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What is Energy? And how does it relate to the spirtual world?

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posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 12:30 PM
I'm actually quite confuse about energy, from what I gather through reading arcticles and books, but I believe I misinterpurted it, so would anyone like to fill me in about energy, and how it relates to the spiritual world, chakra, auras, waves, psychic abilities and these things relate to each other? Also I want know what make it possible for us to manipulate energy, thus creating telekinesis or etc.

What I know about energy:
•We are surrounded by a sea of energy; energy is a “substance” that flows throughs the universe and fills it's "empty space".
•Energy is also the building blocks of life all matter that we see. Macro < micro < molecules < atoms < subatomic particles < quarks/anti-quarks < energy.
•Energy can never be created or destroyed, when we die, our molecules breakdown, the atoms begin to decay, as the atom decays it slowly goes back to a state of energy.
•Wave is a form of energy (Electromagnetic Spectrum).
•Living matter use a form of energy called Prana (Life Energy).
•Energy can be manipulated by the living.
•Chakra is a vortex that opens a nadi (channel) between a living matter and the energy field. When a chakra is open in can absorb "Prana".
•Our bodies can emit a form of light or energy known as "Auras".

I would be also to get some insight from you spiritual buff or advocates, I'm trying to get a better understanding of the universe thats all. lol sounds so simple....

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 04:45 PM
I believe that ENERGY is found in EVERYTHING, material and spiritual.

Energy, those little molecules, are in everything. As you said, the you 'dig' the more you find that at the heart of the smallest quark is.........nothing.

How is that possible?

Energy is seen and it is unseen to the physical eye and body.

There is energy in the table you sit at, energy in the metal of your fork or knife, in trees, plants, in everything,
We are energy beings. We are comprised of a physical body, mental body, and spiritual body. all are different forms of energy.

That's MY take on it.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 01:00 AM
I agree with you that all matter possess energy and may emit. I also agree that there are different type of energies as well, but I really don't understand how it relates and bind the physical world and the spiritual world together. The science of manipulating them.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 03:34 AM
Energy is also Matter that is found between any component. The human body has Electrons and such, but what is between them is the energy/matter. Everything is made up from matter. Is matter even an english word or am I translating wrongly here? Particles also vibrate and such...well just read up on science and you'll get the point.

Thing is people give a lot of different names to the same things. So read up on the definitions behind the words.


posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 12:29 AM
Enya, I believe the kind of energy Bluff asks about is not the same as earthly energy. It does seem to have a lot of the same characteristics, but it seems to be phase shifted. For instance, telekinesis, which is nothing more than demons from hell pushing things around at the same time you think you are, to deceive you into believing you have power, this is not the usual exertion of pressure.

In reports I have read from circles of spiritual mediums, the spirit levitates an object at the request of several people. The aftermath is to leave them with a sick feeling. The price you pay for entertainment. IN another report here on this ATS site, a person saw some brownies go up in the air.

It is my opinion, and I mean no disrespect for your desire to do telekinesis, it is dangerous. Because you risk the sickness in exchange for evil spirits willingness to perform as a partner. what you are really inviting is possessional control of all mind faculties.

anyways, my beliefs and opinions are my own and you have freedom of choice to do what you will............the choice is yours, work on moving a pen on the desk for the next howmany ever years, or pick it up and put it where you want
in about 3 seconds.



posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 12:32 AM
"Energy can be manipulated by the living. "

opposite and equal reaction

" the living can be manipulated by the energy."

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 01:40 AM
Hello Frinds:

This my view on this one: Every thing around us is made of energy,
we are made of pure enrgy and energy can be change and move but
it can not be destroy.
So!, because we are energy(our soul) can not be destroy the I figure
our soul or spirit lasts for ever,Ok?

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 03:59 AM
Depends what type of energy you talk about. If you talk about the absolute energy then yes it can not be explained by words.

However...if you're talking about the energies that magick/psionics/new-agers use then yes it is the matter between the Alpha and the Omega. Which when trained well enough people can influence to manipulate point A and B connected through the matter/energy. It is what is given to us from the Absolute reality in order to make our own Relative Reality.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 06:13 AM
I'm not sure if this will help you one your quest to find out what energy truely is but, here goes.

I feel that I have the ability to see energy in it's purest form. It's kinda hard to describe but, I'll try my best. When I look at something, I see it vibrating super fast almost like a sort of TV fuzz and it is seethrough(that's the only way I can describe it). It's extremely prevelant when the lights are out or I'm outside at night. Imagine a seethrough and very fine TV fuzz over everything.

It's hard to tell when it started, but I do not remember this as a child. As for an estimate, I'd have to say that it began when I was around 11-13 years of age and I'm 20 now. It's really weird, because it almost crept up on me over a three year period. The first true memory I have of seeing this, I was looking a clouds with a buddy of mine and I noticed that what apeared to be trillions of molicules quickly bouncing around inbetween the clouds. I asked him if he saw this and he said, "nope, it's just plain blue" and told me I was crazy lol.

Even weirder, but really not, is that I've been able to see distinct differences in it's intensity(varying from place to place and object to object). I noticed this while sitting inside of a revolutionary era covered bridge(that is suposedly haunted) at night a year ago. That was the first time that it appeared extremely intense to me. I had no weird sensations or thoughts but, I could see this clear TV fuzz almost flowing towards the ground. Also I've realized that, before I noticed I could see varying intesities, the 'fuzz' I would see had color to it. Now the color has disapeered, strange but maybe it part of a progression of sorts.

Another example is looking at the screen on my computer as opposed to the screen on my television. The computer screen 'vibrates' much faster but more fine(as in smaller particles) than the screen on my TV, or even the celling in my room or anything else around me at this time.

I do not have any vision problems, psycological dissorders, or brain tumors. I have been screened for all atleast once, have had many eye exames, a few CAT scans for head injuries, and when I was 14 I had a bout of depression and all possibilities of mental illness were ruled out by multiple docters. I've asked doctors about it and the response that I get, is that it is normal but not very common. My assumption is that if I'm really seeing energy then most people are not aware of it.

All in all, I'd like to know if there is a way to fine tune this 'ability'. And if it has a practical use, besides personal knolage.


posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by ReginalBigsby
I'm not sure if this will help you one your quest to find out what energy truely is but, here goes.

I feel that I have the ability to see energy in it's purest form. It's kinda hard to describe but, I'll try my best. When I look at something, I see it vibrating super fast almost like a sort of TV fuzz and it is seethrough(that's the only way I can describe it). It's extremely prevelant when the lights are out or I'm outside at night. Imagine a seethrough and very fine TV fuzz over everything.

It's hard to tell when it started, but I do not remember this as a child. As for an estimate, I'd have to say that it began when I was around 11-13 years of age and I'm 20 now. It's really weird, because it almost crept up on me over a three year period. The first true memory I have of seeing this, I was looking a clouds with a buddy of mine and I noticed that what apeared to be trillions of molicules quickly bouncing around inbetween the clouds. I asked him if he saw this and he said, "nope, it's just plain blue" and told me I was crazy lol.

Even weirder, but really not, is that I've been able to see distinct differences in it's intensity(varying from place to place and object to object). I noticed this while sitting inside of a revolutionary era covered bridge(that is suposedly haunted) at night a year ago. That was the first time that it appeared extremely intense to me. I had no weird sensations or thoughts but, I could see this clear TV fuzz almost flowing towards the ground. Also I've realized that, before I noticed I could see varying intesities, the 'fuzz' I would see had color to it. Now the color has disapeered, strange but maybe it part of a progression of sorts.

Another example is looking at the screen on my computer as opposed to the screen on my television. The computer screen 'vibrates' much faster but more fine(as in smaller particles) than the screen on my TV, or even the celling in my room or anything else around me at this time.

I do not have any vision problems, psycological dissorders, or brain tumors. I have been screened for all atleast once, have had many eye exames, a few CAT scans for head injuries, and when I was 14 I had a bout of depression and all possibilities of mental illness were ruled out by multiple docters. I've asked doctors about it and the response that I get, is that it is normal but not very common. My assumption is that if I'm really seeing energy then most people are not aware of it.

All in all, I'd like to know if there is a way to fine tune this 'ability'. And if it has a practical use, besides personal knolage.

Reg.....going borrow your breakdancer......

started to type this once before and hit the control button and erased it all.

The energy yo write of I have seen a lot of different times since about 1998.

through it come visions of hell, from hellish gorillas with horns like cows come blasts of this energy straight at me, and big bunches of it like upside down bowls came over me like I was a bug under a cup. You can try using it if you want, it will end up using you, my opinion.

At the end of a meditational fast and no sleep for several days, I layed down only to have a cloud of this energy try to ram me down the throat and choke me to death. This happened more than once.

It followed me walking down a road for seveeral miles. A sheet of it just off the ground as big as a football field hit me between the legs sitting in a truck at a gas station at night. Pardon the idea, but this energy whore is the slut from hell.

If it ever gets around you, it feels like your being crawled on by bugs. So I call it the bug energy. I'm getting by that stage of my life with a lot more technique than I have time to write about now.

My suggestion is that you look the other way and avoid seeing it anyway you can. It effects everyone on this planet. This is my opinion, because I see it around peoples faces. Makes them look depressed, I get in close and see the real them, sometimes they are happy, sometimes angry.
But ya know if everybody sees you as depressed, and thinks you are when your not, what happens?

Okay this is what happens. They be sending out the brainwave vibes, " hey that person looks depressed" pretty soon you are wondering why you feel depressed. It's because all that telepathic brainwave opinion of you is getting picked up by your subconscious. The bug energy is out to make the whole world unhappy, may be original sin. Causes fights between my animals, a blob of it crawled along the ground, when they both went up to sniff it, it disappeared and left the dogs growling at each other. Saw this out the window.

I don't know what it is. But it is everywhere on the planet and it makes greedy, scared, jealous fools out of a lot of people. Helps in a lot of negative telepathic incoming too, sentences, real disgusting mental pictures, and some bad feelings outta nowhere.

You may have the good version back east, I dunno. You may have the young adults version, I got the late 40's package deal. I hope you can relate to the possiblility of a real dangerous time coming your way though, just on the outside chance the trillions of tiny particles that move about as fast as you walk, and seem to be electrrically charged, what I see as demonic energy from hell, are the same. Geting angry at it made it go hide in boxes of stuff at first, but it came creeping around again. The sheet be bad a$$.

Makes people who think themselves brillant spout off a lot of ignorant, superstitous stuff about reincarnation too. It just plays the heck outta anyone, I'm sure of it. Dayum, where the ghostbusters when you need them. There gotta be a way to knock this bug energy outta the air with a electromagnetic lazer canon on top of a car. But ain't gonna happen, I think it is from anti matter contamination, like a pieces of the black hole in your face, and dang if it don't suck every bit of happiness out of ya by being a pain. And I mean a pain about every where your body is, including inside. It comes thru rainstorms and fire. The bug energy has no mercy or love for any living thing, guess it wants more company in hell. It makes Iraq terrorists like like sweet 6 year old girls at a birthday party. It turns brother against brother, nation against nation and can even turn a person against themselves. But who gonna believe me, I ain't nobody important, all I done is seen about 50,000 ghosts. Who gonna believe that? I don't care who believe me, ain't my job to save the people wanna get in tight with the devil.

To bad the devil told me they was all one, and then I taught one demon one thing and the rest didn't know it. Seems the devil is a liar. But then come to think of it, there aren't to many murderers that tell the truth, now are there?

Honor Seed

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by HS

Reg.....going borrow your breakdancer......

Honor Seed

Hehe, no problem, I borowed him from some else a few years back anyway, Hammer gets around. Anytime is Hammer time, lol.

Anyways, thanks for giving me your insights into my post. I appreciate and respect your views. I hate to sound like a non believer(because I really do believe), but me and you have a very different view on the world and the things around us. Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong, nobody but you and a select few will ever know(which is the sad part). I see things from a much more(i don't know how to put it but this) scientific view, but some might not call it that(some may say heretical or blasphemous).

I believe that heaven and hell, demons and angels, are a subconscious thing that some are able to manifest. Subconscious is manifested in the physical world by all of us in different ways, everyone is unique. I have never witnessed this "evil sheet"(as you see it) or "energy/fuzz"(as I see it) creep upon me or animals. I mearlly see it flow like water in certain places, never sentient beings. When you talk about these visions you've had, I feel that it could be spirits effecting your subconscious. Consequently you manifest it through abilities that are unknown to 99% of people. These spirits clearly want something of you or are curious of your ability(in my opinion).

Regarding heaven and hell. Ever since I could remember I could not see it as logical thing. Little kids aren't suposed to think like that, but I did; and gave up Catholicism at a very young age(and haven't looked back since). But what I do believe about it(after fine tuning my concrete thought) is that it relates to the subconscious; which I believe is your soul's thoughts. If you are a truely bad person(or feel that you are), then those thoughts are going to sit in your subconscious/soul, whether you like it or not. If you believe in heaven or hell, or if these thoughts are strongly instilled in your subconscious, then your soul will put you there in the afterlife. Your mind/soul will manifest this in the higher state of being(afterlife).

I just can't see these places(heaven/hell) as logical. Even the former pope himself has said that they are not a reality, as in a physical place. Don't get me wrong now, I'm not a bad person, and I'm not discounting you or your visions. I just think everyone's reality is slightly different, we are beings of perception afterall.

Abstract, yes I know lol.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:44 PM
First, your title... How does energy relate to the spirtual world?

Why do we call the spirit world, 'the spirit world'? (I personaly call it the non-physical world). The spirits are people, just like you and me - but they have no body right? We are all (everything is) made of energy. We are physical matter (3D, have a body). Physical matter is physical (touchable) because it is trapped energy. Ooo... bad wording.
Try again.
We are all made of energy - living and spiritual. The difference is that the spiritual beings are no longer trapped in their body...they are no longer 'trapped energy'. Physical 3D matter is just trapped energy. Kind of like steam. Steam = spirit and water or ice = us in the body (the solid matter - trapped energy.)

Wow. I am really having a bad time convaying via words tonight. Forgive me - I go through these funks

You might want to grab my attention and ask me again later... I am actualy quit learned in all this.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 04:13 PM
Hello Friends:

I kind of agree with Angela, We are energy our fisical form are nothing
but a vessel. Ok with that out of the way- people spirits is energy
that changes from fisical to spiritual but energy none the less.
So the soul changed energy, survives our bodies. like Angela said:
like changing liquid into a vapor we are still there!!!

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 08:36 PM
Thank you warriorwolfpr.
There are times when my brain seems to 'check out' and I go on robot mode. The ideas and understanding is all there - but getting it out is a whloe nother ball game at that point. LOL

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 09:05 PM
Sorry for the long delayed reply....


I think what you said makes alot of sense to me, you explain how spirits and souls are "trapped energy", what are your other opinion about energy, lol you did say to grab your attention? I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, I'm just curious as to what people have to say.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by skyblueff0

I think what you said makes alot of sense to me, you explain how spirits and souls are "trapped energy", what are your other opinion about energy, lol you did say to grab your attention? I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, I'm just curious as to what people have to say.

Everything is made of energy (which I probably said in the previous reply.
As you know, people are sensative to different things. Some squint when the lights go on (I do that)... they are sensative to light. Some are sensative to noise or certain high or low sounds etc. I am sensative to energy. I am sensative to it in many different ways. This is my 'reasoning' behind what people call paranormal. (I don't believe there is a 'paranormal' per say...I believe that there are just alot of people who don't know what all is our there.) I know that so many things exist because I'm sensative to it - I precieve it.
Like the wrinkle in the sheets. My guy don't understand how a little wrinkle in the sheets or Pj's can wake me out of a sound sleep.... As far as he's concerned, there is no wrinkle in the sheets. I precieve it, he don't. I'm sesative to it, he is not. Turn him over and look at the sheets - there IS a wrinkle. Just because he don't precieve it (isn't aware of it) doesn't make it imaginary.
That being said - this is why energy is so useful to me and those like me. If you can't precieve something (feel, see or touch etc) it would be hard to 'use' it. Because I can precieve it in many ways - I am able to use it.

What would I use it for? (I'll do my best to make this short and sweet)

Sensing the energy of the body and being able to manipulate it and transfer it allows me to be able to sense/feel problemed areas of the body, help the body to strengthen and heal itself (physical and mental/emotional). Using the energy can allow you to help eaze pain and lower blood pressure, get a females cycle to start, end etc. It can help you to understand why a person may think or feel a certain way (giving you a much more understanding way of dealing with people and their problems).

Precieving energy also allows me to answer the questions on the forum like "Is there a ghost in my house?" or "Is my Uncle trying to contact me?" or "Was this dream a message or just a dream?" It allows for some form (loosley) of understanding of the presence of those who are no longer 'trapped energy' (physical in nature).

It allows me to 'get a feel' for a persons personality and charicatar, know if they are lieing or hiding something from me. I know if the person I've never met before is a 'good guy' or 'bad guy' or something inbetween that can't be trusted.

Knowing that everything is energy and that it is possible to manipulate it allows me to wipe clean all the negative garbage that I might be hanging on to. (In simpler words... it helps me to get rid of the bitchiness) LOL
Feeling the energy allows me to know that grandma 3 states away needs help or that someone is thinking about me and maybe I should call them.

The list is endless because the energy is endless.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 06:30 PM

That's pretty interesting, and yes I did have a few laugh! Well, I'm glad you can find uses to these energies and what not!!

I too am able to see see auras, and energy (i think). But, this is where it ends, I know I can see auras but can you tell me why they all look the same to me, it really has no distant color to me, I just seems like the object's surrounding is disturb, kind of hard to describe. Well, maybe one day I can use energy to its full potential.

Anyways! thanks for the respond!!

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