" entering the human body to film and diagnose diseases in a simple and painless manner.

So if we have fully functioning and independent cameras the size of a grain of rice that people can swallow and have video of their digestive tracks transmitted to a monitor, imagine what the aliens have!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 02:36 PM
I agree with you to a degree, I am on peritonial dialysis and so I have a permanant catheter inserted in my abdomen. My body tries to heal over the exit site but cant because there is a foreign object there. I think (I'm sure 100% sure) that it doesn't recoinise it at all unlike it would with an organ transplant I guess because it is not biological material? so if the implant was serile and made from materials such as steel etc the body simply cannot destroy it as it would with a foreign biological object and it would not cause any iritation or infection simply because it was sterile.

does this make sense?

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by TrappedSoul
You guys are so damn retared, my dog have a ****** chip in his neck!
And that was put there by humans!
No magic there...

Yes, in its outer skin/Epidermis, which is supposed to be tolerant. No way for your immuno system to respond out there! As soon as you get a foreign object inside your body for real, THEN your body goes nuts!

Most alien implants has been in the epidermis, but then its also easy to find.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

Originally posted by TrappedSoul
You guys are so damn retared, my dog have a ****** chip in his neck!
And that was put there by humans!
No magic there...

Yes, in its outer skin/Epidermis, which is supposed to be tolerant. No way for your immuno system to respond out there! As soon as you get a foreign object inside your body for real, THEN your body goes nuts!

Most alien implants has been in the epidermis, but then its also easy to find.

Oh, well sorry then.
But what about pacemakers, and micro chips they put in peoples head?

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