There has been a conspiracy in the United States since the 1970s, perpetrated by people with aims to destroy the Constitution, deny personal Freedom,
and to bring a theocratic, fascistic regime to power in America.
This conspiracy is often described by the innocent-sounding terms "Reconstructionism", "Dominion Theology", or "Theonomy". It refers to the
belief that all earthly forms of government must be replaced by a "Kingdom of God" that uses only a distorted and atavistic reading of something
called "Biblical Law" to replace all man-made laws. This movement is behind what's now known as the "Religious Right" in America (and in Western
Europe) and its purposes have little to do with God, Christ, Faith or the Bible. It is a purely fascistic movement that is most closely related to
the radical Islamic fundamentalism which has caused so much suffering in the world today.
Gabriel Fackre "The Religious Right and Christian Faith"
What is at stake here is the very integrity of biblical truth. The New Right, in many cases, is doing nothing less than placing a heretical claim on
Christian faith that distorts, confuses, and destroys the opportunity for a biblical understanding of Jesus Christ and of his gospel for millions of
The rationale used by the Christian Reconstructionists (which is not related in any way to Jewish Reconstructionism) is from Genesis 1:26 of the
Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament):
Genesis 1:26 (NIV)
"Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the
livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'"
Most Christians and Biblical scholars interpret this verse as giving Mankind dominion over nature, animals, etc., and makes us stewards of our world.
But Dominionists see it differently. To them, this Biblical verse gives them authority to "bring all societies, around the world, under the rule of
the Word of God." Or if not the actual "Word of God" then whatever they happen to say the Word of God is.
Although most Dominionists prefer to work behind the scenes, supporting fellow traveller political candidates such as Senators Sam Brownback and Rick
Santorum and President George W. Bush, there are a few Reconstructionsists who have spoken publicly. One of the better known of these is R.J.
Rushdoony. Here are some of the changes he has proposed:
The use of the death penalty would be greatly expanded, when the Hebrew Scriptures' laws are reapplied. People will be executed for adultery,
blasphemy, heresy, homosexual behavior, idolatry, prostitution, evil sorcery (some translations say Witchcraft), etc. The Bible requires those found
guilty of these "crimes" to be either stoned to death or burned alive. Reconstructionists are divided on the execution method to be used.
A church or congregation which does not accept the Mosaic Law has another god before them, and is thus guilty of idolatry. That would be punishable
by death. That would include all non-Christian religious organizations. At the present time, non-Christians total two-thirds of the human race.
The status of women would be reduced to almost that of a slave as described in the Hebrew Scriptures. A woman would initially be considered the
property of her father; after marriage, she would be considered the property of her husband.
It would be logical to assume that the institution of slavery would be reintroduced, and regulated according to Biblical laws. Fathers could sell
their daughters into slavery. Female slaves would retain that status for life. Slave owners would be allowed to physically abuse them, as long as the
slaves lived for at least a day before dying of the beating. 9
Polygamy and the keeping of concubines were permitted in the Old Testament. However, Reconstructionists generally believe in marriage between one man
and one woman only. Any other sexual expression would be a capital crime. Those found guilty of engaging in same-sex, pre-marital or extra-marital sex
would be executed.
The Old Testament "Jubilee Year" system would be celebrated once more. Every 50 years, the control of all land reverted to its original owners. In
theory, this would require every part of North American land to be returned to the original Aboriginal owners (or perhaps to those persons of
Aboriginal descent who are now Christians). Hawaii would be given back to the native Hawaiians.
Governments would all have balanced budgets.
Income taxes would be eliminated.
The prison system would be eliminated. A system of just restitution would be established for some crimes. The death penalty would be practiced for
many other crimes. There would be little need for warehousing of convicted criminals.
Legal abortions would be banished; those found to be responsible for abortions would be charged with murder and executed.
The above list is not supposition by those who oppose the Dominionists, but rather from the very words of Rushdoony and his associates.
Although it's couched in terms of the Bible, God and Christ, a scratch beneath the surface of the men behind the Reconstructionist movement shows
that they are motivated not by the Second Coming of the Kingdom of God, but by raw greed and the accumulation of power. These are not godly men, but
men who in their private lives have shown little regard for any biblical injunctions. Among their numbers you will find extortionists, adulterers,
thieves, arms dealers and in at least two cases, murderers. They have little use for the humble Christ of the Bible and his exhortations to love.
Their messiah bears a stronger resemblance to Rambo.
The philosophy of Dominion Theology has completely infected the United States government. It's already impossible for an agnostic or athiest to
obtain public office in the US, from the local school board to the President of the United States. Can you even imagine a candidate for President who
didn't go to church every Sunday, or at least claim to? Senator Sam Brownback is one of dozens of US Senators and Representatives who live in
sequestered housing completely paid for by a shadowy organization known only as "The Order". This same "Order" is the organization that's been
behind the Presidential "Prayer Breakfasts" that are held in D.C. for the most powerful government officials. There's not much praying going on at
these breakfasts, but if you're a military contractor looking for a fat payday, that's the place to be.
Even the supposed "Liberal Media" in the US has now been completely intimidated by the Dominionists. If you still have an open mind, do a little
research into the actual views of the cable News channels. Count the talking heads on the panels on Sunday News Shows. How many of them are
secularist, or progressive, and how many are pro-Christian Right? Take a wristwatch the next time you're watching Fox News Channel. See how long
the "liberal" politicians are allowed to give their views vs. the views of the Right and Far-Right, who are supported in main by the Dominionists,
from Rushdoony in the past to Grover Norquist. In fact, this "Jack Abramoff" that we've been hearing about lately is directly tied to the
Dominionists and their grab at power in the US. The fact that he's Jewish and doesn't even believe that Christ is the Messiah hasn't stopped him
from being embraced by those who claim to hold "Christian" values.
Remember "Justice Sunday" where a bunch of Right-Wing politicians spoke to a huge audience at a mega-church? This was organized and funded
completely by Christian Reconstructionists. When George W. Bush, the hero of the Reconstructionists had the nerve to nominate Harriet Meiers as
Supreme Court justice, he was lambasted by the Dominionists because Ms. Meiers was not as fanatically opposed to the Constitution and ultimately, her
name was removed. Instead, we have Judge Alito, whose views are exactly in keeping with those of the Dominion. You think he believes in the original
intent of the framers of the Constitution? Not for a minute. He'd overturn any law in a moment if it doesn't place what he refers to as "moral
law" ahead of the laws of our land.
I'd strongly urge you to spend a little time researching the terms "Christian Reconstructionism", "Dominion Theology" and "Theonomy". Then
come back and tell me what you think.
[edited quotations, which provided sources, to conform to board custom of using the 'ex' tags and a citation within them -nygdan]
[edit on 24-1-2006 by Nygdan]