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FEMA and My kids.

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posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 08:36 PM
How craptacular is this? My Son came home last week and He told Me He had a 'lock-down' drill at school in addition to a fire drill. I didn't received any paperwork or forms or newsletters explaining why this is. When I spoke to the teacher she said it wasn't really 'any big deal'. She said it was done in case anyone armed breaks into the school. That they'd 'have the children crawl under their desks and they'd 'lock down' the bldg'. She said she wasn't real clear on why the school was performing the drill bcuz it was the 1st time that it's been implemented. My stomache knotted up. They put a barrier btwn Me and My child, talk about livid. After doing some research I came across 'FEMA kids'. Complete with rap beat lyrics and coloring pages. It tells kids to pack a supply kit including H2O,bandaids and such. To pack a bag with some books, a favorite stuffed animal, blanket, pictures of their pet and a 'keep sake' box for 'things that make You feel special'. They state that 'Disaster action kids are fun. Disaster action kids are prepared.' It tells children to be prepared to be moved underground or to a different locations, without their parents. It says 'Terrorism forces Us to make a choice. Don't be afraid. Be prepared'.
Will this ever happen? I believe 9/11 was staged and I think the govt. would have no problem creating another 'terrorist attack'. I do know that My children will not be there when it happens, I'm pulling them out.

Peace. K*

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 08:56 PM
Just wanted to add the FEMA kids link.

It will happen, it's just a matter of when.
Mind if I ask what state?

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 09:17 PM
Thank You for posting the link. I didn't know how exactly. I live in PA. Would it be a state to state thing or school district or is it federally mandated? Do schools get extra money in the form of grants if they paticipate in the program? Thanx again.

Peace. K*

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Demetre
I do know that My children will not be there when it happens, I'm pulling them out.

I can't tell you how much I respect this decision.

I don't understand how anyone can leave their kids in public (government) schools these days. There's just too much of a chance that your concerns would be played out. I don't have kids, but if I did, and anyone tried to keep me from getting to them... I hate to think what might happen.

Craptacular indeed!

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 10:52 PM
it's all part of the plan.

see the paintings at denver international airport for a thousand words.

there will be a death of all religions in a great war, and when it's over, the children(the only people left over besides 'them') will beat the 'swords into ploughshares'.

nasty stuff. ever think of homeschooling?

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 08:12 AM
Yeah, I have seen them! Creepy, huh? This is My deal- Before My X and I were divorced We discussed that I'd home school Our children. Since then He's been real anal about it, wanting them to go to public school. We have joint custody of Our 2 kids so We're restricted on what the other can do without the 2 of us agreeing. See, I'm the 'nutjob' xwife, complete with 'paranoid dillusions' concerning Our govt. No biggie. I'm withdrawing them from school and I'll deal with His crap at a later date. Through My attorney if need be. I'm gathering info. on home schooling this wk. I'm a little light in the education dept but what I can't do I'll hire a tutor for. It amazes Me that so far I'm the only parent that questioned this drill. Either nobody else knows, due to the lack of parental notification, or nobody else cares. Either way, it's sad.

Peace. K*

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 01:59 PM
here's another tack(changing directions when sailing).

i've thought that the forces of evil are rather overwhelming, and that the good warrior puts him/herself beyond the possibility of defeat.

and in that light, i find it hard to believe it possible to stop the beast machines momentum in time to 'save' life as we know it.

however, these innocent children, might be 'trained' as 'moles'. similiar to farenhiet 451(the bookburning movie), where each book was memorised verbatim by the 'good guys' after the 'bad guys' burned ALL the books.

children could be taught by their parents that in the human world, 'authority' does not equal 'good'. if you've already been tagged by the system(which it seems you have), then a certain amount of stealth and subterfuge might help your situation. maybe, DON'T take them out of school until you 'smell' something BIG is coming down the pipe. then they could get 'sick' and have to stay home from school for a day or two(don't 'cry wolf'. make SURE you 'smell' something)
it's a sticky situation. if 'the machine' labels you paranoid deluisional, you could lose them altogether. sad, very sad, but true.

my hope is that some of these innocents who are 'chosen' to survive the coming holocaust, will take REASON with them into the 'brave new world'. me, i figger the big boys with the big toys are pretty unstoppable. this doesn't mean 'we' have to give up hope for a future not dominated by an evil big brother. there is hope in christ, too, if you're on that page of 'the book of life'.

play it cool. you don't want to hear one of those 'body snatcher' sirens going off. that's just nasty!

when stuck between a rock and a hard place, make yourself THIN!

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 03:34 PM
So you would pull your kids out of a school because they are being taught ways to deal with disasters? I'm a bit confused...did i miss something?

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by ajm4481
So you would pull your kids out of a school because they are being taught ways to deal with disasters? I'm a bit confused...did i miss something?

you may have missed the alleged agenda of the new world order. the responsibility of raising children is something that the new world order state wants to take over.

FEMA cannot be trusted.

did you see how 'helpful' they were when katrina hit?

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 07:08 PM

did you see how 'helpful' they were when katrina hit?

As a matter of fact I did. I live in Biloxi, MS. The part down here that got the worst Katrina had to offer. FEMA did a spectacular job here, and continue to do a spectacular job this day.

And I don't buy into the whole NWO argument, to many assumptions, based on assumptions, based on theories, based on assumptions, which usually are based on some nuts wish of the worst case he wishes to be.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 07:25 PM
This reminds me of something I heard the recruiters at my high shcool talk about last year. The army had their guys come in for a week at lunch hours for us to get info. at such. I went to the table because I have interest in following the family business and getting into an armored or sniper division.

Anyway, when I got there the two guys were talking to each other whispering. I've been blessed with exceptional hearing (I can hear the main road traffic about 1.5 miles away from my house in the middle of the night when no ones there. I've also tracked my dog down in the middle of the night on hearing alone.) so I heard them talking about some plan with the schools. Not so much an attack it seemed, just like some kind of incident, talked about setting up an event to get kids to join the military. However, they did also mention being told by their superiors to "shut the eff up" when they got close to something they believed proved 9/11 was staged.

Whether it's two bored guys actually talking real things, or something for a game, I dunno, but it was interesting nonetheless.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 09:43 PM
Demetre this is called the red alert system established by DHS.

here is some links i found....

hope this explains a little more for you

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by ajm4481

did you see how 'helpful' they were when katrina hit?

As a matter of fact I did. I live in Biloxi, MS. The part down here that got the worst Katrina had to offer. FEMA did a spectacular job here, and continue to do a spectacular job this day.

And I don't buy into the whole NWO argument, to many assumptions, based on assumptions, based on theories, based on assumptions, which usually are based on some nuts wish of the worst case he wishes to be.

FEMA did a spectacular job? Please, they not only dropped the ball, they popped it. For Your 1 statement I can literally provide hundreds that say different. If You really think that FEMA's done a fine job then I'd imagine You'd not have a problem with them taking and restricting Your access to Your own children? It's ridiculous. I absolutely do have a problem with ANYBODY moving My children to a 'safe and undisclosed' area, for Their 'protection', of course.
There is not a force on this earth that should/would keep Me from My children, regardless of name or nature. As far as the NWO, don't buy it. No skin off My back. I'm not completely sure that I believe in it 100%. Call IT (FEMA, NWO) whatever You will but don't make it personal by calling people nuts. It's hard to take into consideration anything anyone says when They revert to name-calling. Have You ever had Your instinct sound alarms to say somethings not just right? If the school were worried about keeping My child safe by removing Him to an underground bunker for any length of time You'd think they'd want His medication- which he takes every 4 hrs.-to keep Him alive. Take whatever chances with Your own and count me out.

Peace. K*

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 09:50 AM
Why are you assuming this has anything to do with fema? Schools have fire drills because there is a danger of fires. Schools now have drills to prepare for when/if someone goes into the school and starts shooting people, because there is a danger of this. Why should they have to inform you? Or does your district tell you that there will be X number of fire drills a year in the beggining of the year? Do they say fire drills or emergency drills? Would emergency drills be notice?

It tells children to be prepared to be moved underground or to a different locations, without their parents

Where is this underground stuff noted on the site?

I absolutely do have a problem with ANYBODY moving My children to a 'safe and undisclosed' area, for Their 'protection', of course

When were they moved to a 'safe and undisclosed area'? You said that they were told to 'crawl under their desks' and that the building would be locked. Obviously the schools can't have people off the street running into the school building if there is someone shooting people inside of it.

If the school were worried about keeping My child safe by removing Him to an underground bunke

Who has said that they were going to do this? Where are you getting this from? It sounds like the school, in addition to having the kids file out in an orderly manner to prepare for a building fire, have also made a plan for how to have kids and teachers deal with there being a shooter in the school. You wouldn't want to pull a fire alarm and have everyone leave their classes and get into little lines if there is a couple of people schooting machine guns at them. This makes sense. You have them get under their desks, which will provide a little protection and at least obscure them, you lock the classroom doors, and you keep control who gets in and out of the school.
If there is someone shooting other students, then the kids that are in the halls are the ones that are going to get shot. THe kids sitting at their desks are going to be targeted, and the unlocked classrooms are the ones that the shooter is going to burst into. Thats where the dead kids will be.

this is called the red alert system established by DHS.
here is some links i found....

There is nothing there that talks about schools having lockdowns, or indeed any mention of schools at all.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Why are you assuming this has anything to do with fema? Schools have fire drills because there is a danger of fires. Schools now have drills to prepare for when/if someone goes into the school and starts shooting people, because there is a danger of this. Why should they have to inform you? Or does your district tell you that there will be X number of fire drills a year in the beggining of the year? Do they say fire drills or emergency drills? Would emergency drills be notice?

It tells children to be prepared to be moved underground or to a different locations, without their parents

Where is this underground stuff noted on the site?

I absolutely do have a problem with ANYBODY moving My children to a 'safe and undisclosed' area, for Their 'protection', of course

When were they moved to a 'safe and undisclosed area'? You said that they were told to 'crawl under their desks' and that the building would be locked. Obviously the schools can't have people off the street running into the school building if there is someone shooting people inside of it.

If the school were worried about keeping My child safe by removing Him to an underground bunke

Who has said that they were going to do this? Where are you getting this from? It sounds like the school, in addition to having the kids file out in an orderly manner to prepare for a building fire, have also made a plan for how to have kids and teachers deal with there being a shooter in the school. You wouldn't want to pull a fire alarm and have everyone leave their classes and get into little lines if there is a couple of people schooting machine guns at them. This makes sense. You have them get under their desks, which will provide a little protection and at least obscure them, you lock the classroom doors, and you keep control who gets in and out of the school.
If there is someone shooting other students, then the kids that are in the halls are the ones that are going to get shot. THe kids sitting at their desks are going to be targeted, and the unlocked classrooms are the ones that the shooter is going to burst into. Thats where the dead kids will be.

this is called the red alert system established by DHS.
here is some links i found....

There is nothing there that talks about schools having lockdowns, or indeed any mention of schools at all.

Haven't read all of Your post as of yet, but I will. My son's teacher told Me all of this. His school is directly across the street from the armory which has a shelter below. She did say it depends on what the situation is. If there's an armed person in the bldg. the kids get under their desks and the classroom doorlocks are engaged. If it is weather related, flood, hurricane, etc. they do the same thing. If it's a terrorist attack, biological, chemical, they need to make way to the armory if time permits. If not the school has supplies like plastic and tape to secure windows and vents.

Peace. K*

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 03:13 PM
Ah, now thats interesting.

Would they let parents into the armory? They should definitly be answering your questions about this.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 07:33 PM

Trust me, if i felt the way you do and I had kids in school I'd be doing the same thing. But I feel as I stated above. Reading the links in Patriot36's post I saw a school system trying to protect the kids if there is an immanent(sp?) threat posed to the school. Would you support the school if they said "if we think terrorist are going to attack the school we are going to tell them to just sit in your seat". Hopefully not, and as a parent I doubt you would. This school is preparing a plan to save the lives of these kids if there is an immanent threat against them...I think that is great! So thats what I gathered from most of the links.. Then I get to the one with this guy that completely took things out of context and made me feel as though he was saying even if the school wasn't under an immanent threat, then the kids would still be taken away...I didnt see i refer to him as a nut, because well, thats just the way I see it. Oh and for my own experience saying FEMA did great, I could definately "litterally" provide hundreds agreeing...and probably thousands...Why? Because in my area we took it upon ourselves to make sure everything we could do was done, unlike another area where they just our area we worked together, and were helped by FEMA.. FEMA has the same problems people have, right after a one can get they do the only thing they can do, set up areas....and start working thei way out...and guess what we did...we got ourselves to the drop off point...we didnt sit and say hurry up...we said "were gonna get there". So its all a matter of perspective, if i were lazy id be complaining. But im not, i know it takes just as much effort from me as it does from FEMA in a time like that...

[edit on 23-1-2006 by ajm4481]

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 09:33 PM
We have been doing these drills for a long time (CA). Schools call them intruder alerts. They instruct classrooms to turn off the lights and hide under our desks. (Although, personally i think turning our desks on their sides would offer a lot more protection)


posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 08:54 AM
My daughter is going to start school this year. I will definatly not let anyone get in the way of me and my daughter (unless of course it involves the elimation of both me and her mother as this would kill any recourse for my daughter). Self preservation is rule 1. However our children are the future and are much more innocent than we are. Hence they preseravation is above that rule.

That being said, I appreciate what they are trying to teach the kids. I appreciate them trying to protect them. However, in your case i would not be very submissive to the lack of communication or my approval of involving my child in such actions. Sometimes its better to be dumb in the situations. Ignorance has proven itself many times. (best option is to be educated and play dumb

I personally would take action in the following ways (permited your child has been taught what is right and wrong, understqands consequnces etc.):

1) have them join some type of matial art
2) teach them chemistry of common houshold items (ie fire extinguishers can be used as smoke screens to buy time)
3) practice panic situations so they learn to think with logic instead of emotion
4) teach them how to asses all situation form simple to complex so they start looking for option (this is also good for education in general)
5) be honest with them so will trust you
6) Teach them how to listen to intuition.
7) teach them to respect authority, but question it if it goes against their morals

While these are good rules for life in general, I will never wish anything bad upon anyone or their child. And i wish you the best of luck in your situation. Keep us posted as solutions to problems are always welcomed.

And here are a fe examples of how i teach my daughter:
1) my daughter wanted to play with a group of kids on a pool table. I put my daughter on my lap and said "watch what happens". Sure enough 30 seconds later one of the kids hurt his finger from one of the balls runing into againts the inside edge of the table. She then understood the reasoning and decided not to play with them. I feel this teachs them to trust in me and shows them how to look at things from a different angle other than "i want"

2) My daughter likes to climb. she clibs the couches, the bar stools, trees, the rocks around our apt, and anything and everything in the play ground. When i see her put herself in danger of falling, I will be there to catch her, but i will not get her out of the situation. So far she has not fallen into my arms yet. I feel this teachs them they we are here for them, but they are their own first and foremost defense.

3) One time my daughter was rocking on the kitchen chair. This concerned me cause she was rocking it to the point where the chair could fall over. I explained to her what would happen. Kids being kids she continued. I then applied pressure to her back up againt the char and brought the chair down close to the ground in a quick but verry controlled manner. when i stopped close to the ground i then asked her if if the ground was hard or sodt, she said soft. I then asked her if she thought it would hurt if she hit ground. she said yes. She no longer does this. But now whenever she climbs something all i say is "be careful". This again taught her to trust dad and understand he is trying to protect her.

If you ask me this is the type of teaching that should be taught inschool

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by scoobdude
If you ask me this is the type of teaching that should be taught inschool

I disagree - this is the type of thing that should be taught at home by loving parents, not people who work with 30+ students and get a new set every year.

Unfortunatly, not all parents care for their kids as much as you do scoobdube, so the school has to attempt to teach a lot of things that should be taught at home and then spread themselves too thin - and nothing gets accomplished.


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