posted on Oct, 1 2003 @ 02:25 AM
Two women will hear on Wednesday if they have won the right to use their frozen embryos against the will of their former partners.
Earlier in the case, Muiris Lyons, the women's solicitor, said: "The case raises important legal, moral and ethical issues as to the rights of an
embryo, its status and position in law, and the competing interests of a woman desperate to become a mother and a man who has no wish to become a
"The judge has got to balance a woman's right to become a mother in these circumstances, with a potential father's right not to become a
But Ian Mackay, of Families Need Fathers, said: "I can understand the anguish of some of these people who would very much like to have children, but
we also must not lose sight of the importance of the children having both parents involved in their life.
"Maybe we are thinking too much of the rights of women to have children, and not sufficiently about the rights of the children."
So, if the embryo has been chilling does that give the father the right to pull out?
Are the women thinking only about themselves?
Does this go back to an abortion theme?