posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 02:55 PM
Hi SoLaR! Nice to be back! Don't know if this is worth posting on the "Paranormal" board, but an hour ago I was thinking about starting a new
thread about Hurricanes and 2006. Basically my gut feeling is that this forthcoming season will be worse than 05. I think it will start earlier, go on
for longer and be as/more destructive than last years extravaganza. No real reason, I just think it. Then I turn on the computer, see you have replied
and damn me, you've beaten me to it! Take the ball and run with it, run like the wind.....
You'll have to excuse my very quirky sense of humour, but I am English after all......
HAARP - wouldn't surprise me in the least - they screw with everything, why not the weather? We're as guilty as hell over here as well - I'll get
the link of the famous incident from the 50's - ASAP!