posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 03:46 AM
In my encounter with they were small and gray wearing some sort of robe about 3-4 feet tall they were pulling me and must've gained control of me
somehow, the house we live in is built on the side of a mountain the front yard there is a drop off almost straight down, very easy to fall about a
100 feet, you practicallyhave to crawl up it and they were determined to just walk straight off and I was terrified, trying to tell them there was a
driveway, they justpulled me straight out, I was sure I was going to fall but we just floated and then I became aware of the power lines strung in
front of my house, I was screaming at them but we missed them they seemed annoyed and disgusted by my screams, finaaly I settled down and thought it
was cool to be floating above (my Mom's house)the house next door and knew we were headed to the ship but that is all I recall except what I wrote
above. I do know everyday I went to see my Mom but oddly for some reason I could not remember to ask her if she heard anything that night even though
most of the time that was my reason for going to see her when I finally did ask she said no.