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If there are known aliens, why does NASA try so hard to find them?

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posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 05:08 PM
Just wondering why there is such a desire to prove life exists beyond Earth if there has been a crash and coverup? NASA seems to be making larger steps to broaden their search. Are NASA in the blind too? ml

[edit on 24-1-2006 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 06:42 PM
Hardly "in the blind". More like, "in the know".

Just my 2 cent,

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 06:49 PM
NASA is a government agency. The government is in the business of covering up UFO/ETs. There is your answer.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 06:52 PM
maybe its just all for show

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:05 PM
I figure, if we are being visited, and if there was a crash, that 99.999% of the people who work at NASA, are none the wiser, It's my personal opinion though that no one at NASA knows more than we do when it comes to aliens/UFOs, well maybe they know what some if the UFOs are classified plane projects.


posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
If there are known aliens...

Lets just stop right there. Now i'm a big believer that there is other life out there for sure, but arn't any 'known' aliens. All the evidence i've seen for things like the "grey's" is flimsy at best. I'm not saying they don't exsist, but there is no solid proof of there exsistance.

Also NASA is a civilian agency that's funded by the US gov't. If the US gov't has information on other lifeforms, NASA would be unlikely to have access to it.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:24 PM
Oh common now, if ANYONE is going to know if UFOs are visiting from Space it would be NASA

Private or Not

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:29 PM
Not really, just because there a space agency, it does'nt mean they know whats going on, if they do see stuff, the Air Force prolly just lies and tells them it's a secret new plane being tested.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:37 PM
Just like the Whole goverment isnt in the "know" the whole of NASA wouldnt be in the "know" chances are only a small group of higher ups. The majority of people in NASA would love any proof of aliens even a microb as it would likely increase the NASA budget many fold over night beyond the less then 1% of the budget it is made up of today.

Many people at NASA arent even quiet when they see unexplained objects more then one astronaut has talked about seeing UFOs.

[edit on 24-1-2006 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:47 PM

I figure, if we are being visited, and if there was a crash, that 99.999% of the people who work at NASA, are none the wiser

I applaud you. I was just about to say the same thing as many in this thread has already come to understand. Even if someone at NASA knew the truth, whatever that is, NASA as an organisation would be prevented to take decisions based on that information. Might seem stupid, but as someone here said, they have to maintain appearances and continue with whatever it is NASA is supposed to do. I mean, even if you 100% believe that that UFO you saw couldn't possiby exist you still have to maintain your life right? You can't really do anything different after you've had a UFO sighting except get involved in the UFO scene as we do. *cough*

[edit on 24-1-2006 by Drexon]

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:51 PM
If you listen to NASA when they release their statements, everything sounds pre-programmed. When they search for life on Mars or the satellites of other planets, they always speak in terms of microrganisms and such. Almost all of the known programs that go up are just exploration expeditions to search terrain.
My problem is how do we know what is being sent up there? How can you trust a agency that is funded and basically run by the US government? Dont forget that in order to be a astronaut, you have to be in the AirForce.
The taxpayer pays for it all but we are not allowed full disclosure

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by jra

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
If there are known aliens...

Lets just stop right there. Now i'm a big believer that there is other life out there for sure, but arn't any 'known' aliens. All the evidence i've seen for things like the "grey's" is flimsy at best. I'm not saying they don't exsist, but there is no solid proof of there exsistance.
Also NASA is a civilian agency that's funded by the US gov't......

How dare you come in this alien temple and speak facts and truth. blasphemy blasphemy.
Next time leave your sound, objective rational at the door.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 09:11 PM
Nasa is a joke. Its the 20th century version of our technological advancements in space flight and exploration today. Why would they say of look we see stuff flying in and out of our atmophear and in circles geee... what could that be? Some kind of mask has to be shed over the population too make us think Nasa is really trying...hard... *cough* Think about it. People need too be told somthing that makes sence in there daily lives and news that would correspond too maybe NEW LIFE? Its all Bull $hit being fed too us, funny enough people believe it. Like they believe there president is 100 % right on world issue's and actions. Its part of the big plan too keep us little people down there and the people on top who plan to stay up there and can play with 100 + year technology.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 10:15 PM
NASA are the smartest of the smart. If they are up there, NASA would know. Some anomoly would show up in one of the million pictures that the hubble takes. I just find it hard to believe there is an organization that knows the truth. How fortuitous for them to be contacted. If Roswell was real, secrets don't last. It would've been VERIFIED. YES! VERIFIED! The point of this thread was to state that if NASA is still looking, it is because they have yet to discover FACTS!

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 10:55 PM
Has anyone ever thought that people in the know about UFOs dont really know all that much?

They might just have proof that aliens are comming to earth and not much more then that. They might have no clue where they come from ,how they get here or why they are here. Just that they are comming and they can do little to stop them.

If the people in the "Know" still have questions wouldnt it be smart to have a agency like NASA to try to answer them. Your not going to find a alien homeworld by having secret meetings in some dark secert room with a bunch of super secretive old men.

[edit on 24-1-2006 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 11:30 PM

Some anomoly would show up in one of the million pictures that the hubble takes.

Most of the pictures taken by the hubble are of things many hundreds or thousands of lightyears away, if something did show up, it would have happened hundreds or thousands of years ago.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 02:05 AM
Point being, all the pics of the sky we people take...

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 04:54 AM
If any of you think NASA has no interest or knowledge in UFOs and aliens then you should head over to conspiracy central and download the 3 archives of top secret testimony... (Disclosure Project Audio Testimony)

Dr. Richard Haines is a NASA research scientist who worked for NASA since the 60s and retired in 1988 and worked on the Gemini program, the Apollo program & Skylab program. Dr. Haines is one of the people to give Disclosure Project testimony...

While Dr. Haines doesn't make any direct accusations of NASA he does clearly show serious interest in the UFO phenomenon and has personally investigated UFOs and clearly states that the scientific community seriously needs to investigate the phenomenon.

The testimony from Mr. Don Phillips, Lockheed Skunkworks, USAF, and CIA Contractor is incredible. Don Phillips corroborates Philip Corso’s story. Don also states that he can corroborate many parts of Corso’s story from other people he has worked with and is presently working with now. Don further confirms the Roswell story and confirms back engineering of the technologies recovered there. Don Phillips confirms the story of Neil Armstrong watching the UFOs at the moon and that the ocupants were watching back and did not like the human presence there. Don Phillips states that he has a copy of the original written record of this incident. Don Phillips states that NASA spent more than 10 million dollars of tax payer’s money to try and duplicate recovered technologies. Don Phillips also states that there were more crash retrievals than Roswell. Don Phillips talks about a special flight trainer built by an electrical engineer and this engineer was aided by aliens in the construction. The reason for the trainer was for humans to learn how to fly their craft. This testimony is about 30 minutes long and VERY illuminating.

NASA knows…

If you have trouble finding Conspiracy Central just Google it.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 11:27 AM
AnAbsoluteCreation - There are but a few people (maybe 4 people) here that can appreciate your post, me being one of them. There is certainly no shortage of NASA bashers in this forum. Don't expect any rational or reasonable discussion on how any large organized agency can truly be looking for extraterrestrial life. In fact your post can almost be seen as infalmatory.

Don't you know, NASA is populated by mind controlled drones whose sole purpose is to keep up an ongoing massive cover up.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 05:19 PM

Dr. Richard Haines is a NASA research scientist who worked for NASA since the 60s and retired in 1988 and worked on the Gemini program

That's quite a coincidence for me than, being that Iw as born in 1988 and am a Gemini.
Sorry I could'nt help pointing it out.

Point being, all the pics of the sky we people take...

Yes, and unless your atleast a moderately good photographer, amateur photography can't be trusted as well.

I'm not claiming UFOs don't appear on photos, but they are simply UFOs, Uniddentified Flying Objects, that does not mean they are aliens, it just means that the photographer did not know what the object was.

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