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9-11 Hijackers Found Alive

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posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 06:03 PM
If you had proof would you 'pony' it up?

Sorry but MA doesn't need a bodyguard.

Now MA originality is not your strong point,

lets be blunt here. Every arguement you have ever made here I have seen before somewhere else.

It is about as predictable as watching the leftwing trolls chase GWB faced bunnies down the track.

So droll.

Oh well they will learn father, soon they will see who their true master is, I mean for the disbelievers that is.

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 06:10 PM
I disagree with your assessment of my contribution entirely.

I am saddened that you are an attention seeker getting no attention. You will not receive any more from me.

Now, to the matter of what you pointed out - how the planes were remotely flown into the WTCs, and how the Pentagon was struck by a dolled-up missile - the material you have reinforced as being true - you have been asked to provide the evidence.

I suggest you do that by starting another thread (the material is not relevant here), but before you do that, perhaps you should read the number of times the Pentagon-bound flight has been covered off here at ATS, and see if you really want to defend your position. Or whether you would come back to your comment about the Pentagon above and rebut it, as either a simple error or a stupid piece of sarcasm that failed you.

A little research might improve the quality of your statements.

Good luck.

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 06:18 PM
I'm not going to play your Academic Game MA.

Secondly there is ample evidence of what I say already on the web, have seen it and it's out there.

So as a student of this event in history you are at a disadvantage because you have not done your home work.

Regarding sources of sensitive information, anyone would use them lightly. If you do not believe than that is your perspective. I am then not talking to you.

In regards attention from you then that is a shame but so be it.

I am not ignored why do you believe that?

Oh and tell us why you did not win the writing contest when you call yourself a writer?

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 06:24 PM
For people interested in the 'living hijackers' these are reasonable summaries all in a different style (all politically loaded, of course):

At least one of the wrongly identified hijackers has died subsequently in a plane crash...

* That is, at least one person who was wrongly identified as having been a hijacker on a 9/11 flight has been absolved of being anywhere near it, and has died subsequently - in case anyone was reading that I was an idiot thinking a hijacker had walked away to die later. Sorry to be pedantic *

[Edited on 3-10-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 06:38 PM

Are you always this abrasive? Not only do I hold MA in high esteem, I find him an authoritiative source on the subject and many others. In fact I think his link count in this matter is 3 to your ZERO.

Furthermore, MA's imagination has provided some excellent reading in the fiction section.
Since when do you have to win a contest to be a writer? #, they call me a Scholar and I have hard time showing up to real classes...

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 06:53 PM

Actually this whole alive terrorist thing is new to me and I find this quite startling. Have you offered these links somewhere else?

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 07:01 PM

I joined the board in late April this year. I came here as a result of a 9/11 related website. Probably in the first 2-3 weeks here I raised the issue of these identity thefts, and it wasn't news to the longstanding members.

There have been extensive threads here about the passenger lists on several of the flights, and the lack of ostensibly Arabic names on them, and the numbers on the manifest not equating to reported numbers.

This isn't an issue we had been considering for the 9/11 Research team, but perhaps the Passenger Lists taken as a comprehensive group might be worthy of examining. It's now in the 'old news' category, getting little coverage, and what has been put up before for analysis has been inconclusive.

Yes, I agree, it is startling to know that the mythology of a 'magnificent 19 martyrs' as portrayed on some (supposedly) Islamic websites is just disinformation, and it is not comforting either to know how little effort has truly gone in to identifying the actual perpetrators and how 9/11 could have been allowed to happen. Therein is the beginnings of the destruction of the 'official' line.

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 07:11 PM
Alive "should-be" terrorists being reported on BBC is big news and I'm glad it was posted here or I would've missed it. I'd say this is more than just a "crack" in the official line.

Two things have always stood out for me on 9/11. First the video (the complete video) from the elementary school. Second, The reaction time from FBI on the hijacker list... was as short as Tom Ridge saying the East Coast blackouts wasn't cyber terrorists.

If KRovegate would've gone mainstream a week later, maybe this would be on CNN.

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by kaoszero
If Bush and Co. were found to have orchestrated the entire 09.11 terrorist attack, I'd imagine a civil war would start. A lot of people are pretty unhappy all ready, and the discovery of that might be enough to create some violence.

But how would the American public find out about it? Sure a bit of people (like us) know the truth, but how will all the citizens find out what really happened without thinking it's just bull#. Wouldn't the government just find ways to cover it up and make sure it doesn't get exposed?

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 07:21 PM

Wouldn't the government just find ways to cover it up and make sure it doesn't get exposed?

What, like the Whitehouse stonewalling the official Congressional Enquiry, and not releasing key information about intelligence briefings?

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 07:34 PM
The US gov't must know if this ever were to be proven there would be total KAOS. No amount of force could stem the tide of the masses.

I'm not saying its out of the question. After all we did experience a coup de etat 40 years ago Nov.23.

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by solaris
The US gov't must know if this ever were to be proven there would be total KAOS. No amount of force could stem the tide of the masses.

Which aspect exactly do you believe needs to be 'proven'? The misidentification of at least eight hijackers is already an established fact. How deeply must the proof run - proof of what?

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 07:43 PM
I'm sorry for the lack of clarity.

I meant the part about the govt being behind it or 'highly involved'.

[Edited on 10-3-2003 by solaris]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 11:05 PM

Why aren't they discussing this on American media?"

This sure is F***ED UP! The News Media Flashes these Pictures of Arabs on TV -> "Hey America These Arab Terrorist Hijackers Attacked us on 9/11! Don't you just Hate them? Don't you just want Revenge?"

But back in Reality it is all a Bunch of CRAP = STOLEN IDENTITIES! They only problem is that the Media never bothered to mention that part!

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Killuminati
Wheres the public and media outcry to find out the people who killed 3000 people?

What happens if there not even middle eastern, it will make the entire war on terror a load of bull# (like we already did not know that) and it will make the Afghan War based on complete lies

Even if the public were to find out that Bush is behind 9-11....there would still be those moronic right wingers who would still defend him

So you would rather have the left wing Abortionists in office? Trust me Bush is as Blue as his Blue Blood. He used the right to get in office, with that much money floating around all of evil christian dome could be bought and sold for the glory of the Black Pope of the Jesuits!

Bush is no more Christian than the Skull and Bones is Christian or Jewish for that matter! The giant gas guzzeling privately owned IRS and Federal Reserve are the fat beasts that rule this world.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
This sure is F***ED UP! The News Media Flashes these Pictures of Arabs on TV -> "Hey America These Arab Terrorist Hijackers Attacked us on 9/11! Don't you just Hate them? Don't you just want Revenge?"

Every single terrorist is an Arab. Not every Arab is a terrorist. But that still gives me the right to be suspicious of most arabs. Just like it gives the right for a mouse to be suspicious of something slithering in the grass.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:43 AM
If that guy was in Morroco all this time why not come forward immediately after he was first Identified, why do it now so many years later , I dont think it was a concpriacy on the part of the US but, bad intel I think this AL-Shehri was involved otherwise why not come forward but I dont believe his task was to pilot the craft.

What say you guys to this theory Al-Shehri is the terrorists flight instructor, and he was hiding till he was called apon to train more pilots, but wait someone saw him and his cover was blown so know he comes out publically to deny the charges, that seems plausible to me, if he is cleared and thinks he is free of blaim , watch him I bet he hopes the next plane to a terrorists strong hold to be protected till he can step up to train more pilots for the cause of death.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:53 AM
Quote: "Every single Terrorist is an Arab. Not every Arab is a Terrorist."

What the Heck does that mean? It makes no sense - you contradict yourself! Listen there are ALL SORTS of Criminal Mafia Terrorists in the World! Some wear Arabic Garb - others a Suit & Tie - whats the difference?

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
Quote: "Every single Terrorist is an Arab. Not every Arab is a Terrorist."

What the Heck does that mean? It makes no sense - you contradict yourself! Listen there are ALL SORTS of Criminal Mafia Terrorists in the World! Some wear Arabic Garb - others a Suit & Tie - whats the difference?

Yes what does that mean , if you are trying to say their all from the same blood line I will tell you know their is one confirmed British suspect, one US suspect and one Korean suspect all not Arab , but converted to muslim extremists beliefs, the US suspect alone is so nutty and empty in his threats he bugged out of the US to the safety of a terrorist country before he started threatening actions on US soil , the idiot couldnt even do his job right, he left and didnt cause anymore concern than 3 or 4 days worth the news stories which essentially made him out to be a wanna be fake.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:58 PM
Yeah I remember that! That was SO FUNNY! Are you talking about
"HASSAN the American"? HA, HA, HA, HA!!!

What a Freaking LOSER!

[edit on 1-2-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

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