posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 06:43 PM
Alright, this indeed may be way out of the ordinary but I'm simply looking for explanation about this and curious if anyone else has EVER noticed
For a period of about a month a few years ago, I used to walk out to a ledge near a forest and sit and take pictures of the sunset. However on one
particular day as I was walking towards the ledge I looked up towards the sky for a VERY brief second and I noticed the most distinct flash of light
above me. As if it was a flash of light from a camera.. but it looked more like a star. It was so unexplainable. It was so distinct and real and I can
see it even now in my memory. I looked up straight above me, and saw what actually seemed like a twinke but it was so real.. like the brightness of a
distance star showing up then dissappearing. The time of day was not even close enough to warrant twilight stars.. I'm just looking for a possible
answer that's all.