posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 10:04 AM
Well, as someone who ate tons of burgers from the UK in the mid-80's, and as someone who knows of at least one classmate who lost a brother to new
variant CJD, I'm more worried about prions than hormones. However, at least the EU doesn't allow the use of hormones in their animals. Which
irritates the Americans. Which can only be a good thing.
And here's something to put you off your milk in the morning! Black coffee for me in future!
Incidentally, nvCJD - 20 year + incubation. Have we got away with it in the UK, considering the *crap* mechanically-recovered meat we ate in various
processed food products?
Go to figures for the numbers. Surprisingly low.
Interesting question. Browsing around my local Safeway in Canada, I was slightly amused (but mainly horrified) to find that the weiners are still
made with mechanically processed meats. Yum! Why hasn't it been banned? Why aren't consumers disgusted that they're eating sweepings from the
factory floor?
Enjoy breakfast everyone!