posted on Oct, 1 2003 @ 04:19 PM
Yep, a good name, thought you may have come up with it yourself, Colonel, as the trademark!
It's useful to label these tactics for what they are before the admin is DISGORGED of illegal war profits.
I believe that even before the round of dismissals, the Bush admin had well exceeded the level of criminality that Nixon had managed in abuse of the
intelligence agencies through the Watergate scandal.
Cheney cut ties on inter-agency communications and set up the OSP to give the Whitehouse only filtered info in support of PNAC. Criminal already.
Then you have the knowing fabrication of evidence for Congress, the media, the public and the UN to support the Iraq invasion. Criminal, treasonous
and involving racketeering to boot!
And you have the open revelation of an undercover agent when a husband steps out of line, ruining her career. Way to go!
It goes from bad to worse. It will probably get worse before it gets any better, and there's only one way to make it better. But don't forget these
criminals need to be DISGORGED of all illegal profits.