posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 09:06 AM
I am going to say either the plot, characters, or a famous line of a past or present TV show. Just name the show.
1.Which show do Danny, Jessie, Nicky and Alex belong to?
2. Who shot JR?" What show did this remark come from?
3. This is my boyfriend Bu-ud!" What show did this remark come from?
4. Did I do that?" What show did this remark come from?
5. Do buffalos have wings?" What show did this remark come from?
6. A family struggling through the hard times of the Great Depression era.
7. What chu' talkin' 'bout Willis?" What show did this saying come from?
8. What show do Natalie, Jo, Blair, Tootie belong to?
9. Dy-no-mite!" What show did this saying come from?
10. Nip it, Nip it in the bud!" What show did this come from?