posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 06:02 AM
Just confirming Wangs previous post, yeah, down here in Australia, it was reported that last year the total average tempriture for that one year all
over Australia was 1 degree higher than the total average upto that point! That is to say, 150 year average when records began in Australia, 2005 was
1 degree higher, if you ask me, that is a pretty major jump in tempriture for one year, and to add to that, this summer it has been reported is the
hottest in 6 years. Off the top of my head, down here in Melbourne we've had something like 5 days over 40 degrees celcius so far with 6 weeks of
summer left to go. I know Adelaide set a new record in the last two weeks with I think it was 13 or 14 consecutive days above 30 degrees celcius. The
rest of the world is freezing it's balls off and ours are sweating off. We havn't had a regular rainfall pattern down here in Melbourne for just on
10 years now, and scientists are saying that this looks like the way it's gonna be so we should start to get used to it, Mate! it's getting #en dry
here i tell ya!