Blackguard, that sings......on just 14 miunutes ago, we the healers of the night, the denizens of the dark, keep the light within burnin for those of
you catching some zzzzzzzzzz'z right now at 2 AM in the morn.
and here I am splashing symbols of light across the screen to the
Paranormal Studies Mind Control, Remote Viewing, ESP, Telepathy, Subliminal Messaging, Etc. people who will either get the message telepathically or
chance upon the conscious impression this notion conveys.
May your journey through dreamland be happy in the end with a new day, a sun rising, and the future of an expected spirtual awakening your soul
Like a thousand eyes that light the night, each giving forth dream stream wisdom, stars giving light to a thousand mighty civilizations all dedicated
in the proposition that all beings are created equal, so be it. And so on.
So what curious little tidbits does this one have this early morn you may ask? Another story perhaps of a vision seen, a glimpse of my vacation to
demonic space that makes a trip to the Congo in the midst of war look like a high school class reunion?
No my limited redership of probably less than a dozen merchants of the mind, nothing so gory. This morning I will try to pull from the attic
something more along the lines of a true story which basks in the glory of goodness.
A real zinger, nothing I have thought of yet, hence no egotistical fanfare can yet be claimed. But definitely something in balance to getting attacked
between the legs by creeping blobs on blackness that left magnetic like filing spikes there, causing me to run to the shower and use the scub brush.
Even then it looked like magnetic filings on a magnet. Ouch. and stung.
Let me see, there has to something, even if it is filed under nice time but probably not angel born. mmmmmmmmm. Well lets see, there was all those
tiny colorful stars spinning on the oily sheet in my lap. That didn't last long, but it sure made me happy to see the pond like surface appear with
so many tiny 5 pointed stars spinning merrily like autumn leaves on a breezy day.
I don't know, maybe the story of the time I lit a candle and gazed into the face of a large photo of my departed mothers face. Within the fuzziness
of her beautiful hair came the vision of little people climbing up and down stairs to their gypsy wagon. A glimpse into the past I'd say. And then a
lifesized red clothed wizard, with a red wizard hat looking at me over the picture. As he came close his nose was bulbous, perhaps older than the
hills. Parked that vision under the healing vision label. Red is my healing color. Like Valentines Day soon coming up and cupids doings, a red heart
filled with candy makes a nice gift.
mmmmmmmm, maybe the story of the dancing mummy, okay. Here goes.
A rich deep cobalt blue light covered the top shelf near the ceiling in a dimly lit living room. Near the ceiling about 10 inches down I have a HO
tain track that goes around the room. Above the door the light started and continues to cover all the little figurines I had standing, sitting and
whatever along the east wall. They all start winking and blinking and waving at me. The mummy is dancing in the corner, had to walk up to him to get a
closer look at his model I built with his wrapped mummy hand up, he was waving and really excited. So was Santa sitting on his green ceramic sleigh I
had made. So was mister frog and many of the others who chance to meet had arms to wave. What a happy charge. Many a moon passed before I stopped
seeing cobalt blue orbs of light during meditations.
Then the time the protective shield doors of white light that billowed like sails. I complimented a flat one and it billowed like a sail. So I
suggested they pair off and compliment each other. They did billow side out, like my compliments were inside a clam shell. They came to together and
floated to the heavens and disappeared. But not before the most amazing interaction of white flashy lights occured in dynamic linear concordance with
two parabolic shapes flowing through each other.
Well, that's about it for this evening folks, passing the ball over to another somewhere in the universe who tries their level best to balance the
good, bad and the ugly stories with a touch of class.
Good dreaming and happy hunting in the lands of mystery, metaminded and munchables......
Honor Seed