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Everthing Is Bogus

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posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 08:57 PM
I have been surfing this site for months now and i have come to the conclusion that nobody has a bleepin shred of anything but speculation and rehashed hoaxes.Some people even post hoaxes and fake video knowingly.....and in a way i think they are ahead of the least they dont get excited over phony revelations.
Dont get me wrong there are a lot of very intelligent people on ats.Quite a discriminating crowd.But i have learned very little here after hundreds of hours of reading except that anything can be faked and there is no solid evidence for anything whatsoever.
For the record, i believe in bigfoot, the ufo phenomena and many other conspiracy theories but man......everything i have seen here is a bleeping waste of time to read.Including this post i guess.Can anyone give me an example of anything genuinely paranormal being truly revealed here(on ats)?
Or is it nothing more than a chain yanking waste of time?

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 09:34 PM
"For the record, i believe in bigfoot, the ufo phenomena and many other conspiracy theories but man......everything i have seen here is a bleeping waste of time to read.Including this post i guess.Can anyone give me an example of anything genuinely paranormal being truly revealed here(on ats)?
Or is it nothing more than a chain yanking waste of time? "

So how is it that you came to believe in these things? As you walk through life you have to make decisions based upon the information provided to you. At ATS at least you get the information, and YOU can derive what you need know. Proof is really what you can see and touch. AND if you see and touch it, then report it on ATS, why would I believe YOU? After all, you would just be typing something that thousands of others would type.

Do you have pictures that can't be disputed as Photoshop creations, do you have videos that can't be discredited as fake? What do you provide as proof that you believe in Big Foot, UFO's etc.

I did see something that I can not explain. I tried to capture it on video and it did not work. I turned to ATS to try and find an explanation. I'm not sure I found an explanation, but I did find a lot of folks that experienced 'something' and it can't be explained. I also found folks that were willing to talk about it without being chastised as a freak.

Is it fake or is it real, only YOU will know when YOU experience the proof. When you do, I will enjoy reading your posts! Hopefully, nobody will accuse you of posting a hoax!


posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 09:40 PM
I certainly would never call the free exchange of ideas a "waste of time"
Sure, we're all gonna disagree with someone else from time to time, but isn't it fun?
And to be fair, alot of the stuff you read in these forums are no different than something you would read from respected UFOlogists like Stanton Friedman, or Jim Marrs.
I just took part in a discussion in a thread earlier in the week about all the government related material on the net regarding UFO's. Honestly, if not for this site, I never would have tooken the time to look into all of it.
And my gosh, the political forum is cool. You can be totally evil and p[lay both sides just to pee someone off, how fun is that!!!?
Personally I love this web site, and wish it long life and continued success.


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