posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 06:16 AM
Ok, since it's responding again, let's look at a couple things at the Pentagon they show.
On November 22nd, 2004, a private jet en route to Houston to pick up George Bush Senior clipped a single light pole and crashed a minute away from
landing at Houston's Hobby Airport.
Let's take a look at the two planes involved here. First, we have the Bizjet from Huston. A Gulfstream II buisness jet. Take off weight is 65,500
pounds. Max takeoff weight for a 757 is over 200,000 pounds. A GII carries 19 people max. A 757 carries around 200.
For reference, here are some pics. Take a look at the wings, and tell me which do YOU think would survive an impact with a 250 pound pole.
Gulfsteram II
Boeing 757
Now, you have a skinny little wing on the GII, because there's not a lot of weight to carry on it, as compared to a thicker fat wing on the 757, to
carry those engines. Which do you think would survive an impact with a lightpole? Just take a while guess here.