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Truth is not important anymore says former CNN anchorman.

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posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 09:07 AM

"Truth no longer matters in the context of politics and, sadly, in the context of cable news," said Aaron Brown, whose four-year period as anchor of CNN's NewsNight ended in November, when network executives gave his job to Anderson Cooper in a bid to push the show's ratings closer to front-runner Fox News.

Brown said he tried to give viewers a balanced diet of light and serious news with NewsNight. "But I always knew when I got to the Brussels sprouts, I was on thin ice," he said.

When NewsNight spent four hours covering the arrest of actor Robert Blake for the murder of his wife, Brown received thousands of e-mails criticizing the amount of time the show spent on the story. Nevertheless, that show, which aired in April 2002, received the highest ratings of any program since NewsNight's coverage of the November 2001 crash of American Airlines flight 587.

Yep these days the ratings are more important to the news organizations than just spelling out the stories that occurs daily around the world.

Many Americans on the left and the right aren't interested in the truth, but simply want news that confirms their viewpoints, he said. "You'd think that it's no more complex than good vs. evil," he said.

Journalists have fallen short in presenting important news in ways that allow viewers to see how it matters in their lives. But viewers must take up the battle as well, he said. "It's not enough to say you want serious news. You have to watch it. It isn't enough to say you want serious debate. You have to engage in it."

I would agree with him that viewers prefer to watch that sides with their viewpoints or at least close to those views. Foxnews for conservatives and CNN for liberals.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 02:18 PM
Ratings=money and money 'talks'.

No pun intended.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 02:22 PM
I loved Aaron Brown. Yes, he wasn't as pretty as Anderson Cooper or Paula Zhan, but I loved his delivery and he heart. He was a little boring, but he had what none of the other cnn anchors have (in my opinion): Credibility.

I think any TV news is nothing more than entertainews.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 03:30 PM
This is an important press release from a former employee of what many still interpret as a credible news source...despite the raging bias debate.

What constitutes a credible news reporting? Is it a wide spread audience? Is it years of on-air experience? Or is it truth?

But the point Aaron Brown was trying to make is that the truth is becoming more and more subjective....dependent on what exactly the network has decided is truth based on demographic and professional bias. Political statements are now more and more based on rhetorical ideaology...incredibly fallacious as a logic statements and do little more then, "confirm their viewpoints," so that they can feel comfortable enough to continue their day to day lives.....

So what is credible these days? I take every piece of information I ingest with a grain of salt and do my own analysis, as many people here on ATS do, but how successful can we be when the very news sources we draw from are increasingly telling people what they want to hear?

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:36 AM
All media outlets are run by the Ministry of Truth. It's just that different networks seem to have their own unique spin on things, so it makes people THINK they're hearing something different. Like CNN vs. Fox.

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