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What are the benefits of mastering Astral Projection?

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posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 11:53 AM
I know this may be an obvious question to the AP adepts around here, but I am quite curious about how mastering OOBE's effects daily living.

Do OOBE"S happen spontaneously whenever you sleep?

Do you lose sleep? or feel rested after a full night of being OUT?

Do you feel more spiritually connected to Source?

Can you learn to AP while awake and standing?
(like one of the sisters on the TV show"Charmed?" )


posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 12:51 PM
Hello there I would be glad to share some of my experience with you but at this current time I have to go to work there are alot of threads disscussing this already but i will be on later and will reply again....Scare crow...

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 12:59 PM

I'll pretend I didn't hear you make such a connection.

There is a topic going indepth about OBEE's, which is at the top of the screen started by The RiverGoddess. I suggest you don't read the entire thread by start from page 20, which is where I made a summary from all previous pages and replying to the most common questions. If you start reading from there you'll find what you seek.


posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by MerryMistressMarie
I know this may be an obvious question to the AP adepts around here, but I am quite curious about how mastering OOBE's effects daily living.

Do OOBE"S happen spontaneously whenever you sleep?

Do you lose sleep? or feel rested after a full night of being OUT?

Do you feel more spiritually connected to Source?

Can you learn to AP while awake and standing?
(like one of the sisters on the TV show"Charmed?" )


Howdy Merry,

I don't think " out of body experience " accurately describes a lot of my experiences telepathically meeting peoples and animals minds. My conscious awareness recognizes others' memory of feelings, words and mental images (pictures, noving and still) as if they happen to hit my mind
in the awake state. The same thing in the dream state. That is with the arbitrary glimpses I pick up, one is mentioned on my 'healing energy' post.

It remains a mystery to me whether or not brainwaves, which have been measured 4 feet from a persons' mind travel further, or there is a telepathic wave which meets other telepathic waves accidentally halfway, or whether telepathic waves bounce off others' minds like radar waves bounce off distant objects to get an image picture.

Whichever it is, it seems to be very much like opening a huge book to a page without looking where you are going and then closing it, to do it again. There have been some notable exceptions for me.

One was when I found a mental image of a piece of land jutting into the ocean with my eyes closed and most everytime I went to this color visual image I ended up somewhere else in the world looking at picture postcard scenery.

In a dream, I saw a man standing on the deck of an old sailing ship off the coast here and thought it might be Sir Francis Drakes, Golden Hind when it came to the mouth of the Columbia. I had a seagulls view of it, so the link transcended time and space , to the visual memory of a seabird long since departed. I also had a visionm of the coast here in a dream where I believe they set up a shore camp.

I have a set of time life books about countries all over the world, printed several decades ago. As I went through them, there were various people I looked at the face of, tanscended time and space to the memories of those people. Usually a smiling person.

It is a lot less physically draining to do this, then for instance, for me to appear in public and take on negative incoming telepathic vibrations (NTIV)
from the people near me. There are a lot of problems people have that they carry around like heavy baggage. Also along those lines, I get NTIV
arbitrary 'connects' all day long from distance people, and these are also
tiring to me physically.

However, I live alone except for my ESP trained dogs and cats who often bark at incoming vibes right when I first enter a meditaional relaxation mode. It seems that I am considered some kind of emotional garbage dump
on the telepathic network and when I go relaxed and happy at first, there seems to be a crowd waiting. Waiting to grab a piece of happiness and leave their fear/anger behind. No matter forgive and forget. This jives with the idea telepathic waves are sent ou and return to the sender.

I think the reason for my continued success is that I treat any contact with
others memories like I am in their home and looking through the treasures stored within in a happy frame of mind and also one of great respect. That is the reason I connect better with happy smiling faces. It has to be considered a two way street because there is the strong possibility that the happy emotion, or love emotion is the most powerful thing any human has going for them.

When I sent the happy feeling to the backs of kids about 2-4 years old in the market with the words I love you, some immediately turned around looking me straight in the eyes and said hello. They had no idea I was behind them until I sent the test message. But these are wise children not effected by the cares of the world yet.

this could easily be proven on video tape with enough children , the contact response rate is about 50 %. Some kids just immediately stop crying or whinning and get that whimsical look. Some may be to connected to overprotective mothers who are telepathing continuously to the child in the younger years. There may be the reason some adults can go places and some do not, still tied to moms emotional apron strings, so to speak.

In the one astral projection I experienced, I was sitting down. There was a blackout of the existence of my body for 5 seconds or less. And a resulting trip which seemed to last about 20 minutes. This is like a dream situation, where your dream takes less than 5 seconds but seems the situation lasts much longer, sometimes for me ten years, a lifetime? or several hours.

The I just felt a temporal space shift again like things moved before me and have this feeling I can barely relate to typing, better send now.....
will continue....

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by MerryMistressMarie
Do OOBE"S happen spontaneously whenever you sleep?

Do you lose sleep? or feel rested after a full night of being OUT?

Do you feel more spiritually connected to Source?

Can you learn to AP while awake and standing?
(like one of the sisters on the TV show"Charmed?" )

1. You do not lose sleep, although you may feel tired or drained if done alot.(it has nothing to do with your body, rather draining of energy)

2. Yes you can.

3. If you can allow yourself into a meditative state while standing then yes.


posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 03:43 PM
boy that temporal space shift sure preceded a whacked out incoming negative telepathic blast after I layed down. The neighbors' terrorizing telepathic vibes even jumped on the gravy train on that one. A mother and her two grown children a boy and girl, and their stepfather have been terrorizing each other for years. And anybody who has come into that fold.
No wonder the kids left for their fathers home to kid away from the mom and their grandmother. Made me wonder if I'll have the happy day they move.
These people next door have tryed to make friends with anybody who has ever lived here temporarily. I guess to find out whata I am up to.
For sure after 2 hours or so sleep, my dogs wrenching in dry convulsions and growling at each other, whining, me feeling like I got the raw end of the deal.......this is a real good indication I am interrupted and ignored just like when I start to explain paranormal phenomena in person because of NTIV - negative incoming telepathic vibes.

Got the stong urge to eat something to get happy after I was hit by the NTIV, I just thought, I'm fasting. Till I got up and fixed some pancakes.
2 hours later and a no dream sleep though. I keep telling ya, there is a force that be, that don't want me writing and saying what I know.

But the show must go on and tonight again I will leave the ghosts aghast and type out the next message in my healing energy thread @ 2 am or so.

The rest of this story will be told then and there, I only have so many minutes a day and must make hay while the sunshines, so to speak.

happy trials to you
Honor Seed 1:40pm

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by HS
boy that temporal space shift sure preceded a whacked out incoming negative telepathic blast after I layed down. The neighbors' terrorizing telepathic vibes even jumped on the gravy train on that one. A mother and her two grown children a boy and girl, and their stepfather have been terrorizing each other for years. And anybody who has come into that fold.
No wonder the kids left for their fathers home to kid away from the mom and their grandmother. Made me wonder if I'll have the happy day they move.
These people next door have tryed to make friends with anybody who has ever lived here temporarily. I guess to find out whata I am up to.
For sure after 2 hours or so sleep, my dogs wrenching in dry convulsions and growling at each other, whining, me feeling like I got the raw end of the deal.......this is a real good indication I am interrupted and ignored just like when I start to explain paranormal phenomena in person because of NTIV - negative incoming telepathic vibes.

Got the stong urge to eat something to get happy after I was hit by the NTIV, I just thought, I'm fasting. Till I got up and fixed some pancakes.
2 hours later and a no dream sleep though. I keep telling ya, there is a force that be, that don't want me writing and saying what I know.

But the show must go on and tonight again I will leave the ghosts aghast and type out the next message in my healing energy thread @ 2 am or so.

The rest of this story will be told then and there, I only have so many minutes a day and must make hay while the sunshines, so to speak.

I have one thing to say to you.... It's Hammertime!

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 12:11 AM
I have recollection of most of my dreams dating back to when I was about five years old(I'm 24 now).Now as far as OOBE's are concerned as with everything with this wonderous language these words or abrieviations, have different meanings for different people.

When it comes to sleeping and astral projection.I like to call it planeswalking,where as mostly oobe's are where you disconnect your etheral self(soul,mind etc.)from your physical body and can travel through the planes.Planeswalking as i call it envolves a representation of yourself within a place contained within the realms.Whether or not these are actual places or just contained within our minds/etheral realm.

I have not really lost energy for these planeswalking experiences.Which happen to be almost every night.It can be really scary for it is not like a dream but another place,with real people places and ....things..

When traveling its the other entities that you have to be careful about.Just as we have our intentions.They do aswell.

When It comes to gaining strength in these ways.Focus on your perception of your dreams and meditate alot.Meditation is the link to oobe.

When we sleep our bodies are not connected so much to our minds.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Enyalius

I'll pretend I didn't hear you make such a connection.

I only watch it when I catch it by accident!
Seriously though: I went back and started reading from where you suggested and all I can say is WOW! Your story is pretty amazing... I'm looking forward to getting back into practice.. thanks for all of the info Enyalius

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 03:50 PM

at the risk of sounding facetious,
one advantage is not having to submit to airport security & searches of my person & luggage,

another good thing is i can determine the general site to visit with little lead time, advance arrangements, changes of clothing, etc etc

i'm pretty sure that old-timey AP is the same thing as remote-viewing,
just with modern venacular to dress up the 'exercise' and make it contemporary sounding.....



posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 06:13 PM
I fell chills running down my back. Maybe it's the J Tullllll.mmmmmmmm

Hammertime, you bet ! I invite anyone to my 'homebase', the "healing energy" post to hash out and brainstorm the definition of AP. I just posed some questions there for anyone interested.

This AP versus OOBE is a block that has to be figured out.

I invited a person from another newsgroup called the supernatural world because he has some awesome stories to share that enlighten me as to the war going/ and I don't mean earthly war either. I see some awesome 'hammertime' vibes coming on through some posters and others that cn provide valuable insight such as Toraylin. I'm hoping we can get all this together and defeat the evil demons. One thing for sure, the block on healing energy from Reiki and other healing pyschics is intense. Some can effect a healing energy for a month, then it is sicktime all over again. Who wants to pay another 500 bucks for a healing that lasts only a month? Can get spendy. Let's try our best to give these gifted healers who charge or not, a better chance. Let's see what we can come up with.

keep on truckin
Honor Seed

And you thought the power of one mind was awesome

wait until the demons get a hold of a warrior telepathic living spirit force, the world may indeed come to an end.....................for the demons

The angels will be casting them into the fire like cordwood

When Jesus said that these demons who offend the Holy Ghost in us will be cast into the fire at the end of the world, did the evil ones know what this meant. Good possibility it meant the world will end for the demons long before it cracks apart or loses its' atmosphere. Seems there really be some wicked ones burning in hell soon, let's see if we can hurry that along

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 05:29 PM
I know what you mean with your NTIV's, don't let them get you down. All those slaves wearing destructive thoughts, hammertime bigtime, destructive for to be destructed.

Don't you get really mad sometimes, really angry, like even your body just making the moves to slap one in the face? Or is this just a symptom of not getting along well with that other??

I also like to touch people on parts of their body where they have bloccades. Just poke them with my finger on it, always worried/shocked faces shown then. hehe

you just sence those low dense miserable vibes. One can see that zombie in the other. That slave of those thoughts. easy to hit them on the spot. To curse that demon out. Freedomfighters.

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