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Sad but true: There is NO PROOF of Aliens visiting Earth (that we have access to)

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posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 04:57 AM
Well, my friend, there are the believers, the non-believers and those that are open-minded.

What person do you think you are from the above categories?

I am sure that you would say that you try to be open-minded.

There are UFOs in our skies. That is a fact and our only (maybe) fact.

And when I say UFOs, I mean Unidentified Flying Objects, I don't mean Flying Objects Made and Operated by Extra-Terrestial Intelligent Lifeforms (FOMOEIL).

But the term UFO means exactly what it says: We cannot Identify these flying objects.

The explanation of these Ufos may be weather phenomena, man-made machines etc etc etc but also Flying Objects Made and Operated by Extra-Terrestial Intelligent Lifeforms.

We don't have proof that it is weather phenomena, we don't have proof that it is man-made aircrafts and we don't have proof that they are aliens.

Why do you include all the other possibilities and exclude only this one?

We could write another thread:" Sad but true: There is NO PROOF that the UFOs are strange weather phenomena."

I apologize for my bad humour, I hope you understand what I want to say.

Just try to remain open-minded to all possibilities.

PS: I apologize for my poor English

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
Oh theres better video and photos then just balls of light.

Maybe check out the infamous 1991 Mexico City UFO event. A daytime event so now balls of light in the sky. It was flimed by more then one person 17 to be exact and eyewitnessed by thousands. Some type of silvery disc shaped object.

Zoomed in picture of a frame of the video
This picture isnt that great though I found it fast you really have to see the video.

Other good videos are the NASA flimed STS-48 video. You can see a unidentified object being fired at and evading the attack.

Here are some of the better pictures

But there is so many more.

you are right, the pic you provided is basically nothing. and the video of the craft being fired at: yes i have seen that and it has nothing concrete at all...

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:15 AM
The title of this thread is most correct. I just wonder how much of what our govt. is sitting on. IMHO, I feel that the knowledge of UFO's is not just restricted to our time, but to other generations preceding us. Throughout the history of the world, there have been references made in the form of drawings and heirogliphs of our other worldly visiters; like the Nazca Lines.
I feel that we have not been alone as our govt. and the other worlds govt's insist that we have. I was thinking of doing a project on the Christian
religon and just how much the Pope knows. For whatever reasons being unknown to me I think the Vatican knows more than it is willing to let out due to the fact that if it were true, it would shoot modern religon in the foot, and not to mention the widespread disruption among the world's pouplation. Just my thought on this subject.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:34 AM
lol!...this thread's topic must be a joke!!!!!

I have not seen elvis, i only heard it from news (Elvis was supposed to be before the internet age, no?), so Elvis is a myth and his pics are CGI!

I have not seen Hitler, so he must be a urban legend made up by German haters!

I have not seen dinosaurs, so they must be another myth and the 'fossil' of 'bones' are natural stone formations and pics from magazines, no matter how 'peer reviewed' they must be, its all CGI!

I have never seen etc, its all lies.

I have not seen many things in this life, so what i have not seen with my own eyes are all lies and lies and more lies!!!!!

Somebody please clean my blinkers please, it may help me to see more though!

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 06:07 AM
why is it that to believe people need MASSIVE AMOUNTS of evidence to believe in UFO/Alien's and even then there skeptical. But then people will believe in there religions/god with no more proof other then there books that have been rewritten more then there is post on this forum. Its REALLY SIMPLE we as humans have been conditioned to believe that UFO/Alien's are what that crazy uncle (That smoked to much weed) we all have believe in.Its perfect and guinness, instead of killing everyone that gets to close. They have made it so just look like a fruitcake. Its sad but true, they would rather us believe that GOD's only son was killed came back to life a few days later
. Then what i have seen with my own eyes was swamp gas.

[edit on 26-1-2006 by helium3]

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat

you are right, the pic you provided is basically nothing.

Yes Thats why I said you had to see the video and there like 10 different ones, I just posted the picture to show you what I was talking about.

Im not going to track them down for you.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 08:19 AM
I think the point here is held up by nothing more than opinion. The internet has no less credibility than a book somene can write and claim to be true. Why does the author of this thread pick on the internet? If you want to know the truth about aliens then search within. You'll know they exist. It's not the aliens you should be looking for... it's their homes. Use your minds... it's a big place, this universe. Too big for us. Search around

Peace and Love.

[edit on 26-1-2006 by dgoodpasture]

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 08:41 AM
The 'Alien Interview' video doing the rounds had me somewhat queasy and serves as some kind of proof to me... I know it's not 100% verifiable and it could be some clever cgi buff pulling my leg - but what hit home to me was reading an exhibit from the Disclosure Project's 500 page briefing document and of the crashed UFO in the Kalahari desert in 1989 (page 271) where it is clearly stated the retrieval team flew the surviving recovered entities to the Wright Patterson airforce base in Dayton Ohio - so there's every chance that *something* crashed that year and that same *thing* was videoed. The 2 events seem to cross-reference and validate eachother. That Disclosure Project briefing document has plenty of eye-popping evidence and eye-witness accounts to infer that humanity has been lied to. We have been duped. The truths contained in that document make you feel hopping mad and ashamed as a human being - knowing matters of such importance are kept from us.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 10:46 AM
To be clear being open to the idea is all that is required. Open doesn't mean outright denial or accepting all evidence brought forward as real. As a skeptic I have always been open to the idea but I also realize that the field is littered with scams, hoaxes and charlatans. We do have "Proof' they are fakes.

In support of the title of this thread, we have "No Proof" or better put "Physical Proof". There is a big difference between proof and evidence.

Evidence - A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment

Proof - Introduction of physical elements for examination, presentation or demonstration; The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules that come to a conclusion.

When something is classified as "Unidentified object", that is potential evidence. Saying that evidence is piloted by an Alien or of Alien origin requires Proof to support the claim. We simply have no way or means to possitively identify origin. Object remains Unidentified. Theories or Assumptions are not evidence or proof. Theories and Assumptions must in turn have evidence to support their case.

[edit on 26-1-2006 by nullster]

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
As much as I would love to believe all of the interesting fairy tales about Roswell and the Dulce base and everything else, there still is no actual proof. Everything I've ever learned about aliens has come from text on the internet. Most of the time there isn't even proof of who is typing documents such as Project Serpo, for all we know everything on the internet could be made up by some wannabe X-Files writers. I want to believe that extraterrestrial life exists and has communicated with us, but it is a fact that normal people like you and I have no concrete pictures, no videos, just a bunch of text that could have been written by anyone with an internet connection. Am I wrong? Please tell me I am wrong somehow...

[edit on 26-1-2006 by Diplomat]

there are some books ect with proof


for example.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by helium3
why is it that to believe people need MASSIVE AMOUNTS of evidence to believe in UFO/Alien's and even then there skeptical. But then people will believe in there religions/god with no more proof other then there books that have been rewritten more then there is post on this forum. Its REALLY SIMPLE we as humans have been conditioned to believe that UFO/Alien's are what that crazy uncle (That smoked to much weed) we all have believe in.Its perfect and guinness, instead of killing everyone that gets to close. They have made it so just look like a fruitcake. Its sad but true, they would rather us believe that GOD's only son was killed came back to life a few days later
. Then what i have seen with my own eyes was swamp gas.

[edit on 26-1-2006 by helium3]

We probably feel the need for massive amounts of evidence because if Aliens really have been interacting for humans for so long there most likely would be tons of evidence. And for the guy using the Elvis analogy, millions of credible and reliable people saw Elvis with their own eyes and he is in countless videos. You cannot say the same about Aliens so you would see why it is much more difficult to believe in them.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 02:24 PM
Actually "millions" of the people that "saw" Elvis were drunk, high
on drugs, and histerical teenage girls, hardly what I would call "credible
and reliable people".

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 02:31 PM
What if....

bare in mind I have no firm opinons on any of these. I'm not religious and I don't hate religion!
What if Alien contact has proven! and that there A) is no God B) We are not even close to being the most intelligent beings in the universe D) We were placed on earth by another spiecies. E) Everything we see, feel, eat...etc is all a lie.
Maybe people thought they were protecting us and our way of exsistance? Not to say any of this is true (or right), but what if it was?
How do you think people would react?
I for one am more scared of that possibility than a UFO flying over my house.
Maybe its a lie that has been going on for so long that only more lies could keep the orignal lie from destroying us all.
I don't know? The truth is always there! but where is there?

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by SpinDropSmile
What if....

bare in mind I have no firm opinons on any of these. I'm not religious and I don't hate religion!
What if Alien contact has proven! and that there A) is no God B) We are not even close to being the most intelligent beings in the universe D) We were placed on earth by another spiecies. E) Everything we see, feel, eat...etc is all a lie.
Maybe people thought they were protecting us and our way of exsistance? Not to say any of this is true (or right), but what if it was?
How do you think people would react?
I for one am more scared of that possibility than a UFO flying over my house.
Maybe its a lie that has been going on for so long that only more lies could keep the orignal lie from destroying us all.
I don't know? The truth is always there! but where is there?

What happened to point C)? I guess you werent kidding about point B).


I would rather know the truth about why we are here, is there a God, etc then having false hope on those subjects.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 04:06 PM
Making bad analogies or comparisons with religion do not answer the question of the post which is "Lack of Proof". They only serves to derail the topic. So can we stay on topic.

Evidence - A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment

Proof - Introduction of physical elements for examination, presentation or demonstration; The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules that come to a conclusion.

There is a clear indication that people can be confused of what is "evidence" and what is "proof" How well does Evidence hold up to scrutiny and does it hold up to the definition of Proof

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 10:25 PM
"There is a clear indication that people can be confused of what is "evidence" and what is "proof" == nullster

And if definitions were the answer, why the confusion ? If I say I saw a helicopter flying low near me, I could
be decieved, intoxicated, even lying, and yet almost everyone would believe me. If I say I saw a UFO, or
Bigfoot, or a ghost, most folks would not believe me. So, starting with simple observations that a person
might make, what are the characteristics that make one observation believable and the other most likely
bogus ? And yes, I think this line of questioning can lead to an understanding of "proof".

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 10:15 AM

When something is classified as "Unidentified object", that is potential evidence. Saying that evidence is piloted by an Alien or of Alien origin requires Proof to support the claim. We simply have no way or means to possitively identify origin. Object remains Unidentified. Theories or Assumptions are not evidence or proof. Theories and Assumptions must in turn have evidence to support their case.

oh the joke of it!..if that is not TOTAL IGNORANCE, then it must be utter blindness, and with a high and mighty ego to 'teach' the rest of us 'proof' and 'evidence', when both proof and evidence are right before his eyes!!!!! must be wearing kevlar blinkers!

Proof:- UFOs have been seen and recorded in the media even before the internet age.


1. Many nations had come forward with UFO disclosure, certifying those craft flying their skies are not theirs.

2. Even US, the highest techological advanced country, has made no claims those crafts flying in the skies of neighbour Mexico belongs to them. Furthermore, US is a law abiding country and will not fly over another country without authorisation, least of all in densely populated areas.

3. These crafts were seen exhibiting physics unknown to current scientic knowledge, even top scientists can agree to it.

4. Therefore, who else is flying those crafts? Who is so technological advanced to pilot them? Who else dare flout FAA rules and get away with it?

Come on, take off those blinkers for once and just admit yer ignorance or refusal to admit to facts instead of talking crap to the rest of us, ASS U ME the rest of us are stupid!

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 11:15 AM
SeekerofTruth101 - You have very serious issues. Before you can call me ignorant you should evaluate your response. Nothing I wrote was inflamatory. Everything I wrote was a rationale method of forming a conclusion for any subject, not just UFOs.

Everything you wrote is pure speculation. Your response is faith based, so rationalization is out the window.
Speculation: Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 11:49 AM
i didnt even bother to read your statement . with a title like that.
think about it . you wouldnt be here posting on this web site f you
actually had a access.

i'll add this. i have never seen a octupus or alot of other creatures .
but i believe they exist . Ive seen pictures and tv shows about them .

Ive never touched one or seen one in person with my own eyes , only tv shows and pics .... So by your logic they arent real .
tell me its not true , ive seen the pics , i want to beleive. they must be real ?. hehe.

[edit on 27-1-2006 by Briggs]

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

1. Many nations had come forward with UFO disclosure, certifying those craft flying their skies are not theirs.

2. Even US, the highest techological advanced country, has made no claims those crafts flying in the skies of neighbour Mexico belongs to them. Furthermore, US is a law abiding country and will not fly over another country without authorisation, least of all in densely populated areas.

3. These crafts were seen exhibiting physics unknown to current scientic knowledge, even top scientists can agree to it.

4. Therefore, who else is flying those crafts? Who is so technological advanced to pilot them? Who else dare flout FAA rules and get away with it?

1) Actually there's a whole pile of countries that can claim stuff in their skies is
not theirs. SR71s and satellites are are only the property of one or a few nations.

2) U2s and Francis Gary Powers prove otherwise.

3) The same can be said of ball lightning.

4) Who is piloting UAVs? FAA violations are a daily occurrence, not all are caught.

I've seen UFOs with my own eyes, even photographed one. To my own frustration,
none of my experiences PROVES anything, other than the fact that I SAW SOMETHING.
For me to say WHAT they are is impossible. For me to say what I THINK they are
would be pure speculation on my part.

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