posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 02:54 PM
The whole world is worth saving,there's this little issue to do with what some consider to be "good",some elements think freedom is good,some
elements think freedom is dangerous,unless of course they are rich elites types,they think the poor need to be controlled so they can freely do as
they please...........
The world is "upside down",don't take it literally because good is considered bad.
-Modesty,some say it is good,but somewhere the idea came across as being cheap or poor.
Like living a simple modest lifestyle,working only the amount required to get by so you can enjoy your time walking,sleeping,whatever,doing what
makes you happy....Somewhere this has been twisted into being considered:Lazy,unmotivated,unproductive,poor,cheap.....a whole host of nice terms like
not doing your fair share or even being called crazy!.
Never mind,I'm just a simpleton.