I would like to be adopted but i think i already posted my adoption application in the wrong spot. Woops, sorry about that. But anyways while im here
would anyone like to adopt me please? Actually, adoption sounds kind of seedy, would anyone care to 'mentor' me in the fine ways of ATS please? I'm
a guy, i have seen many moons rise and fall and been around the Sun almost 20 times on my spaceship i like to call Earth. I enjoy the sciences
very much but i'm keen on anything. Cya.
Kieithsage and AdamH, please let us know if you have been adopted yet- if not, I happen to share some common interests, and will take either of you
on--TheGhost, or MolecularSciencePHD- I am sure you are a tad bit more cerebral than I am, so you may get frustrated with me quickly
Hi I am Casing and have been roaming the pages of ATS and realized maybe being adopted/mentored might be a good idea! (I think I had 15 tabs opened
trying to figure things out!!!)
Not sure what info you would want to know if you would want to adopt! I have made several posts but dont know how to direct you to them, but I imagine
its doable. I guess if you have questions I will pop in to check... So here goes:
You need 20 posts before your U2U is fully functional you have 7 now.
You can only U2U staff until then. If you do have any questions, you can
message me or any other Mod anytime.