posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 08:57 PM
I would like to be adopted. I've never put myself up for adoption before, so this is a totally new experience. I read a few previous posts in this
thread, and have successfully muddled them all into one mishmosh. My spelling and grammer are pretty decent, but my new keyboard causes me to make way
too many typos, and I sometimes don't check for them before posting.
Sarcastic is good, as long as you don't cause me to bleed toooo much. I can be quite a wise aleck myself, but never mean or ugly.
I've got a sneaking suspician that things are not always as reasonable and calm here as they seem, so a guide may be a really good thiing for me.
u2u me, since I don't use any of the instant messenger stuff. Then I will supply my email, put I won't post it on a public board -- I get enough
spam already.
Maybe I ought to contact that sarcastic person...