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Skeptics and Believers Alike....What would happen?

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posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 11:40 PM
Just imagine someone here at ATS gets a good video or photo of an alien or craft. How much would you like to bet that the skeptics (and some of the believers) will scream "it's SGI" or "it's PS!" or it's a hoax.....the nay-sayers' replies go on and on.......

You know, if Jesus came to earth tomorrow, he would be killed or jailed because if anyone claimed to be Jesus, they would immediately be told they were insane and committed on the spot.

What's it going to take to get an honest, unbiased look at the supernatural and unknown???

in the nutshell....PROOF ISN'T ENOUGH

[edit on 1/23/2006 by sexymon]

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 11:58 PM
Formal televised worldwide official first contact with ETs.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 09:18 AM
Photos only offer some much credibility because it's been proven time and time again that pictures of E.T.s or U.F.O.s can be created and be fake. The same goes for videos however it would just be a little more difficult, but videos do offer a good more credibility because it'd be a little more difficult to pull off. I have seen some amazing UFO videos that I can't explain thus far. But again, its the credibility issue and whether there's a buyable story to go with it.

Not that I believe in the revelations or anything but if Jesus came back, I don't believe he'd have to claim himself, he'd just have that overall presence that would give him self-claim. It's sort of like looking at the Grand Canyon and being mystified by its magnificence by just looking at it. You wouldn't necessarily need him to proclaim himself to tell that he's who he is

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by sexymon
Just imagine someone here at ATS gets a good video or photo of an alien or craft. How much would you like to bet that the skeptics (and some of the believers) will scream "it's SGI" or "it's PS!" or it's a hoax.....the nay-sayers' replies go on and on.......

You know, if Jesus came to earth tomorrow, he would be killed or jailed because if anyone claimed to be Jesus, they would immediately be told they were insane and committed on the spot.

What's it going to take to get an honest, unbiased look at the supernatural and unknown???

in the nutshell....PROOF ISN'T ENOUGH

[edit on 1/23/2006 by sexymon]

totally agree with what you are saying dude.
I have seen at least 20 things i cant describe in the sky and i have taken some video footage of them but i have never told any of my close friends or familly 'cos im almost sure they would just laugh at me!

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 11:06 AM
I don't think that even if George W Bush himself did a speech with an alien leader standing right beside him, people would believe. Fanatical Christians would claim it had something to do with the devil for sure. There would be at least one assassination attempt made in the period to follow.

It would pretty much take aliens showing up in every major city, in which case it would be taken as an invasion and people would kill all of them and start a galactic war, anyway.

I don't think there is any way to peacefully release it to the public, except through very gradual disclosure. First, world governments would have to unite and agree on the fact that alien life does in fact exist, and announce this to the people, definitively being true. Then they could start to explain how they are in contact with them and what they know, and finally, actually bringing them out into the public.

I don't know if it's going to ever be possible to conclusively prove that ghosts exist. Bigfoot and psychic powers should theoretically be very easy to prove though. Except in the Bigfoot case, people would fear and set out to kill all of them too, much like in an alien scenario.

But nonetheless, keep those cameras rolling. Even though it may be futile, there is a small chance that one video or picture may be the piece of evidence that turns the tables. Or at least enough of a nudge to get the government talking, and scientists giving it closer inspection.

For me personally, it would take half a dozen non-altered photos of aliens and their craft (inside and out), in normal lighting conditions from all different angles and distances, revealed by someone with authority, or the government clearly stating that aliens exist. No blur. Nothing weird. Just normal pictures like you would take of your family.

[edit on 24-1-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 11:13 AM
BTW if anyone does want full disclosure to happen visit this site to sign a petition to FORCE the Government to disclose all the alien information:

[edit on 24-1-2006 by conspiracy123]

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 11:30 AM
Hah, proof of aliens released here on ATS? Yeah right... It would be flamed into non-existnace with mountains of created evidence and logic to destory any hard evidence including signed testimony of every member of congress. The fact is the opposign sides are so bent on proving themselves right most of the time that they fail to bend at all and go with blanket beliefs that either "all alien theories are bunk" or "they are real and non-believers are just closed-minded". Just like with political parties the believers and the skeptics here are often too busy with fighting each other to actually look at things from a realistic view and maybe discover their scared beliefs arent set in the stone they thought they were.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 11:34 AM
sexymon - "gets a good video or photo".
Give an example of a Good video/pic and a Great Video/Pic?

A true skeptic is objective. Maybe you're confusing debunkers with skeptics.
That's like lumping Curious and Zealots into one group. If someone posted a conclusive video and it went the rounds of objetive, rationale debate, what would the problem be?

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by nullster
sexymon - "gets a good video or photo".
Give an example of a Good video/pic and a Great Video/Pic?

A true skeptic is objective. Maybe you're confusing debunkers with skeptics.
That's like lumping Curious and Zealots into one group. If someone posted a conclusive video and it went the rounds of objetive, rationale debate, what would the problem be?

I define "good" as real. Enough said.

It wouldn't matter how good it is! The point is that the community here (and elsewhere) would tear holes in it even if there were none to be torn. I am often asked if I believe, and I say "no, I know!" they just laugh it off. Six months of my life were spent reading and filing docs, videos, films, pics, and parts (yes, parts!) All the skeptics and debunkers alike deny 6 months of my life ever existed! That is what makes me sick!

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 08:41 PM
Any alien race out there would not let themselves be seen to extent that its perfectly clear to EVERYONE they exist. First human reaction would be to nuke them (govt.) while others want to talk to them and then again have them bring back Elvin while their at it. So really chaos would break out but in a good way, people would unite for once but in two groups:
One to destroy life
One to keep things alive.
So bring em on.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 12:14 AM
It's doubtfull a UFO crashing into the White House on the Fox News Channel, live, and the aliens running from police in the background would make anyone beleive who is already a skeptic. Its sad too. Although a Christian I too beleive in aliens and some of the conspiracy theroies regarding them. It would be nice to get some vindication but lets face it, concrete proof will never come out. Our National Security relies on keeping secret too many skeletons in our huge closet. Alien thechnology beign one of them. And quite frankly I halfway agree with them.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by nullster
A true skeptic is objective.

Ok, let's be objective so. Here :

Genuine video footage, genuine formation of lights. A formation, which means, a priori, intelligence. Dare to elaborate an objective opinion there nullster ?

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by sexymon
I define "good" as real. Enough said.

sexymon - Then you are not up for well thought out reasonable discussion. You've made your mind up before there is time to evaluate. That's what Hoaxers like and that why they continue to flood the web with their work. "Blind Faith" that a good UFO picture is automaticaly Real is the problem.

As a true Skeptic, everything should be reviewed, evaluated, and analyzed. If it proves to be beyond explanation then it is unidentified. When someone can 100% identify what a picture is, then it will be identified.

Musclor - I know you must know about Story Musgrave. A very outspoken very open minded US astronaut. Unfortunately many people take what he says out of context to server their agendas, but he does offer some interesting stories and experiences while in space. There is allot unknown in space, and he holds out that there must be inteligent life out there somewhere.

As for NASA footage. Anyone with graduated studies and qualifying credentials in astro physics, please step up to the plate. Armchair space watching and speculation does not qualify.

Do a search for "Quest" an ex NASA employee and his recent posts here.

[edit on 25-1-2006 by nullster]

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