posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 08:12 PM
Today in my store a group of 3 older(50ish) women came in and wandered around without saying too much. As they were leaving, the prettiest one said
"You've got a lot of pagan things in here.". I was a bit shocked that she said that, I smiled and nodded my head and they left. About 2 minutes
later that same "pretty lady" came back and handed me a religious tract and said "I thought you should read this.". The tract was titled "Heaven
or Hell, it's your choice". I told her "thank you" and she left. Then I thought about it a bit and got a little mad about the whole
We sell candles, incense, fairies, dragons, chinese figurines, wind chimes, beer and wine making supplies, and hand blown glass pipes and accessories.
All of this is painted on our window, these ladies had to know what they were going to see when they entered our store.
What I need ideas for is I want a "really good" reply for people that say things like she did. I don't want to insult, be mean, or put them down in
any way. Just a reply that would make them think about how close minded they are. Something that might make her eyes get big and not know what to
say.... Get the idea?
Thanks for any input!