posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 06:02 PM
I'm always up for a good adopting, especially since I'm very new to this internet-based conspiracy thingamajig (as opposed to dis/agreeing about it
with a few select friends). Instant background info: I searched for something and mistakenly ended up at some illuminati site. There I found a link to
the in/famous Serpo site and read all of that in one evening. Somewhere in there I found a link to this place, or more specifically to the ATS
forum's Serpo-thread. Headed over there (here?) and spent 2½ nights reading that massive thread; I'm still not quite done, but decided to take a
break and sign up here before finishing the read. Why? Because most of the posters there struck me as the sanest "conspiracy kooks" (pardon my
French) I've ever encountered - well-read, articulate, even funny. It would be an honour to hang out with such people. End of ramble.