posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 04:55 AM
the last three nights telepathic influx of bad vibes have been fear for no reason, lust for money, and the fear of lack of knowledge in that order. OF
the 3, the greed night yielded the best sleep with not many dreams connecting for memory on wake up. Tonight is a situation with jealousy about
someone elses knowledge involved. I asked the question to myself why people are such poor communicators when they do communicate, not including key
information like they want to spend a longer time with me being curious at them, perhaps addicted to my curious which is linked to my happy instead of
my anger like a lot of peoples. Also the tilt on jealousy about others knowledge is a reason that people argue about politics and religeon to the
finest intangible detail for which the only remedy is to agree on all labels before even starting a discussion.
It is interesting to me that the fear, geed and jealousy have come these last three nights for I have called this the devils trident and indeed we
have just passed 6.6.6 in the times. That is June 6, 2006. Much is revealed to me in dreams about peoples problems and my physical condition was not
feeling good at all until the midnite of 6.6.6. I believe these time vortexes have worldly implications. For those not aware of them, yesterday, 6.6.6
will have some pronounced effects starting today and perhaps to last them the rest of their lives. I cannot give them my pity or sympathy even lest
they have no chance or hope of redemption. It appears I have tipped the scales on a worldly telepathic level and the door has closed, the timegate has
locked, the powerful portal of enlightenment is shut. For I too am part of this wicked generation believing in signs, yet many deceived ones do not
see what I see and hear what I hear. The intense high pitched whine of the atmosphere this last day yielded a kind of treading water activity from me,
I kept close to numerous activities inside even though it turned sunny. It behooves those who would like to stay away from the path of protection from
fear and listening to what others will say of you after you're gone to be more dignified on the path to healing oneself. A noted tendency to recite
the teachings of the ancient ones like Buddha and Jesus without living this way and teaching by example and inner thoughts and feelings coming out in
action shows a conceit in the wisdon. A conceit, a pride without reason upon which many stumble off the narrow path of healing. A teacher must heal
himself, and who that talks of politics and religeon is not a teacher? None. Even those who have questions instead of answers are teachers to those of
us willing to listen. And to me, very few listen, it is the greed for riches that shadows their ability to hear (or read) the truth. The integrity,
the honesty when no else will ever know what happened with the incoming common consciousness of telepathic people interacts with me, reacating just
like a real person with each and every individual on earth, has to be treated with respect. For there is part of it that can be informed and saved the
fate of having no freedom of choice.
How would someone know now they have no freedom of choice if they follow the fate of the masses telepathically? The answer is they don't know that
the future is fixed for them based on the negative mass movemnet of society. Doing art for the sake of doing art is a positive mass movement. It is
based on individual reactions unique to a persons incredibly diverse preferences. It is not talk, it is action. Art is the beginning of wisdom, along
the trail of motivation through the land of knowledge to the destination named action. Deeds, by which we are all known, are the conclusion of such
plans made in the halls of wisdom. The halls of wisdom are the synapse paths between the memories of our neurons. If one passes through these halls of
wisdom to quickly, happy or not, the end result is wrong turns, actions not worthy of self and a general inertia of looking forward to fun stuff the
older we get. It is best to attempt new things in art to reenforce the feeling of accomplishment when we are younger, like succeeding at learning to
ride a bicycle. In this way, it always possibly for anyone, no matter how old or young they are, to cross that bridge in the land of knowledge. For
motivation is the path through knowledge from the halls of wisdom to the land of action and the bridge of accomplishment the notion that conveys there
is a chasm of common consciousness that must be crossed in the middle of that land of knowledge. I am like that bridge over the deep primeval gorge
with the dream stream far below. It runs at 90 degrees to the path of knowledge, it is the common telepathic consciousness which divides the brain,
dries the water from the land of the body and to which all will return on someday to an ocean of spirtual love which holds much of your understanding
you may never have in your lifetime unless you can take responsibility for your own decisions. For those who do not wish to understand themselves and
relate to people properly, they have the greed, fear and jealousy to power them in their fate. 'Gonna be rich' and 'gonna have a house' are the
telepathic words I just received around 2 am while many near here sleep on the bridge of dreams over the babbling river of common consciousness day
after day. Molten lava this river will turn to for them someday. It will not carry their spirit to the ocean of love at the end. Their motivation
planned in the halls of wisdom will not get them past this bridge. They are stuck in the conceit of their own knowledge. "For these people, you
cannot teach them something unless they already know it." Their emotion curious is rooted in the mire of anger not happiness, they do not learn daily
that the art of life is action doing artful deeds they have never done before. They are stuck in the quicksand of mediocrity, building houses that
look like each other, wearing clothes that look like each other, doing the same work everyday. They have no interests and hobbies at an older age.
They die old while still young at 100 years or before. They are bored with themselves and sometimes try to travel a lot in later years looking to be
entertained by new sights, the same is true of some younger people.
The details one can pay attention to doing a small piece of artwork are better than anything I can offer for advice to cross the river, the dream
stream.. .........